sadly I can't go since Kong Hong far away from where I live. but AHHH TAXILUS MY BABY LOOKS SO CUTE!!

known as Isie by cool peeps I know
pronouns: she/her
Currently making my animation series ShatterLoch with a team!
- Comics
- Sketch
- Ocs
- Storywriting
- Translating
- Song writing
- Animation/animatics
ya get da drill by now XD might use some for ref
Doing a Amv/Pmv + comic version with my Ocs from Child of The Horned Weaver (COTHW - Mine!) With the Deutsche song: Das Mädchen, das Unglück verkauft (Jinja cover) You'll have to listen to the song on Spotify or on YouTube while you s scroll through the pmv/comic (since I can't show my animations on here XD)
It will be about Senay (main protagonist), a human who gets her odd marking (secretly a protection spell from an angel called Fateiel - Fate for short) and then she meets the demon Anar - but mostly focuses how she got captured by the King of Forever (Tarska) and what happened while she lived there (my poor babee 😭) .
see you guys soon! If you have any questions about it just ask in the commentst! Or, if you have any questions about the characters, lore or when the comic is coming out, or even about upcoming projects! :0
fact thing Luci taking over Enfer and Pride: Luci realized early on that humans were the perfect beings for enslaving themselves. Well he has influenced Earth's development quite a bit from what we can infer it has led to the present era where we are in real life today where we are told we have more freedoms than ever before more freedoms are coming with all this over abundance of disgusting food, pharmaceutical, drugs, alchohol, and increasingly propagandized entertainment. each of these things designed to eat up just enough of your encome that you can ever rise out of your situation. and allowing an even greater sense of freedom in Enfer luci has enslaved the people letting them all think they're having one hell of a party while they work their lives and enternites away.
*GASP finally a fully finished comic! (Finish all the way to the end and I'll tell you more about the comic + MD news) This one is with ya boi Luci and Miguel, I've mentioned him a few times such as my worldview topic (check in topics) and his character is very different from his younger brother, kind of like your main hero type thing but very different from it - he has a lot of grief and anger he holds back but you'll mostly see him casual/happy or teasing but with Luci he is serious. NOW WHERE GETTING SOMEWHERE INTERESTING: Luci is not your usual villain, or should I say... misunderstood? Now his origins are complicated but by going by some parts (somewhat inspired) by the First Testament or Vivzipop of what happened and what he is like can get a bit messy. Now he can be serious and sinister but can also have a good laugh and make you get caught in his trap without you even realizing it. On one side he acts cold and collected as he is doing his duties as king of the nine circles and other stuff and making sure the Extermination is in check but in reality he wants to try to mend his relationship with his daughter and be a family again as well as he has lost his spark he once had back then now endlessly just trying to find and create stuff to entertain him and make him forget about the curse he got put under. He has a thing for singing and dancing but with some things he has lost the appeal of when he used to back then. He hates looking at himself in the mirror and will avoid it at all costs necessary unless others are with him - all he sees in the mirror is his somewhat similar face to Miguel but also when he looks in the mirror he sees his past self- a part of the curse as if (see worldview about curse in the rules section).
⚠It will sadly be in Chinese first so sorry to my English viewers but the english version will come right out after the first one has been released the next day. 👍 🇨🇳🇬🇧
Murder Drones: now if you just came here for MD then why click? JK we're currently changing to episode 6 instead and the posters will change to other ones but that one I said of Cyn at the end credits will be released still!
The reason why cause of technical difficulties with trying to draw Absolute Solver and other factors that go in such as page count limit - this adds in with some light novels such as SIASSW (Kumo Desuga Nani Ka?/ So I'm a spider so what?) since I think Medi had a certain limit : possibly up to 100? But also with chapters and scenes since we don't just want to be like "Oh, HeRe Ya Go" and feel like it's all shoved into your face all at once but instead want to release a chapter or page up to 2-4 weeks (varies). and would also want to add on I had a chat with a crew memeber and we felt like the ep was done at a fast pace always going from one place to the next because there's always something happening in the timeframe of the other scene we miss - plus it was short and we wanted something long and okay to work with, not saying it is a dissapointment but they had left a lot of things go unsaid or skipped all together that fans were looking forward too and lore.
We're doing ep 6 ALSO because it will feel more intense and possibly show us more epic fight scenes, lore and even tell us why certain things are there or what happened and why. This will also be in Chinese first - But do not fret! We will be doing the english one with an extra thing with a behind the scenes of the process and plus a comment or two from a crew member!
