ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
Moon Time
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ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
Moon Time
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Moon Time
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Moon Time
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Moon Time
Moon Time
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drawing 5 months ago
oh yeah that's what I want ,thank you so much everyone!!! i was able to get 100 followers this year I'm very happy , again thanks a lot everyone !!!!
99 ??????
Mirasukiilust liked!
One hundred and one followers!
Mirasukiilust liked!
I start school TOMORROW!!! I’m not as anxious as normal about it, but I’m still pretty anxious. So far I don’t know anyone in any of my classes other than band, the school was rebuilt so now it’s gonna be even more confusing, they changed how they do lunches for some reason, and my classes have different teachers(like, classes I’m in all four years of school that normally have the same teacher unless they quit). Wish me luck ;-;