Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Shameless Self Promo

I made a TikTok with that pearl drawing and I'm super proud of the transitions!

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  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ I'M SO SORRY I DIDN'T NOTICE IT EARLIER ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ Btw I started following you :>

  • > 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢🍬 Yeah its linked on my card 😭


  • Wow that drawing looks amazing omg. Lots of detail Also I think you improved



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  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ U could, they would be cool in ur style!

  • > Dreamy_Mocha Maybe I should draw some of the characters from the movie or something :0

  • > Muna Sketches Yeah that's basically how its going for me too lolz Time to look at ur old art now hahaha >:) (Its not that bad, its better than mine that's for sure 💀)

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ Same!

This is why I don't play salmon run, I'm afraid of accidentally doing this lmao

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  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ Same, and when I constantly die to splat rollers..

  • > ✦ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴇᴘᴇʟ ✦ I usually get angry at turf wars when there's a disconnect, especially during matches

  • I keep forgetting about Salmon Run I just get angry in Turf Wars(?) 90% of the times

  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ 😭😭😭😭


Is it normal that the top half of my right leg feels like its constantly tensing up all the time? This has been going on for a while but its recently gotten a bit more intense. I don't want to google it because it will probably say I have cancer or some shit-

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  • > Dreamy_Mocha Oh ok I think I know why then. Thank you!

  • It could also be over exercising

  • Oh ik about this, it means they haven’t moved a lot for a while, so rub ur leg and exercise, and it will probably be sore but the tightness will go away:))


Booyah! Splatoon 3 is one of the most fun games I've ever played. It's easy to understand, not toxic (for the most part), and super immersive.

I think it goes without saying the animation and art in that game is eye candy. The usage of bright colors on the inklings and octolings compared to the mich darker greys and greens of the general environment clash perfectly. It lets you see where you're inking in turf wars easily and allows you to spot other players without much difficulty. The animation is so bouncy and full of life it's incredible. The way the inklings and octolings bounce around is generally super fun to watch. Even the idle animations are full of life!

When it comes to online battle I think my only issue is the communication errors. Although I haven't seen too many of those when I play. It's mostly just disconnects here and there. I personally really like the rotating maps based on what hours you're playing at. I think it keeps you on your feet and excited for the next rotation. I'm also a big fan of the map designs. My favorite so far had to be mahi mahi resort, hands down the best map in my opinion. I just live jumping around on the floating platform as the other team tries to ink as much of their base as possible before you invade it and ink over all their turf. It's fun and not frustrating, to me at least. I'm sure some people have gotten upset over loosing a Splatoon match before, it's inevitable. That's the good part about Splatoon though, you don't know of their mad! All you can say is ouch..., booyah!, and this way!

As for the imersivness it's truly incredible. The ammount of work that's gone into the splatfests and the map designs is incredible. It all helps to bring everything together, like you're really standing in inkopolis. The railways, closely placed together apartments and stores, and cluttered streets filled with graffiti and papers. The diversity in map design, one moment you could be on a floating platform in a pool, the next you could be fighting for your life in an amusement park.

The best feeling is when you're waiting in a lobby and the bell rings indicating it's time to battle. The screen loads and everybody's characters pop up ready to fight. The countdown begins and, go! Now it's time to ink your base and fight the other team to secure the most turf! The adrenaline pumping through you as you fight off the opposing team and hope you've inked enough territory. And just like that it's over. You anxiously look at the turf you've painted hoping it's enough and then, boom! You win, but just barely. Everybody's winning animations plays and you're sent back to the lobby to either continue or go do something else. You choose to stay and see everybody's having a squid party! You join in flopping around in your squid or octo form then the next match starts.

It's so much fun, I'm glad that's how I spent my night. I may have a massive headache now but it was worth it!

I didn't talk about salmon run or the story mode because I'm not skilled enough to do salmon run and I don't feel like talking about story mode right now. I would also have to mark that as a spoiler if I was gonna take about story mode.

