Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Extremely busy
ShatterLoch: Icarus animatics soon
Apologies for the video it wouldn't let me export so I had to use kulu.
It's lines for scenes.
German at top - English at the bottom

This is what I somewhat imagine Icarus's voice when she speaks german (She is fluent in it and bilingual)

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI GOOD LUCK :00



  • > M3LL0M0CHI I did a full clothing design of Icarus last night yayy X3 I'll try and get the links! I've been experimenting with different styles but keep them sliightly similar

HH ep 3 & 4 parts I found (favs)

(Videos underneath)
Translation for the first part:
Zestiel - Of that fallen angel you were his Executioner.
Camilla - Not like that, I'd rather not talk about it.
Two vers if you can't hear it:

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Oh you forgot: 3. Stop abusing everyone (Angel!) 4. Shutting up 😤

  • > THRONEWEAVER His dusty musty crusty smoke smelling self needs to learn 1. Self control and 2. Personal space💀

  • > M3LL0M0CHI When he says "your papita" And held her like that I had to replay it cuz it made me had to do a retake if I actually saw that right. 💀 Val... Please keep your hands off the precious bean I know she's older than you so It's kinda acceptable but GET THOSE NASTY GREASY FINGERNAILS AWAY


Shards of the Void

A work in progress novel I'm working on for a illustrated book (possible) here's the first part!
If you have any questions pls ask :3
Chapter 1 – Void
“Du musst aufwachen...”
Your eyes open.
You had no idea what was going on. Where you were. Only that it was devoid of colour and dark. Didn’t even know who you were… who…who are you? You had no time to ask questions as you started to try and stand, pulling yourself up.
You tried to walk, go somewhere. Anywhere. Feeling a pull to what looked to be a mirror you looked yourself over. Pure white silky hair coming down to your shoulders, puffy red cheeks and eyes the colour of coal with small purple irises – you had to squint to see them – and a long black dress with a neckless and gloved hands. Your legs covered in a inky substance that looked apart of your skin.
You went to touch the mirror with one of your hands.
Suddenly, a hand comes out. Grabbing your wrist and pulling you in…
Everything is blurry around you. Vivid hues were the only thing you could make out as shapes mixed together. As your vision starts to become clear as you see some techy room with tubes with a red liquid inside going to a massive machine. Or…. Person?
A mechanical, devoid of any emotion, feminine voice speaks to you. They sounded with no emotions emitting from them, at all. Yet it sounds so lovely and creepy at the same time you felt a shiver go down you from hearing.
“Ah, du bist jetzt wach.”
It was an odd language you could them speak. Yet you somehow were able to make meaning of their tone.
“Leid tun. Lassen Sie mich so versuchen.”


“Is that better? ... oh? Hmm, it asks for your name. But you don't seem to have any.”
You tilt your head in confusion. You do not remember having a name. The only thing you remember is… shards?
“How about mirror? You seem to have taken a curiosity to reflection.”

And so your name was mirror.

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  • Apologies about the writing altogether, I was on a document typing it. I'll show it again somewhere else. The original also has coloured speech and other bits in too :3

  • ✳✴✳ The question marks are pieces of info you'll have to find out/we haven't revealed or not sure of. (Mostly the former) Here's a little bit about the characters so far! [Character art coming soon]: Mirror Status: ??? Species: Puppet-Human Gender: female (she/her) may get mis-gendered as "it" in the story by others ⚠ Height: smol Occupation: ??? Personality: ?, Shy but can be confident M.O.N.D Status: ??? Species: ??? Gender: magic (she/her/they) Height: tall Occupation: Administrator, ???, Glados 2.0 (jk - kinda) Personality: confident, knowledgeable, ?

