Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


Guys wtf is wrong with me. I can literally sense when people I know are going to be around me. I woke up today and thought "hey one of my dads friends is probably gonna come over." and just had a gut feeling they would, low and behold they are on their way over as we speak. Another time this happened, I was in a parade and I thought "hey my pe teacher will probably be here." I look over to my right and they are sitting in the crowd.


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  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ X3

  • > 🎃🎃🍁🍂Saero_308🍂🍁🎃🎃 ok thats cool!

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 see you do kinda have the power! It just doesn't always happen for you ig

  • for me sometimes I would guest what my sister is thinking like one time we played a game I got the answer she is after but I would also say this to her because there is this game she likes (Big sis there is this character I dont know how to say it but he has long black hair with a bit of pink... oh well you will see him >:3) next thing I know she got the character XD


AT this point you are just in the water. You broke the ice and are actively sinking. I know you guys are stupid but I didn't think you were this stupid. Just more things to add to my ever increasing list of things to add to the commentary. I'm gonna have to use text to interrupt myself in the video at this point because of how many bullshit updates you guys are putting out.

So I think you guys know why this is bullshit but in case you don't lemme explain. So there shouldn't be an option to mark your art as traced. Like ok nice now I can see you traced it, but who did you trace it from????? Also this just encourages people to post traced artwork, especially since medi is mostly full of very young children who don't know better. SO when they get older and nobody tells them tracing is wrong because this website basically excuses tracing and they post a traced drawing somewhere else chances are (knowing the internet) they are gonna get absolutely DESTROYED. It also you know EXCUSES TRACING LIKE HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HUGE RED FLAG

How this website still up????????

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  • > ★astro★ yeah its confusing af 💀

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ okay i guess??

  • > ★astro★ no it should still be marked as original because you made it, i think

  • i dont understand how derivative work... works. like if i post fanart does it have to be marked as derivative work??? im so confused


I sit next to these girls in my science class and they are t h o s e girls when it comes to taking notes. You know who I'm talking about, those girls who have 50 different sharpies out and use a different color for each sentence. We are taking notes about nuclear radiation stop adding pink stars next to your notes!!! 💀💀💀

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  • > 🍁😈Ev@pro😈🍁 doodles are fine, but not the colored pens and little stars XD

  • I do Demon boy doodles in my post its Then i hide them XD.

  • I doodle all over my note like I vandalize any paper I touch. It’s like a curse. 🥲

  • i don't really do that but i can understand why they are doing this, i think its more pleasing to learn something from some good looking notes instead of boring/simple looking ones :,)


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  • E

  • Here ya go if you don’t want to u don’t have to

  • My child.

  • can you draw one of these guys? just choose one of them cuz idk

Alright Goodnight

I'm going to bed now guys. Be sure to get lots of rest, this way you can be even more awake and energized for this revolution! I also care about you guys, please get some good sleep lol. I expect to wake up to a bunch of notifications and new posts about this soldiers, you got this!
#BringOldMediBack #BreakTheSystem #TheGreatMediRevolution

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  • > 🦇🎃 ⱽᵉˣˣʸ🎃 🦇 Noice

  • > Dreamy_Mocha Same!

  • Gn! I also made tags and a topic chain ^^



I'm sorry Medi but the new update looks like shit. You actually managed to make the site worse, congratulations! The creator badge that you have to everybody is so fucking worthless. Like you do realize if you give everybody a badge the badge becomes meaningless right? Everybody has one so it servers no purpose but to take up space and block my beautiful profile picture. Please remove this feature, we all hate it. And while your at it can you remove some other stuff too? Like the stupid thing where you bury all our topics and drawings with levels is, and the level ups. You can keep creator ranks just make the goals less unrealistic with your levels. Like instead maybe bronze rank can be obtained after you get 40 likes on a post, and so on.

Medi please stop being the worst website known to mankind next to deviantart.

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  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 lets get that trending along with #BreakTheSystem

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ #BringOldMediBack

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 I gave up on wishing for good updates form medi a long time ago XD