Both yesterday and today I stayed home with my cat Skittles; I did a few things.
Drawing: Yesterday, I finished the main characters part final with Fantasy User New designs.
News: Next month or next year, I will be writing about myself. Don’t worry, I will return to write and draw after I finish making a book about myself.
Yesterday, my siblings came to Boxing Bay after I did a few things.
Today, Dad picked me up from Mum's place and to my uncle's place to get some for my cat Skittles, have lunch, and buy food. Then, I played games, reading and working on Universe of Fantasy.
Today was Christmas Day. I opened my presents and had a special breakfast before going back to Mum's place.
Yesterday, Ellie and I went to the mall.
Today, Dad and I went to the mall for stuff before lunch.
New Year 2025
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10th Anniversary of Big Hero 6
10th Anniversary of Big Hero 6
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Main Characters Part Final FU New Body Design
Got a first like!
Merry Christmas of 2024!
Main Characters Part Final FU New Body Design
Drawing: I finish Rusty Fantasy User design to colour it. Next is Kate Houston to colour Kate Fantasy User design.
Two days ago, Mum picked me up at dad's place. Then Dad and I went to the mall for Christmas and then had ice cream. It was really nice after we got a few Christmas presents.
Yesterday, we went to our cousin's place for both lunch and dinner.
I read, played games, made videos, and worked on the Universe of Fantasy after exercising yesterday.
Today, I went to the store for exercise and got an ice cream from the summer, read, games and worked on Universe of Fantasy.
Tomorrow I am back at Dad's place because of my family Christmas.
Today, Dad and I went to the store for my family's Christmas presents before Boxing Day. Then, I exercised, read, played games, and worked on Universe of Fantasy. Then, Mum took me to her place.
Yesterday I did a few things before Ellie's show to help me with my story but I was sick.
Today Dad and I went to the mall to buy lunch and other stuff from the stores. I did a few things.
Merry Christmas of 2024!
Today Dad and I went to the Coffee Club for lunch after I played the Switch, and then we visited my sister's place for a little while later. After that, I did reading, playing more games and working on Universe of Fantasy.
Tomorrow there is something I have a lot of more important things about next year and more important stuff to come with plans.
Write: I have finished episode 12 chapter 24, next is the death ending of episode 12 before the next chapter of episode 12.
Today I played games, read, relaxed, exercised, made our own dinner and worked on Universe of Fantasy.
Today Mum picked me up at Dad's place for this weekend, and then Dad took me to the doctor for a blood test and I fell asleep after that. I did a blood test. And then Dad took it, Mum picked me up from Playing games, reading and working on the playing and Then Universe of Fantasy. I also read and worked on my own dinner before tomorrow.
At the Transition of my last year and the day, we cleaned up the place and had some pizza and hot chips.
Then, the taxi driver said goodbye to me after getting home at 12pm before I had done a few things and had dinner for the day.
Tomorrow I will be working on my first book about myself.
At Abilities, I was about to do new stuff, but there were no new things to do, so I continued to do the bags for the last time because it was my last day at Abilities, so I wouldn’t be able to go there anymore! I am finally free at least!😆
Anyway, once I got home. I did a little sleep before playing my games.
And tomorrow will be my last day in transition.
At Transition in Team 1, we went to Les Mills for the last day, then we wrote about our transition life and we did free time.
After that, at Cartoon Class for the day as well as I drew and wrote Universe of Fantasy and had dinner.
Then the last thing I did at dad place was play games.
At Transition in Team 1, we did the cafe and money skills.
After that, Ellie and I did Christmas shopping for my family and had dinner with them.
Then, I read and wrote The Universe of Fantasy.
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10th Anniversary of Sonic Boom
10th Anniversary of Sonic Boom
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Rusty Fantasy User Full Design
Has more than 50 views!
Thuci and Umurm Group Concept Settei
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