I have to throw away lots of my old art projects and sculptures but here’s my favorite that I did of my oc melinia
Note this didn’t her color scheme anymore and it never was I was supposed to use different colors n all
:,) I made this in 7th grade

✨oh god sophomore year is coming up✨
✨do not repost my art without my permission or citing it back to me✨
〰don’t be afraid to send friend requests and message me I’m open to talk〰
Animator/storyboard artist
My YouTube- queen Spire
Discord- momma yiff#2088
Refsheet- https://refsheet.net/Queenspire
art info
✨my commissions are open! requests for friends only art trades are open✨
- Horror
Can’t seem to load and upload a drawing I did
I was practicing proportions and idk one of the paws looks big :((( but I tried and I think it looks good
I got inspiration for the pose from uhhh
Lilaira on deviantart
:,) I like feral he’s cool
I really like it!!
This is awesome ahhh
Hi ya I’m stuck in hell///Class for the next half hour so take some doodle n a (really bad) photoshop drawing :,)
Ack thats awesome
So we have 2 submissions so far uwu!
I’m p sure I’m waiting for the other 3 people???? To either confirm they’re doing it or their submissions
No rush just a brief update since I’m sitting in a class and I’ll be here for the next 45 minuets
I might do it today but I'm kinda in a art block qwq
Wish I saw this contest earlier r.i.p
Have older doodles I did n whatnot from the school computer
All my characters uwu
Hi I like drawing photoshop have thease
I have more but I guess I’ll post later
so I might just give out the headshots of some of the lab25 characters
Note theses are the older designs
Some of them are redesigned
Just ask if you wanna know about any of them I’ll happily make a post about them and what makes them special
And or you want their full or current reference
So I only have one submission out of the 3 people who said they were gonna join///
:/ I need to know who’s gonna actually do it aaaa
> FluffyTheMajesticSeaFlapFlap I’m taking the enteries today since they’re due today I’m telling you because I thought you’re still working on it and I only have 3 ppl entered so you might be able to get in the top 3 and get a drawing-I need it soon just tell me if you want to finish and summit it or you rather not.
I'll try to get a submission in ahh
> CrowsPudding Anything you so desire
> MiniCrisps It’s open till this Friday
Sorry I’m late with my part :,) but here he is it’s the boy!!!
Ack so cute
So I’ve owned reaped for about-3 years now??? She’s great
But I’ve redesigned her multiple times because her teeth gets a pain to make but I might just share her multiple designs she’s had over that time
First is from 6th grade?
Second is 8th grade
And last is current
Man I've had too many design changes to one of my characters
I like them all! I like ur 8th grade and ur current one the most tho
she’s less edgy
Hewo I am hosting a contest that’s a first ha
Ok so
The contest is to draw my oc Reaped as well as you can. The winners are chosen on how well the drawing is
Tag the work with queenspirescontest now I can find you and comment to tell me if ur participating uwu!!
First place will get a full body traditional drawing that’s fully colored plus a sketch
Second place gets a half body full color
And third place gets a headshot full color
Note reaped’s underfur doesn’t go to her tail it’s only that color till her groin.
I recommend details to be correct along with coloring but if it’s not that’s okay (I personally mess up details lots.)
Third picture is her color ref
‼️‼️‼️Submissions due: may 23rd
> Yami Check the contest winners post to get your prize
> undefined The winners are in you might wanna check my contest winners post to collect your prize
I guess ill do this if I have the time
> MiniCrisps Fine with me 👌👌
Arc two is when new animals were brought in for testing and experiments. Some were bigger and more unique due to the recent flood at a local zoo that caused animals to escape. Few of the new animals were privately tested and others were with the majority. Reaped is one of them, only around a adalecent husky wolf mix that was used for product testing and medical testing. Few of the others were used for personal gain like Goldie that was able to turn any living organism he touched with his right paw into gold. And others like Charlie and bound who were created in the lab privately. Few others joined too but weren’t able to survive.
Arc two is where reaped gets transformed and her personal hatred to venom and how she and the new animals interact.
Feel free to ask about any or to go into details
So arc one is about the first animals in the lab tested on and created (feral, Melvin, scythe, sinster, flare, brace, grinny and wrath-maybe more.) and how they all fear venom (professor Steve venom, the head scientist at the lab.) they all are slow to meet and now have to stick together due to all the pain and suffering done by the testing. Some animals die often and die brutally. Arc one is based on how the animals interact and stick together through the pain and all.
Feel free to ask about the characters because each one is special to the timeline and are unique in appearance and in abilities.
I might edit this and add more.
> Galladegirl105 I’ve been developing this concept for four years now I try to make it unique
> QueenSpire My sister did a very similar concept to this a year ago. She added some video game characters in it. She wrote all of it on her school computer. She wrote two books in all. I never got to read the second book. Because school was pretty much over. And we are homeschooled now.
> DragonTamer He’s a messed up dude
> DragonTamer Yes that’s professor venom and he’s that lead scientist at the lab
Lab 25 is too complicated at this point to be able to lay out and organize with the interactions of the 13 of the characters backgrounds so I made fake comic covers because I’m thinking of organizing the stories by arcs of pieces of each groups lives
Idk if I should make lab25 a comic it’s complicated and I don’t know if I wanna share it yet.
