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The heart
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Favorite color
What you eat when hungry
Favorite music
mostly broadway music
Favorite writer
agatha christie
Thing you interested in
i like my girlfriend Talia and my tumblr
Favorite TV show
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
The heart
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
"Just don't be dead."
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
WataShu - Why Can't I Stop Being the Heroine? Ch. 1 WataShu - Why Can't I Stop Being the Heroine?
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
WataShu - Why Can't I Stop Being the Heroine? Ch. 1 WataShu - Why Can't I Stop Being the Heroine?
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
Any suggestions for what I should draw??
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
I'm getting slightly bored and I'd love to do an art trade with someone! I'd always like to do a few art requests for people!
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
Cat eye practice
fivesecondscookies left a comment!
I'm getting slightly bored and I'd love to do an art trade with someone! I'd always like to do a few art requests for people!