  • Shards of the Void: ✳✴✳ What does this mysterious being supposedly called "M.O.N.D" want from Mirror? Where exactly is she and who was that voice at the beginning? Well you'll have to figure that out yourself! The rest of chapter 1 is coming soon. This is more of an prologue than a chapter but it's important to the story. I wanted to go into a sci-fi route with machinery since I've always done fantasy with magic. Although, I guess you could count this as fantasy as our protagonist is a puppet! (?) Even we don't know but she's very much alive XD

COTHW: Prose picture in progress

Characters: (On the viewer's left:) Var-sol, shapeshifted. (Viewer's right:) Nyra
This is a comparison of the first image: Rough of the drawing
Second image: In the works of colour
Just a comparison of colours :3

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Gotcha! Tysm!! Hehe I've been upgrading her design and hair >:3 (You can tell the drawing was inspired by RRP with their duck prose image XD) Little lore here: Nyra can hide her horns but can hide her tail so she has it hidden under her dress so she doesn't get discovered. The reason is unknown, probably it's hard to transform something that moves or it's just a thing among Demons. 2: there at a supermarket in Serlin, Koranler Serlin - mini city/towntown Koranler - one of their regions/counties (?), Borders with Venesset


HH: Lil thing I found of Vox

Decided to translate this. Here's a clearer version:
A problem has been detected and Vox has been shut down to prevent damage
to his systems.

The problem seems to be caused by the following file: Alastor.exe


Check to make sure all [Unreadable text. Possible words (that I could make out); Teleporting Vox: Location Astr (Alastor?)] Hardware and software is to date and properly installed ask Vox for any Voxtek imports you might need.

If problems continue, check your alast[tor](?) disable or remove any Alastor[s] from
the general vicinity. If you need to use "unsafe mode" resest your Voxtek deivce
press FN and select "advanced startup options" then select "unsafe mode"

Technical information.

***Stop Alastor.EXE (tlol.g[]***

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Nah he's more of a virus

  • Imagine Alastor being a disease

ShatterLoch: Lil doodle of Icarus

In the ShatterLoch AU she is a librarian of a magical library deep in the forests of SL.
She helps both sides, protagonist and antagonists but always gets something out of it from them, not just making deals on a whim and decides if their worthy enough of her knowledge and help.
She's a very mysterious character, and helps Anthony in episode 1 and in episode 2 but in ep 2 she uh... has a musical number and sings vaguely about how he can get his goals to help someone and stop another.

In IRL she used to be a librarian in a little library a place had, but mysteriously disappeared and was claimed dead after she was suddenly found somewhere drowned. They could never found her murderer so they closed the case and locked the library up, but keep it open in the afternoons.

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Knew I'd get that reaction from you XD Lol for some reason I'd feel like you'd do fanart of it, if you do I'Il be overjoyed since your my #1 reader/fan >:3l I wonder do with the sneak peaks of lore I've given you have you had any fan theories? :0


  • > M3LL0M0CHI Tysm!! Oh here's a heads up for ya: Ena and Var-sol prose coming soon - picture accompanying it too :3

  • OMG PRETTYY Kznjzjzjznzkz

Okay so like wtf guys??

Apparently non-celeb people are going to a specific movie theatre in New York (anyone can attend but after parties for above)
But like.... I used to be annoyed about leaks but I know there inevitable so now I'm like guys pls show us some leaks of the eps 😭 there showing the first three episodes there aghjkghklsk
Also I found these on YT also found another person show a part of a song of Charlie and Adam by the user Cassidy I believe :0

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Oooh yes plss if any of you are able to get it on AP (I think those who get stuff from the HH app get to see the first 2-3 eps on the 12th) when it comes out stream or video it somewhere. With subtitles pls! But underneath the screen if that's okay so it's not in the way, it can be hard to understand & hear what they're saying my hearing at times go brrrr :3

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Yeah- This society and world's expectations of us is too high I'd rather just sit in a corner and stare at the birds outside or be in a completely different world like, if I could, COTHW and even get to be one of the characters like Ena. Responsibilities? Getting beat up by her ex(es)? Idc that's much better than here. I mean why do we have to do the things we're 'expected' to do? Get as job, have a family or friends, live in a house and pay rent, pay for all your bills and food. Humans are weird at times :p Now you might see that as laziness or a bit crazy but I see it as not being pulled into a world the momment I'm born to fufil unnecessary and bizarre tasks and social/normal standards but just with no stress and no expectations 😤

  • > THRONEWEAVER She mayyy not approve of me watching it at my age currently- ME TOO BUT LIKE ADULTS CAN DO MORE- RAHH BUT RESPONSIBILITIES!! Yee Imma ask my friend at school if he can help with HH >:0 Oooo yayy!

