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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
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Art im proud of
Noone missed me as I expected mmm anyways 🍄
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Hey I Got Budsies Account now and order make some Custom Plushies and my mom help created one and make some oc's to plushies
feel welcomed by everyone here or is it just my anger issues and my shitty mind i dont know . i think i might quit because i mean whats the point on being here if i never am gonna get the rewards ? plus my sister always says i suck at drawing that "you only draw furries" "u traced that" , and third is medi only gives rewards to anime artist ? idk i think im over thinking eh imma just take 5 more days and then come back uh yeah idk noone really cares eh anyways bye bye now 👍stay safe i guess?
Hey, don't quit just because Medibang don't give you rewards. Look at me, I haven't any rewards for the first time in years! And don't listen to your sister'cause she's jealous of your art! Your drawings is amazing! You should have a reward for that! And take all the time you need 😊👍
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roblox: catalikwsdraw
a cringe name uWU 🙏
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roblox: catalikwsdraw
a cringe name uWU 🙏
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roblox: catalikwsdraw
a cringe name uWU 🙏
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Ask My Oc, Diane!
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Ask My Oc, Diane!
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roblox: catalikwsdraw
a cringe name uWU 🙏
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Redraw her please ^^
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Ask My Oc, Diane!
ok imma not post anything but as soon as i come back again heres things i would redraw because yes
uh they are cringe tbh
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Ask My Oc, Diane!
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cata clown inspired junko in the anime "exuction"
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I didddd
i misssed uuuuuu