Anyway goodnight! I'll try to draw some Splatoon art tomorrow but I might just play Splatoon instead lolz

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Do you just ever look up at the setting sun on the top of a roof and wait for it to set. The lights from your off white circle fairy lights lighting up one by one slowly as the sun set more. Then as soon as it started it's over. As if a line of a ants the stars start appearing one by one to the eye as the moon rises. It's a clear night, clouds are scarse and the moon is full. You can see the stars twinkling almost like they're blinking as if they were alive. Looking up you wonder if there be anything beyond us, not just other life but gods. Beings of power and existence our mortal souls cannot understand. You continue to look at the stars in the night sky for a while longer, admiring them and taking in the moment.

It's a feeling like none other. Indescribable by my words. You would have to experience it yourself to feel the way I do. Then again, perhaps my words have given you a glimpse of this feeling if not fully described it. If that be the case let me say I thank you for understanding and reading my short description.

Perhaps you feel this way towards other experiences in life. Perhaps it be a afternoon in a forest consumed by the vegetation. The weather is perfect, not cold nor hot perfectly in the middle. You have your sketchbook open next to you as you sit beneath a tree on a fairly large hill. You've sketched several landscapes today from which you found on the forest. Now you're preparing to take a nap underneath the afternoon sun.

Maybe it's a hike in the mountains. It's early morning and the fog is still settled in the mountains like low hanging clouds. The fog creates a mist of sorts throughout the mountains. As you walk on a path that is torn and overgrown you ponder about life, the mountains, and yourself. This pondering continues as you walk into the afternoon. Now standing upon the top of a smaller mountain you look up at the other, much taller mountains. You think that even though you haven't climbed the tallest mountain today, you have still climbed a mountain. A feat many cannot accomplish in life.

This feeling we feel, I think it be a deep connection to nature. One we have since lost touch with because of modern technology. If thou cannot view these sights I give my deepest apologies. Then again, my writing my have given you a fraction of that feeling. How I do hope that's the case. Please, be well for the rest of this day or night.

It's like 10pm right now idk wtf I just made. I bet theres a shit tone of typos but idgaf.

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  • I'm a poet now guys 🤩 Finna make these every night to make up for my lack of art 😍😘

  • oh my god this is amazing. I love this. this is my life now.

  • Dang I feel like that sometimes, sitting out on the porch watching the sun set, crickets chirping, leaves blowing in the breeze, its calming, especially sitting infront of a fire pit, I love it.


Just let go of a very toxic relationship. Now what? I feel better but like, now what do I do lmao XD
I've never done that before so idk what to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  • > kiri_kiwi sounds good to me!

  • I'm glad you left a toxic relationship! And that you fell better :D hmm just live on? XD Umm, I mean just go on being you- there isn't really anything else to do except just continue on it'll take some bumps in the road but you'll get back on pace :D

  • > Ev@😈 It wasn't meant to be advice but you're welcome lmao!

  • Thqnk you for the advice ig 🙃

Real Talk (Positive Vent)

Tw: mentions of body dysmorphia

I'm gonna let you in on a bit of a secret. I've been struggling with body dismorphia for quite a few months now, but recently it's just kinda been like not bad. I keep thinking "Hey maybe having a big chest inst so bad! It's kinda fun! Plus I could just buy a binder for when I don't want one." And I've been feeling a lot better.

And my voice has also been bugging me, I make a higher pitched voice when I'm nervous, and you guys should know I'm nervous a lot, so my voice has become pretty high pitched. Although I'm still in my early teens and it might not be too late to turn that around. I've been voice training and trying not to use a deep voice, but on the other hand I think I'll still have a feminine voice when I grow up. It will probably be deeper though and I'm ok with that! Having a deep feminine voice would be cool!

Ok that's it :D

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Me When

Me when I get one good and lose my combo on pjsekai

Anyway I'm gonna try to draw this goober at some point soon so you guys have some art from me

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  • > ☕𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒶𝑀𝑜𝒸𝒽𝒾☕ Yea Seriously I keep tryna play 8 bit but its too much for me Still doesn't stop me from getting angry!

  • > ✦ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴇᴘᴇʟ ✦ Fr, every time I put a song on expert and fail I get so mad even though I know I cant do that

  • Me failing a song I know full well is too hard for me:

  • 100% agree