Make sure that you turn in your contest entries for my CONTEST TOMORROW!
> <
——- If you need an extension please let me know under my contest or this topic post.
I can’t wait to see how everyone did!😆
Avo- good day/ night❤️🥑

Sister’s Account/ Other Work: @✨DoodlePandaaa✨
My FIRST level 3!!!!😭🥳
Thank you all so much! ❤️🥑
I got a LEVEL 2 for my Lumity illustration!!!
Thank you all for the support!🥰
—- if you haven’t seen it yet, here ya go😉👌🏼:
Have you guys heard ✨IMBALANCE✨ yet? (The newest song addition to the NEW ATLA musical?!?!?). It’s literally SO GOOD! I’ve listened to it 7 times already and it just came out a few minutes ago. PLEASE CHECK IT OUT!😭🥺✊🏼
If you are wanting join my contest make sure to submit your entries BEFORE May 5:
----- I only have 2 submitted illustrations, so please join/ finish! :)
----- If you need the due date to be extended, please let me know so that I don't miss your beautiful illustrations >3
*****Make sure to also comment in the comment section of the post your URL or that you have finished so that I can look at your entry from your page. If not, they will not be seen!!!*****
If you want to join my contest look at this link:
I’m extending the DUE DATE until MAY 5🎉. Make sure to post your contest entries in the comment section of my post! I look forward to seeing all of your recreations of my profile picture😆❤️🥑
We got “👀” to Level 2!!!! Thank you all so much! Have a great weekend!!!🥰
Please go follow this human being🤩:
—- Their art is absolutely incredible and deserve more credit! 🥑✊🏼
Let's keep on trying to get this to a LEVEL 2! I know we can do it!
***In the mean time, enjoy these photos I uploaded for a presentation UwU***
Make sure to also check out my latest illustration:
Thank you all for your support. I greatly appreciate it :,) >3
I’ve worked really hard on this. Can we please try to get this to a level 2 ?
It would mean a lot for me😭❤️🥑.
To celebrate my surpass of 30 followers, enter my CONTEST!:
You all only have ONE WEEK (due: April 30th) left to turn your entries in!
—- make sure you post the URL of your contest entry in the comments or else they will not be seen!
—- Prizes 🏆:
1st: 2 requests & shoutout
2nd: 1 request & shoutout
3rd: shoutout
I hope you all avo- good day/ night❤️🥑
Only after one week with 30, I have reached over 50 followers!!! Thank you all so much!!!! :')
Remember to join my CONTEST to celebrate the 30 follower milestone!:
> zozo Thank you so much! Same to you as well! :)
hope get more and more!
I have officially passed d 30 follower mark!!!🤩✊🏼 I couldn’t have done this without u guys!!!!! Thank u ALL sm!!!🥑❤️🥑❤️🥑 A contest will be coming ur way shortly😏😉
> Dinosaurous Thank uuuu!!!
> leafperson Thx sm!!!
Congrats!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳
We need to get serious. . .
Does pineapple 🍍 and/ or ranch 🥕belong on pizza🍕? In MY opinion, both taste ✨delicious✨ If u don’t like it/ haven’t tried it, u r missing out!
Avo- good day/ night!🥑
(> sry dis was out of d blue. It was meant to tie into d new illustration dat I’ll be uploading soon😉🤗)
I’m going to be gone for a while (40 days) after today. I gave up MediBang (including drawing, posting, and interacting on d app) for Lent🙏🏼. So no posts or likes will be seen from me in awhile😭. I will be supporting ur guys’ art regardless of being physically on d app🤩✊🏼. I can’t wait to c wot u guys create after I get back!!!🤗
cya :)
Remember, u don’t need a bf or gf. If u love ur family, dats d best Valentine’s u can ever get🥰.
A couple days ago my siblings and I watched Tim Burton’s Alice In Wonderland 🐰 🕰 . So, my brother wanted me to draw the Cheshire Cat🐱 . This is his rough draft that he drew for me. . .
I don’t know what I’m getting myself into. But I’m willing to do it😅✊🏼
Stay tuned. . .
Things are about to get interesting. . .
- Two Styles, One Drawing. . .
- Disney Princess SpiderMan???
Do you like avocados???👁👄👁🥑
I like guakamolli (I have a feeling I spelled that very wrong)
Congrats!!!!! 🎉🎊 🥳