Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


I took down the drawing of human Amber everywhere because somebody like it after I just said I didn't want another person to like it. And just like I said in that post of it got another like I would take it down, so I did. I don't ever want to see that drawing again in my life. ☺

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  • > Eminoa Most of the time they say they liked the artwork and that's it, but I really didn't after after about 2 days of posting it, I liked it when I first made the piece, but I eventually grew to hate it. It also really discourages me that people are liking the art I spend 10 minutes on but the art I put hours into gets way less likes, like I said before.

  • > 🌿𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛_𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚜🌿 it happens to me too, but its fine, ppl see things in your art that you dont sometimes, but i just find weird to tell ppl to not appreciate the art- like why posting it in the first place then ? i think you should be happy and ask yourself why they liked it that much

  • > Eminoa Because the fact that a drawing I wasn't even proud of and didn't even put effort into got more likes then any of my other drawings just pisses me off.

  • Uh okayy... Why ?


If I get one more notification saying that fucking drawing of Human Amber got a like I'm taking the drawing down everywhere. Its actually starting to piss me off now. Go and like the work I actually put fucking effort into instead of a fucking doodle. 38 likes. Why do I even bother anymore? Congratulations you have successfully ruined that art piece and style for me.

Actually Good Work To Fucking Like

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Oh My

I feel like I'm leaning towards more Japanese influenced artwork. You'll see what I mean when I post more art in my new style. But I also think I want to at least try and learn Japanese, I also really like Japanese songs and wanna know what they say. I really like the art styles that can be found in Japan and actually really like the food their too. Their culture and history is super cool too and I wanna learn more about it. I just think Japan is really cool! I haven't really realized how much I like Japanese things until recently lol. Surprisingly I have never watched an anime before. Maybe I'll try and watch one some other time.

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Hi Bitches

I'm bored and staying home today from school. SO um I'm doing some requests. Idk if they will be stickers or like multiple halfbody drawings. We will see. You all should know the rules by now but if you dont...

-No dragons
-No character's that aren't yours (like video game, tv show, etc. characters)
-No things I'm uncomfortable with, like kissing, cuddling, I'm not comfortable drawing that stuff if its not my oc's
-Maybe to furries/feral ocs
-Yes to Hollow Knight
-Yes to people
-Yes to Cookie Run
-Yes to gore
-Yes to unsettling imagery
-Attach the oc's ref in your request message
-Don't be rude if you don't get the request
-It might take me a but to get to your request so be patient, I might not end up doing them at all so don't be surprised if I never draw your request

Also be sure that you say what you want specifically. If you want a sticker send the ref and tell me if there needs to be gore or if it needs to be the oc looking happy. Same thing goes for the multiple halfbody drawings.

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  • Past ash, this is cringe. I'm going to cancel you

  • > 🌿𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛_𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚜🌿 ah sorry I had class ^^;

  • can you do them if not that's totally fine

  • > Saero_308 If you could find the reference/picture of reference I could maybe draw the oc.


This video is amazing. It informs you so well about the problems in the art community and that "art style theft" isn't a thing. If your a young artist in the either (or both) the animation meme community or the art community I defiantly recommend watching this, and even if you have been in these communities for a long time its still a good watch.

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  • > 🌿𝙰𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛_𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚜🌿 Yep!

  • > Dreamy_Mocha I know right! Their content is some of the best in the commentary community. I can't believe they were so good at it when they were 12 too, it's incredible.

  • Honestly, I love Crying Blossom. They have a lot of good informative videos, and they are so good with addressing the problems/controversies they sometimes get into. I started watching them when they where 12, which is wild because they are so good with commentary as a tween.

Trend From Ash & Im Sick Lol

My head hurts, my nose is stuffy, my throat is on fire, I am sick! Idk if I will end up posting any artwork today because the drawing I was going to post is not finished and still has a lot of work that needs to be done on it. It's only on the line art. ;-; I'm think I might just watch some stardew valley youtube videos since I can't play it because my Xbox is at my dad's house. TwT

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  • > Bacon Brilliance :') Being sick sucksss..

  • And you have the LITERAL SAME EXACT symptoms as me! That's kinda crazy XD

  • OkAY like why is everyone sick like me. When I first announced I was sick not that long ago everyone was fine, but now everyone is sick :(

  • > Bacon Brilliance god damn it