일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

5 시간 / 일

Tw: Mention of suicide (but only the word, nothing to worry abt)
plz interact this is funny and scary.

So I was hanging with my boyfriend at school because we both don't have a second period, and we went into an empty room.
We were just hugging, but then he put his hand on my throat, pushed me to lay onto the table, and started kissing and biting my neck.
he spread my legs and started pressing against me----
and he started to finger me (i was wearing a skirt)----
and then I pushed him off because something told me to stop---
and then
less than 30 seconds later....

a teacher walked in.

So he asked where we supposed to be, and my bf said his schedule, and the teacher turned to me, and I said where bc i was supposed to be in class. And I said "having a mental breakdown"
and he was going to take me to class, but i said Im going to kill myself when i get home, so I was forced to the counselor---
and me and my bf were in there for half an hour talking abt me and my mental illness

I cant--
it was hilarious.

다음화을 보기

  • > Batt Mhm now I shall share this lesson with others 🤠

  • > Cringe lmao glad you learned something from this

  • LOLLL 😂😂😂 Moral of the story kids: Don't fuck while you're in school😀

  • > ||Its_Aeronic||c!WilburSoot|| pffft i got kicked for plugging the vacuum into the wrong outlet

  • > Zoro Whatthefuck

  • > ||Its_Aeronic||c!WilburSoot|| What? its not like i dont get glass cups thrown at me when i sleep

  • > Zoro ;--;