  • > M3LL0M0CHI I thought you might be able to since your in America but I guess it depends where you live and if she lets you. HMM YES AND NO THE RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TOO MUCH AND I WANNA STAY YOUNG FOREVERRR 😭 When it comes out we need to band together to find it so we can see 😤 On the happy note to cheer up I found the leak:

ShatterLoch: Auditions for Elizabeth!

Auditions for Elizabeth Locket are here!
This is a height comparison she is slightly taller than Lucy.
Same rules apply!

* Casting: Casting
* Role: Supporting protagonist
* Gender: Female
* Age: 20
* Personality: outgoing, not giving a care what others think, Like Lizzy but more teasing and being an asshole
* Voice Range: Needs a middle range feminine voice, an American accent (like a mean girl) is preferred if able to do. Is comfortable with swearing.
* Examples: Lizzy – Murder Drones, Panty – PASWG, Heather Chandler (Original ver), Junko Enoshima (English – animation)
[Annoyed] “Oh please. Like I’d listen to you, asshole.”
[*Insert evil chuckling* sly] “Well I’m gonna find some kids to rob off.”
[nervous/oh crap] “Uh… I mean. Nope I’ll just go for a swim- “
[sarcastic happy] “Well! It seems we won’t be able to go to this loch anymore, let’s go back home—”
[pissed of max/shout] “Oh I know this guy didn’t just do what I think he did, motherfucker!”
[shout] “Take this you swamped up ugly rat!”
[pleased/jokey] “Heh, looks like he’s got off his moral high horse, aye? Aye?”
[annoyed] “Ugh fine.”
[annoyed] “Dude. You suck.”
[happy/slight shout] “Hey Lucy! You alright over there?”
“Meet you back at the cabins!”

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  • > BelleOfTheBallAndChainz Thx

  • > THRONEWEAVER it should be on friday, or today if i have time

  • > BelleOfTheBallAndChainz Do you know when your audition will be? We're not on a tight schedule at all but we would like to get the actors as soon as possible so we can start animating their lines.

  • > BelleOfTheBallAndChainz The lyrics and all where supposed to be for an animatic of my COTHW character but it fits for SL too :3

SL: Animatic coming. prose ↓↓

Trying to get out an animatic before Christmas so you all know what you're going to see, but it's just a snippet of what we're really getting into!
Have this creepy pic of Eirian (happy) he seems to be a bit pissed wonder why...
You'll have to use for it but when translated.
But you'll have to fill in the gaps of these illusory messages! Heh, ciphered messages in more ciphered messages!
(full prose tomorrow)
I'll be drawing this prose soon :0
short clip prose:
Hkodpvgkx Bvbfey Hrwezhmp
[SO**W *SJ* G*GF]
Sa tki ufidxu Wdvs fb flr shgder rpbou, ec ftrmpe gsle hti zighav cr xue keac vmh gwr ttfdxi gaooxeu ur vt.

[Swntvaxueueezgf ead slavpaxbmlwi]
Uf. Q Estrr

"Lv'fq kbiqk uff m anln xduok!"
E zaq mc r ktmge zexjh osnt drs nvuxr pxjup gtmet, eppty xsag wvdlgqvf grmcx raaa tr wwzbk gbao fdfhe, wnig eh ys rmqdois nwfl uiv gjwte ef hlw srfw feozr wrwd wjiyiacsp ead rps psxpbw-omzv skif txvcvr fs yoro pk hti btkig gsdwbn ki lrg feyklrv kca. E fhrvivf biesrr hrh ur n cdv lzht xuelv wvop vrswmcx cz xuelv wrbp teosis ld ar ghh xpszq. Wue kes cwslg busle vmme aqh srfw fyuh invg, M tntlickg grvfrvb.
"Fv.. aygslht! Z vmzrn'w ftvb ayg iq e lywxi."
"Bh qs. Cfh ayg TKIGV ct rbnrrd. Ns'di tolrv kc flr gdvsvbe."
*Wvgkw* "Dw qayesh."

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI I was gonna post the full prose but it kept deleting itself on vigenere and I wasn't able to do the animatic :/ Watcha think then? >:3


  • Oop I meant to put light instead of happy-



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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Oki :)

  • > THRONEWEAVER Yeah it's alright! X3

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Ohh okay I just didn't want to assume anything and think you might be religious or anything since apparently some people who are are not aloud to swear/don't since it'd be a win or something. oof that's hard :/ I would just say "fiddle sticks" instead X3

  • > THRONEWEAVER It's ok! My mama is strict on "swears" I can barely say "dang it" without her glaring at me :[

ShatterLoch: Liz coming soon!

