插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Um hi.....

Many of you probably don't know who I am or don't remember me, but I'm Keith, or u can call me Kisu. I like to draw and I had many friends here. Tho some shit happened and I needed a break, I'm back from my hiatus and would like to connect with some of you guys again 😊

I was also considered as a big bro if anyone needs one or just needs to talk, just dm me

Anyway I have drawn some stuff that I'll post in a sec but yeah, I just wanted to get this out here


  • > Hiroshi (Halo) 🥰🥰

  • Welcome back Pebble! i missed you so much

  • > 🎐Milo is tired🎐 Ooooooo nice

  • Ello :O (Lil old ghost here lmao) I SWEAR NOW

Thank you all so so much!!!

This is all thanks to you guys. I'm so appreciative of this. When I started I was just happy to reach ten. So as a thank you I'll be doing any requests you give. This can be character, scene redraws, literally anything. I'll also be holding a contest soon but I'll talk about that in a different topic. Thank you again so so much! Also if you want a custom oc or smthn besides a request, dm me what u want 😁😁😋


  • Congrats!!!!!!

  • Congratulations Bro!!!!!!!!

  • OMG congratulations!!

  • Congrats!

  • > ᴋᴇɪᴛʜ/Dabi//U Damn, you’re lucky!

  • > DrawingCat.🅱️ruh Oof I just love cats and I know what they like

  • > ᴋᴇɪᴛʜ/Dabi//U Noice! I wish I was a cat whisperer, I don’t think my pet cats like me that much :(

  • > DrawingCat.🅱️ruh Mmm yes u have figured me out. I am.... Cat whisperer!

Trick or Treat!!

So Charles_Not_Found is doing an event and I'm one of the members
This is the link for their topic explaining how it works: https://medibang.com/topic/9n2110130219176110020912694/
So if you wanna play, just comment "trick or treat"


  • > 🎃coffeebeano🎃 https://medibang.com/picture/2s2110140535424280019460453/

  • treat

  • > TheLittleC https://medibang.com/picture/2q2110131621073830019460453/

  • > ratwithanx https://medibang.com/picture/0e2110131616491400019460453/?recent=on&adultType=01&itemNo=0&currentPage=1 Trick