Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Okay this is my first time with ibis

How tf do you get this back to normal-??

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  • > aubreylikescookiez LMAO ID PROBABLY DO TGE SAME THING

  • I used ibis paint on my friends phone, and she tried to use MediBang on my tablet, she said "how the h-e double hockey sticks do YOU USE THIS?!" We both ended up having odd pictures bc we didn't know how to use each other's different software's 💀✋

  • > ali-chi Bruh moment indeedo

  • > ẞ Bruh moment

Aro problems

Me: mom do you think love is overrated??
Mom: definitely not everyone finds someone special. You'll find true love and know it when you find that person

Me: I want to adopt when Im 30
Mom: great you can get a partner to help
Me: well I could have a roommate?
Mom: why would you want a friend to help with your child?
Me: dunno Im never going to get married
Mom: I'll remind you of this when you get married
Me: . . .

Mom: *talks about important relationship advice
Me: nah I'm more of a cat person myself
Mom: m h m

Is it just me?? I've been dropping hints but I don't think she's getting it lmao

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  • > ẞ Sweet .,.

  • > D🐉D I don't think she's intentionally being this way. She probably thinks that oh it's a phase when ya get older you'll understand. I'm planning on telling her on the 30th since it's aro day for pride month B))))

  • > ẞ Yea prob but it sounds real rough, especially when she keeps saying stuff like that

  • > Leieryx She's a great mom and knows I'm pan but juuuust not the aro part. Legit she told me I haven't met the right person yet when I tried dropping hints and I just- W H E E Z E

Heyo can someone help-

I need y'all to help me find my flaaaggg-
I've been labeling it as Pansexual and aromatic but I know it's not exactly those-
Basically I'll date people on their personality, and I expect to date them temporarily. I want to date for the experience, I won't feel exactly a romantic attraction towards them, but I'll still love them in my own way? If that makes sense.
And if it makes me a "slut" or a "whore", then so be it. :/
I've asked irl friends about this and I've been called those things and people say that I'm "scared of commitment" but I'm really not- .-.

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  • I searched up some of the paragraph and it said asexual, but I’m not sure if that’s correct

  • > Lya 👌

  • So I'd be bi or pan??? Thanks for answering, for now I think I'll just follow my heart lol

  • > Lya Bisexual means you are attracted to guys and girls. Pansexual means you are attracted to ones personality and you don't care about their gender, you could like guys, girls, or non-binary pals, or anything in between. Omnisexual means you like all genders.


I'm sorry
I don't know I'm just sorry that I exist
There's nothing more to it
I don't feel sad
But I feel far from happy

I'm sorry

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  • I am a very emotional person and this happens quite a bit you get idk Overly Angry/sad. The key thing is to let it happen and then get over it. Hope fully you feel better soon. 🤗

  • > ẞ of course! im your awesome genderfluid sibling! Here to help you when the birds of despair start picking at your fragile skin! dont judge me im still in 8th grade english

  • > 💙alus That's really sweet lol and I don't think I could ever bring myself to kill myself hopefully. I'm just in a weird mood... Thank you. :)

  • JUMPS FROM SKY AND TACKLES YOU listen even if you dont wanna be alive we want you alive. In the end how you feel but if you run away from life..... you'll lose the people you love the most.

Do you ever wanna just-

Like have H2o pour out from under your bottom eyelid but like-
You're sTuBbOrN and ✨ bottled up✨
Because you think you can handle it but you don't know how much longer it'll last until you just- 👀👀

Because I do 🙃 and I don't fucking know how much longer I can ✨ take it ✨💅💅😳💁😎✨✨💅

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  • Yeah but everyone outside of my room is awake and having fun and I don't want to make someone worry nor ruin their good time...

  • just let it out my cool enby bro

True story

Music teacher: Okay get a sheet of paper and write down ten Valentine's day songs or break up songs.
Me: Yeah but what if i don't listen to any of that because love is fake, overrated, and dead?
Music teacher: I-

Me: is looking at the lyrics for The Love Song from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared*
Music teacher: how is bunnies, rainbows, and beavers related to Valentine's day?
Me: you forgot the love cult and the love God Malcom. >:/ Also it's all about love. u-u
Music teacher: I doubt it
Me: YoU hAvEn'T lIsTeNeD tO iT. Plus I know every word by hEaRt.
Music teacher: Ookayy

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  • > Leieryx IKR LIKE HOW TF--



Bored 💅✨
  • > TheRandomFandom It's fine bro lol-

  • > ẞ Hahah I’m useless in terms of shipping 👉🏻👈🏻😅

  • > TheRandomFandom But seriously lol I just wanted to see what people would come up with

  • > TheRandomFandom *coughs in aromatic pan* AHA- BOY LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY BED AND SLEEPING

🙃 aha- story time

So I can't stop thinking about yesterday of what happened at school. A guy friend of mine looked at my outfit (rainbow knee-high socks, overalls, rainbow suspenders, etc.) for that day and he said that he didn't like how I looked like a girl. 💁 And that I should keep it mixed up, (guessing that he thought because I'm non-binary that I HAVE to look androgynous) and that today I looked too girly and I wasn't supposed to look like that. 👀 Ehem, excuse me but here's a daily reminder that not all goddamn nonbinaries OWE YOU androgyny.🙃 We don't dress up for your approval, we dress up because it's what we feel comfortable with and it's the only time we feel comfortable in our own skin.
Say it with me kids, nonbinaries 👏 don't 👏 owe 👏 you 👏 shit.👏
Have a nice day/night/evening.

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