The clothing is in a slight rough - official design but her actual style with hair and boots are canon.
After her is Anthony :3

I'll also be doing a character sheet audition with about them and their personality.
Voice notes will be included!

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  • Oki! (for the ending - this is a separate thing from the q above) I imagine at the end their all in their own cabins (one of them is for two so eh) and Lucy is in a hallway and finds a tall mirror standing in it with a table next to it with a vase (flower pot) and looks into the mirror, sighs and looks down at her hand and takes one glove of off it (her right hand) and you can see it starting to turn black and veeery slowly travel looking like veins. She turns around but just as she was going to turn left a hand reaches out of the mirror and covers her mouth pulling her in, with another around her. And goes fully onto the other side. From the force of her going back and one of her hands knocking the case onto the floor, Anthony came in when he heard the crash and called her name but got no reply. All that stood was a table with a broken vase on the floor, water scattered on the carpet with flowers, and a tall looming mirror looking as clear as ever...

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Ooo I remember her! I loved her voice it's calm and small, reminded me of Fluttershy >:3 Yep! :) Okay, yeah true I'll try and show some sort of script about what scenes will happen XD Wanna hear what I have so far? :0

  • > THRONEWEAVER Glitter Sunny was my fav X3 Oki! I was trying a more sharp style first I'll show you some sketches later! >:3 Don't worry about taking over it's just you know more about it personally than I do so I wanted to let you do the major decisions! XD Usually a pilot is used as a Ep.1 so that sounds good >:3

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Samee Glitter Lucky was my favourite XD Sure! We can both I don't wanna make it seem like I'm taking over or anything 😅 I can tell you some parts in the script of scenes rn too? Also I think we should have it as episode 1 since I'm leaving it as a cliffhanger for next ep.

Hazbin Gretel SODIKKEN edit teaser :0

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Ahh hope you do well I bet it's gonna look amazing!! 💪

  • > THRONEWEAVER Hshdjdn I was making a Christmas (animation?) Thingy and I didn't finish it before Christmas but like I'm putting effort into this so Imma just post it late 😭

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Yeah I'll try next time 😌👍 Wish I could make you a Christmas art gift but I it's gone Christmas day nooo 😭

SL: Music - important ones

(don't ask why some of these are just Emilie's she has good music but is a bit cray cray - has some mental illnesses)
Emilie Autumn -
Up she rises - this will have two parts (not sure who to put that's why), one with Lucy when she's kidnapped- yes /kidnapped/ lol, and Icarus who is kind of a villain. she owns a library in a forest, mhmm yes totally not suspicious at all
Private practice - Oml I'm gonna have to put some warnings up for some of these characters, especially Eirian that posh twig (If I used the actual word - my country's slang I'd get cancelled XD) plot: Icarus trying to get Anthony and Liz on her side lmao the other part will be Eirian talking to Lucy


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ShatterLoch: Auditions for Lucy Scotch

Here is the casting call for Lucy! She's a main character in the film and is one of the "dumbasses" (lol) that gets taken by the guy (Anthony) to the loch.
Sorry if it's a bit all over the place - Some lines require shouting and whispering
There may be a lot of lines - These aren't them all but don't worry you don't have to do all of them!
You can do the first couple they just help us get a better stand with if you're able to do certain lines such as shouting, etcetera.

As before You submit us the link for your audition in the comments below and we'll get back to you after the closing :3
These are her Main clothes as she wears some others in it but some colours might get changed AND LINES so please be warned.

