插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


Sorry that I've been inactive, there has been many things going on and I've been losing motivation to draw lately. QnA pt.2 will be delayed and I'll try to publish it as soon as I can. I'm also starting to work on a comic a friend wanted me to illustrate so I'm kinda multitasking here. Posting schedules will be very wonky so brace yourselves-

Plus, I'm going to redesign Kalayaan so she doesn't look like my main oc and confuse the viewers, and I might make a contest about redesigning her.


help me-

Idk what to draw so I’ll take any requests in the comments. And here is a small animation gif that I made :)


  • > KamiQutie:))) okii

  • > corne3t I would love to draw your request! Might take a while since I’m working on another request :)

  • hello so i invited you to a group with me and dragonfruit u can join if you want (obviously) also could you draw my dragon moonsilk? he can be found here in the hybrids section https://medibang.com/book/pt2101080736428330016472082/view/ ty (also if you cant draw wings of fire dragons you dont have to draw this request)

  • > KamiQutie:))) sweeet ty i'll draw you bc i too have artist block

C O N T E S T >:3

My banner sucks so whoever designs the best banner for me will win 🙃

1st place: their entry will be my new banner for my page; 3 requests; and a shoutout
2nd place: 2 requests and a shoutout
3rd place: 1request and a shoutout

The contest deadline is on Feb.14 (my birthday)

Hope you’ll join!


  • > KamiQutie:))) i finished check the reply bellow me

  • https://medibang.com/picture/rw2102030146237540016472082/?mdp_Android

  • wait wrong link

  • > corne3t Of course you can join! I can extend the deadline if your arm is still healing

I has qUeStIoN-

How the fridge do you message a friend on MediBang??? Ew I sound like a boomer who is using an iPhone for the first time-

Plz help me :’)


  • Ok thanks! :)))

  • ok, you click on your profile and scroll down to where it says "messages". you click on that, and I think you can send messages from there :>

  • I literally figured this out like yesterday, if you click on your profile pic in the top right and scroll down, you should be able to see a button that says “messages” Hope this helps!

  • oof- it took me a few months to figure that out too- lemme go check-