I love it ack
> QueenSpire Reaped is my favorite character even though i know little of her... She looks and the way she acts when you draw her is cool:>
> CrowsPudding reaped doesn’t appear till arc two but she’s the second most important character in the series next to melinia
> CrowsPudding So arc one is about the first animals in the lab tested on and created (feral, Melvin, scythe, sinster, flare, brace, grinny and wrath-maybe more.) and how they all fear venom (professor Steve venom, the head scientist at the lab.) they all are slow to meet and now have to stick together due to all the pain and suffering done by the testing. Some animals die often and die brutally. Arc one is based on how the animals interact and stick together through the pain and all.
Hhh here
For dragontamer uwu
I like it!
Aww this is adorable
So in follow up to recent art drama I like to say that
Art theft and character theft is a punishable crime in the hundreds of thousands (if your art is copyrighted and if your characters are copyrighted)
so let this be a warning to those who enjoy taking art and reposting without permission and or citing the original back
So taking someone’s art and slapping your watermark over theirs and saying it’s yours is a crime if that work is copyrighted
that’s all I have to say
(I’ve learned and researched this topic multiple times before)
Disgusting art thieves bleck
I use a reference for some things and sometimes I free hand things. But that really depends on what I'm drawing.
I've never personally dealt with an art theif before. As for tracing, I don't really care for it as long as you are crediting the original artist. When I was atleast 8(?? I don't remember) I would trace Pokemon. I stopped doing that a year later tho. I started trying to draw on my own. By that, I mean I doodled on my math homework. X3
> CrowsPudding 50 years old doesn't mean they are good artist, although I get your point.
Taking requests only a few because I can
You gotta be following me for me to actually do the request
Say uwu at the end of the request to know that you actually read this
If you don’t I might still take it but still
I’ll take like 2 or something maybe more
Could I Request Dream Snatcher? His current and updated Ref is: https://dthezntil550i.cloudfront.net/kv/latest/kv1801281729449880003055823/016ac99e-577b-4fce-a1d0-420a7ee1ab4a.png
can you draw glow's and cocoa's children?? uwu they have 3
Answers uwu
For my would geo project I had to make a food so I made a drink
Brought them in tiny shot glasses
Tiny solo cups
And people started taking them like shots :// so half of the ppl didn’t get any
Hi ya I’m bored ask her stuff
What your thoughts on marshmallows?
Whats your favourite food?
I’m in love with that song that yellow diamond did her voice is just ugh wow
God bless
I love Steve Universe ☆☆☆☆
I love the Stevonnie and Garnet duet, it got me in the feels
I’ve been trying to get the size right aaAAAGH
Wonderland animation meme
It’s old
my ocs my animation
It’s the hypernatural character group
Spires In there
And Rubin
Had to cut it sorry
I can’t upload over fuckin 2mb >:(((
> Galladegirl105 Then there’s no solution:/ other than recording with your phone and using a video to gif website
> QueenSpire I don't have my own computer. I also have the new Nintendo 3DS so I need a screwdriver to get the SD card out. ;w;
> Galladegirl105 So gif like this I took a video and used some website, for a gif that’s better just save the flipnote as a gif on ur SD card and open it on a computer and whatnot I can’t exactly recall all of it I’m sure there’s a YouTube tutorial on it
Should I try to make gifs
Like small animations since I know how to do it well
And I’ve noticed ppl have been posting their animations as gifs and I was thinking I could post some of my older ones or just make new ones
Yeah, got for it!🙂
Yes you should, it's an opportunity to show people your animating skills:>
Ok but I feel like if I draw decent borderline nsfw it would get lots of views ?????????? Idk MediBang has lots of nsfw so
> QueenSpire ;w;
> Galladegirl105 Just because you told me not to I have to
Plz don't. ;w;
If I draw and post borderline yiff can I go into the void
You know I’m a woman in highschool
And when I wash my childhood stuffed animals
I don’t say I’m sorry to they after I take them out of the washer and or dryer
Camera turns to me crying after I pet my stuffed animals
Hi ya sorry for not being active
I’m dying over state tests and projects and I have no inspiration anymore because summer is the thing I dread the most and I don’t know if I have it in me to make it through summer
Plus I’m moving and I have boyfriend issues and depression is eating me alike it’s fun fun fun fun fun
It completely fine♡♡ I hope things will turn out better for you ♡♡
Take your time friend!! Stay strong! I believe in u
It's okay! Thing will get better!
If u wanna see my old animations they’re there.
Have a lab25 storyboard till then
Cool ☆
Hi ya I have an itch for animating because I’m gonna ask for my 3ds back
What should I animate???
wonderland meme-hypernatural storyline
Start new animations:
Too scary meme-lab25 using reaped
Ticking meme-lab25 using all the charaters
I can't show you tho.
I started making the wonderland meme. I never finished it. I did finish the Karma meme, the I am the man meme, and the suki suki meme.
> CrowsPudding Yep
I think you should finish the wonderland one... We're talking about those animation memes i see a lot right?
> QueenSpire> QueenSpire Cant wait to ssee
> DemMonkeyzUwU I was thinking about making another one of her since it could be better
whoaaaaa thats cool
Oh my gosh this is incredible