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  • > THRONEWEAVER It's not trash! Not if me and my mom likes it AND you made it >:[ It's an amazing work of art soon to be brought to the world! :3 Umm no not exactly we would have WAYYYYYY more connections when I get my YT but that would take a while :\ I am learning all of the basics of literally everything (Voice acting, Animation, Music, Etc) so that I could help out XD BUT that doesn't stop me from trying to find some peeps >:3

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Hold up I'll get their user up right now! >:3

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Do you know anyone who can do music or sound effects (both?) we reallly need a person to do it because as much as actors are important even music is more, like how we have iconic and familiar music tracks and scores we recognise and can pin where they come from! A perfect example is MD with DJdispirito like the pilot or ep 2-3 like Doll's theme - did you know they remixed it for the proming or knife dance I believe :0 There's this one person on YT (they do murder drone mixes too! :0) I dunno what they called and if they do it for free/would be willing to help us but if you type "murder drones ost disassemble/something along those lines" you'll see a vid with the thumb nail of V and a hand raised to her head or a MD oc with red:3

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Yep and so he should XD I'm thinking of changing Evren's name to Elias so I'll stick with it (?) Yess I really wanna see it in action too! Omg when I saw that line about your mom I literally said "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH" cuz I did not expect that she would read it now I feel embarrassed an adult is reading my trash 😭

ShatterLoch: Casting Call - Lucy Scotch

Casting Call for Lucy Scotch is going to be open for auditions on the 3rd - 4th of December, next week!
We'll be very excited to see all your auditions for one of our main protagonists! :3
IMPORTANT: When applying to audition for the role of Lucy Scotch please have your video put the picture of the character or ShatterLoch - Lucy Scotch audition in the title. Please put your username in the description and who you're auditioning for (as this may go for several other characters if you are applying for more than one)
(After auditions) If you have been given the role put your social media links underneath so it'll be easier to give credit to you in the film's credits/desc.
This is entirely optional you can just give us your user instead.

Please give us the link in the comments under the Auditioning Topic.
For anymore information or questions please tell us down below ↓

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ShatterLoch: Casting call auditions!

Auditions are open for ShatterLoch! A short animated film by me and my cowriter Mochi.
Short description: A guy babysits two dumbasses high on crackers on a trip to a loch and shit happens.
(Full desc coming soon)
Casting rules:
*You must have a good mic quality and no background noise.
*You must be 14 and over to audition. No exception. This film will have mild blood & violence and swearing.
*When auditioning please mind some roles will require you to shout/scream or swear. Please keep that in mind.
*In total there are two females and 1 male. You don't have to be the same gender as the characters to audition! Everyone is welcome into the casting call but please be polite and don't be rude.
*This isn't the last casting call there will be more! Don't worry if you didn't get one there might be chance next time for the next casting call.
*You do not have to be professional to join or an official voice actor as it says it's a CASTING CALL for AUDITIONS but some roles may require certain requirments.

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  • > BelleOfTheBallAndChainz Okay I'll try and get the list up :)

  • > THRONEWEAVER yes thatd be nice :]

  • > BelleOfTheBallAndChainz I can show some names and say what kind of music we want for it?

  • > BelleOfTheBallAndChainz Cool. I'm naming some of the music for scenes if that helps.


Omg guys it's coming on the 19th and new cast reveal.
I haven't really heard of these voice actors nor how they sound but they seem to be good fits if some of them are broadway.

Mochi if either of us somehow get access both try and send the eps on apps we can show pls!! :3

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI GOOD LUCK!! X'D Hopefully someone posts the episodes on BB or Spot 😤 Wish they put it somewhere like YouTube or something easy access for free instead of this premium member rubbish, like you still have to pay even double with the app at that?? 👁👄👁 Pls both post them on apps when we find bc if we can't RAHHH Also... NEW PICS JUST DROPPED OMG WINDIGO AL AND CHARLIE AND HER FATHER!!! His face looks so funky lmao



  • wqhdwqiduywdyhd YES FINALLY OuO

Ooo Mochi look Stocking emotes XD
  • > M3LL0M0CHI Totally! I'll be showing their refs soon. I had another idea about doing another pilot but with Ena and her as a great (poorly) receptionist XD Ooo I wish you luck with it :)

  • > THRONEWEAVER Yeah! It would help to get used to the characters and to get used to their range of emotions :] And yeah! I was making the creator comment sticker you wanted. Now that I have a solid persona that I'm using it would be easier XD

  • > M3LL0M0CHI She's my favourite but their both mood ✨ Yeah I wanted to put a some more about how this would be good for the OCs in a pilot as a ref with expressions and all + doing a similar style but mashup with another because yes 😌 StiCkErs!?? :000

  • AWEE I LOVE STOCKING XD This actually helps out with my stickers I was supposed to be making for you XD