Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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진짜 억울해요..

저는 제 그림 맞아요 어제 밤에 1시간 30 걸려서 그림 그린게 맞고요 무트 진짜 아닙니다 인체구도 하나하나 제가 그렸아요 아니 이걸 몰아가면 난 몰라. 근데 제 그림 맞아요 진짜 충격먹음.. 저는 리퀘 의도로 사람을 무트하지 않습니다.. 진짜로 ㅈㅓ는 아무 생각 없이 그린것 뿐이에요 몰아가면 할말이 없죠 저는 제가 증거도 별로 없고 하지만 저는 무트를 하지는 않았어요 진짜 억울합니다 해명문 맞고요, 저 아닙니다. 함부러 의심하지 말아주세요 가뜩이나 도용러들이 제 그림 무트해가거나 파쿠리 해갈때 느낌을 아는데 왜 그러겠어요 아니 이것도 의심되면 해명 하지 말게요 그냥. 아무튼 총 결과는 증거는 별로 없지만 제가 그린것 맞습니다. 제가 그린것 맞아요.

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Refugees Bring Productivity
There is a misconception that refugees come into a host country and subsist on benefits instead of working. Though not every country allows refugees to work, those that do allow this, see just how productive refugees are. Often unable to use their credentials in other countries, refugees are known for starting from the ground up and they are effective at it. Economic advisor, Phillipe Legrain, estimates that 1,000 refugee businesses could generate $100 million each year. If host countries loosen restrictions and allow refugees to expand their job opportunities, it could significantly improve the economies in host countries.

This would also mean making language learning classes and integration courses more accessible, but in the long run, the fiscal rewards outweigh the cost. Countries that allow refugees to work and open up businesses know that the influx of productivity is one of the major benefits of taking in refugees.

Refugees Enrich Culture
Some fear that accepting refugees means that the native culture will disappear. According to Anna Crosslin of the International Institute in St. Louis, cross-cultural understanding is vital for integration. Events like the annual Festival of Nations, which is run by the International Institute, not only help expose St. Louis residents to other global cultures but also help immigrants feel more at home. Even though there are differences between each culture, most cultures are incredibly similar at their core. Refugees are fleeing the same things ordinary citizens fear: families being torn apart, the right to vote being taken away, lack of education and more.

Refugees do not aim to disrupt the culture of their host countries but enrich it. They may bring with them different practices, foods and religions, but in the end, most people have similar ideals.

-The Brogen Project

with millions of Germans retiring each year and too few young people coming in to replace them. In 2015 alone, Germany accepted one million migrants and refugees of whom one-third were under 25. With some assistance in terms of job training, these refugees can replace retiring workers.



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Refugees Bring Productivity
There is a misconception that refugees come into a host country and subsist on benefits instead of working. Though not every country allows refugees to work, those that do allow this, see just how productive refugees are. Often unable to use their credentials in other countries, refugees are known for starting from the ground up and they are effective at it. Economic advisor, Phillipe Legrain, estimates that 1,000 refugee businesses could generate $100 million each year. If host countries loosen restrictions and allow refugees to expand their job opportunities, it could significantly improve the economies in host countries.

This would also mean making language learning classes and integration courses more accessible, but in the long run, the fiscal rewards outweigh the cost. Countries that allow refugees to work and open up businesses know that the influx of productivity is one of the major benefits of taking in refugees.

Refugees Enrich Culture
Some fear that accepting refugees means that the native culture will disappear. According to Anna Crosslin of the International Institute in St. Louis, cross-cultural understanding is vital for integration. Events like the annual Festival of Nations, which is run by the International Institute, not only help expose St. Louis residents to other global cultures but also help immigrants feel more at home. Even though there are differences between each culture, most cultures are incredibly similar at their core. Refugees are fleeing the same things ordinary citizens fear: families being torn apart, the right to vote being taken away, lack of education and more.

Refugees do not aim to disrupt the culture of their host countries but enrich it. They may bring with them different practices, foods and religions, but in the end, most people have similar ideals.

-The Brogen Project

with millions of Germans retiring each year and too few young people coming in to replace them. In 2015 alone, Germany accepted one million migrants and refugees of whom one-third were under 25. With some assistance in terms of job training, these refugees can replace retiring workers.



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Refugees Bring Productivity
There is a misconception that refugees come into a host country and subsist on benefits instead of working. Though not every country allows refugees to work, those that do allow this, see just how productive refugees are. Often unable to use their credentials in other countries, refugees are known for starting from the ground up and they are effective at it. Economic advisor, Phillipe Legrain, estimates that 1,000 refugee businesses could generate $100 million each year. If host countries loosen restrictions and allow refugees to expand their job opportunities, it could significantly improve the economies in host countries.

This would also mean making language learning classes and integration courses more accessible, but in the long run, the fiscal rewards outweigh the cost. Countries that allow refugees to work and open up businesses know that the influx of productivity is one of the major benefits of taking in refugees.

Refugees Enrich Culture
Some fear that accepting refugees means that the native culture will disappear. According to Anna Crosslin of the International Institute in St. Louis, cross-cultural understanding is vital for integration. Events like the annual Festival of Nations, which is run by the International Institute, not only help expose St. Louis residents to other global cultures but also help immigrants feel more at home. Even though there are differences between each culture, most cultures are incredibly similar at their core. Refugees are fleeing the same things ordinary citizens fear: families being torn apart, the right to vote being taken away, lack of education and more.

Refugees do not aim to disrupt the culture of their host countries but enrich it. They may bring with them different practices, foods and religions, but in the end, most people have similar ideals.

-The Brogen Project

with millions of Germans retiring each year and too few young people coming in to replace them. In 2015 alone, Germany accepted one million migrants and refugees of whom one-third were under 25. With some assistance in terms of job training, these refugees can replace retiring workers.



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민초팀 3차 모집

이번 마코는 없습니다!
민트초코를 의인화 해 주시면 되겠습니다.
반신 안돼고요, 전신으로 해주셔야 합니다.

(만일 혠이(제 실친) 참가를 원한다면 바로 부팀장 자리에 오릅니다. 실친이기 때문에 합작 주제를 의논하기 편해 정했습니다. 이에 대해 불편하시지 않으시면 좋겠습니다.)
기간은 8월 15일 목요일 까지입니다.

면접 통과 인원은 3명을 뽑을 예졍입니다(인원 수에 따라 달라집니다.)
참고:저희 팀은 합작을 5번 이상 놓치면 강제 탈퇴를 시킵니다.

그리고 면접 중 가장 캐디를 잘 하신 분의 면접그림을 저희 팀 마코로 설정하겠습니다.
면접에 떨어졌다 해도 4차 면접이 기다릴 것이고, 4차때 면접을 보려고 3차 면접을 미루시면 4차 면접 글이 안 올라올 수도 있습니다.

많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

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재업(투표 각각 하나씩 ㅂㅌ)

악의하인에 나오는 가사 1개만 투표좀
"이윽고 정해진 시간이 됐고 끝을 알리는 종이 울려퍼진다"
"나는 운명에 감히 거슬러 보이겠어"
그다음 뱅드림의 'Burn out!" 1개 투표 ㄱ(원래 일본언데 한국어로 변경)
"언제까지 할건가요?한가해 보이시네요"
"가소롭기 짝이없어! 쳐부숴라!"
'Pray for You'에서 가사 1투표 ㄱ(사실 벌짱을 위ㅎ,...)
"눈물자국 닦아내며 굳어진 마음"
"잃어버린 꿈을 꿀거야"

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