Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


So project willow is actually start by to scare me. It could seriously effect our environment and our plants future in general. If you don't know the oil will be so much that we would have to come up with alternate water sources, global warming would increase so much winter might stop happening, and obviously the ice caps would melt EVEN faster than they already are. If you haven't leaready signed the petition to stop it, sign it. The future of our planet depends on it. I feel like most people don't realize how scary that is, if you're a kid (like me) this could affect your future drastically. You need to sign the petition it only takes a few seconds.

GO GO GO‼️‼️‼️

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  • i got no phone

  • I WOULD BUT I CANT im too young :ccc I don't got all the things it needs

Taking A Break

I'm gonna take a few days off because Kwite (my old comfort YouTuber) is being cancelled and I don't know if what happened really did (I really hope it didnt that would suck for everybody) but I'm still gonna take a few days off to process this.

I'll be playing Splatoon for these days so if you want to play with me you're very much welcome to.

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  • BRUH KWITES GETTING CANCELLED??? guess twitters mad at him for not accepting he's a furry or some dumb twitter shit ☠

Bro (Rant)

Sometimes parents need to fucking listen to what their kids say. My parents never call me by my preferred name or pronouns, they don't pay attention to my very obvious signals that I don't like hugs or physical contact. I have sensory issues and my mom knows this but she acts like I don't have sensory issues. It's always "Oh DEADNAME go give your grandma a hug! If you don't in taking your phone away." Or some insensitive bull shit. Even worse, I got dragged to my grandma's house today even though I said I didn't want to go and made it clear I didn't want to go. What do I get in return? Banging on my door sending me into a panic as my mom yells at me to get ready to go to grandmas. 10/10 parenting right there right? Giving your kid an anxiety attack at 11 am when they JUST woke up after pulling an all nighter only to drag them to a place they don't want to go because you said so. Fuck you if you think that's good parenting. Another thing, my grandma doesn't ever listen, she pushes her religion onto me, always calls me by my deadname, she never pays attention to my sensory issues and invades my personal space by hugging or holding my arm or whatever the fuck she wants. Same thing with my grandpa, he always hits me (not very hard it's not abuse) as a joke and that can sometimes send me into a meltdown. I've locked myself in the bathroom for now but I can't stay in here forever, I'm just trying not to go into a meltdown. My grandma just hugged me really hard when I was minding my own business and I can still feel her on my body, I think she just ruined my favorite shirt because of this. Wish me luck, I'm going to try to leave as soon as possible.

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  • Parents can just - Act different My mom knows I really don’t like having hugs unless I feel comfortable Sometimes you have to ask me And I was in a really bad mood yesterday and she forced me to hug my dad in public Like “hUG iT oUT” And I ofc was not in the mood And my mom was mad at me for the rest of the day But damn >:( Your parents really need to respect the pronouns and names you want to be called by I think you need to have a clean talk with them abt it

  • > Dreamy_Mocha Highly doubt it considered high schools starting soon and my parents truly do not give a shit about my feelings. Maybe there's still hope for today to be a bit better though.

  • Ah, I relate to this a lot. I hope everything starts to get better<3


Just found out my little sister has been playing splatoon on MY account. No wonder I lost all of my pre- existing food effects and somehow lost a 100x battle even though I wasn't playing at that time. There goes my rank too because my sister cant play good if her life fucking depended on it. I just hope she didn't try to do salmon run, we don't want any more damage then what's already done.

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  • Bruh and now shes crying and bitching about it. Like, mf maybe you should have thought about that before you put a dent in my rank so big its going to take DAYS of grinding to get it back. 💀


Damn I almost had a valentine this year and fucking ruined my chances in the worst way possible.

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  • > Sebby eepy Go on tiktok for 5 minutes and you'll see what I'm talking about. Its sad it such a common occurrence.

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ Not really I see it everyday but it's sad that people have to think that yk

  • > Sebby eepy you'd be surprised how many people would do anything to sexualize others.

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ Mhm ;w; Some men can just be disgusting But some guys are fine but some are just ughh


This is what I got so far

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  • Heck yeah

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ Ohh, I had a feeling it was his armor, but I couldn't tell if it was in something or a garbled up mess pile of some sort

  • > Kebinox Which thing? The thin box or the larger box. The larger one is a box, it just has Horvines armor laying up against it, the thinner one is going to be another screen.

  • Is that a box in the bottom left? It's hard making that out Everything looks great so far!

Hi There

I need a sacrifice.

Ok let me explain, I need somebody whos willing to hand over their oc for a drawing I'm making. The drawing will contain heavy gore, your oc being the source of the gore, so if you're uncomfortable with that please don't submit your oc. This wont affect your characters backstory or current appearance unless you want it too.


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  • Can I use myself? It’s a way of venting when I am put into gore. If not, here is an oc I can give up (she is a soldier, so I’m fine with gore of her) Oc: Me(you can change outfit):


  • I will gladly hand over Dex.

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ Alright, I'll also include his reference sheet for colors aswell