Wait what's that? We have MORE!?? Yes dear viewers, not only we have been waiting to turn ep 6 into a comic (fanmade/unofficial!) But also do a light novel ver of the whole episodes (except ep 1) we will even add some pictures which will be entirely new! Basically if some of you don't know, a light novel is basically the english version of a normal book but with 2 or 5 pictures in it. we'll do chapters dedicated to the characters emotions in it too with their personal perspective as well as add notes in such as the documents Uzi find in ep 4. So we'll be doing a book version in words instead! Remember this is all fanmade and non-profit we are simply fans of the show, but if it ever did become official and/or the creators agreed we might even turn it into a fully fledged book to buy! Ahh the sweet hopeless dreams to think about... Anyway the light novel ver will come out very soon maybe this week so Luci might be put off instead - the first Vol (we'll call Vol.1 cause we skippin' ep 1) will have it's chapters released between on a daily basis to 1-2 weeks but first chapter/ 3-4 pages will be released tomorrow or Thursday.
> 伊西 Yasss :0000000
> M3LL0M0CHI I'll show a sneak peek of a page I've been working on on the MD book too :0
> 伊西 :D
> M3LL0M0CHI Yep! Though I I will have to arrange the scenes and colours plus text but ya :D
Lines for Luci I made for some comics I'm doing but most are based with him and Miguel.
Some lines are inspired by GLaDOS or are from cause I love her sense of humour sometimes lol.
“You’re designed to be a moron”
“Oh come on, if it makes you feel any better they abandoned you at death”
“Oh, it’s you. It’s been a long time”
“Most people emerge from suspension terribly undernourished, I want to congratulate you on beating the odds and somehow managing to pack on after murdering the truth”
“oh sorry, I’m still recovering from falling off of that cliff you threw me off. So sometimes I’m just breaking mirrors to stop myself looking at my reflection that looks just like you”
“If you think trapping yourself is going to make me stop hurting you, you’re sorely mistaken”
“That wreath you’re wearing looks stupid. That’s not me talking it’s on this record on other people looking fine but right here a Throne has noted that on you it looks stupid, well what does a young red-headed protector know about fashion. She probably – oh wait it’s a he, and he has blue hair, still what does he know, oh wait it says he has a magical degree in fashion from Lunaria”
“你戴的那个花圈看起来很愚蠢。那不是我说的,这是在其他人看起来不错的记录上,但就在这里,一个王座注意到在你身上它看起来很愚蠢,好吧,一个年轻的红头发保护者对时尚有什么了解。她可能——哦,等等,这是一个他,他有一头蓝头发,他仍然知道什么,哦,等等,它说他有一个来自 Lunaria 的魔法时尚学位。
“Do you know who else throws people off cliffs with people who are only trying to help them, the answer is nobody, nobody but you that is pointlessly still alive”
“Well, I suppose we could just stand here on the borders between smartness and stupidity and glare at each other until somebody drops dead but I have a better idea”
“well you know what they say, comedy equals tragedy”
some comedy lines or whatever:
does that mean you've finally got that thick skull of yours working?
Oh no! If my beloved knew I was going out in this, she'd want to join me! And she'd end up stealing the show as she so often does *Chuckle
哦不!如果我心爱的人知道我要出去,她会想加入我的!她最终会像她经常做的那样抢走节目 *笑
Is this truly what all the commoners are afraid off?
The lowly foot soldiers of a leader who doesn't want to get his own hand dirty?
damnit I won't be able to see it cause it's too late for me :(
ohh N looks concerned or something and there's a raven or crow on his shoulder and if you look really close at the eye it's shaped like absolute solver?? :0
> M3LL0M0CHI Okay have you posted it?
> 伊西 I wanted to ask you when I showed the picture 👍
> M3LL0M0CHI ooh yes please! Wonder what they sound like when you say them :0
> M3LL0M0CHI Yes they will but our little boi and gurl will rise above XD J IS DONE WITH THEM XD
> 伊西 Yayy more stuff :0
> M3LL0M0CHI Yeah it's really cool even if it's short tho :/ there's another creator called Voidseeker_ who has their own AU and characters with Luci and his older brother and siblings are in it even god :0
> 伊西 I'll look that up :0
> M3LL0M0CHI I found it on YT and it's in spanish but I used google translate
Cyn and N in the what seems to be the bar room. we finally get a clear shot of Cyn! looks like N might be teaching her to fit in with the other drones or something. 辛拿着茶杯看起来真可爱!
> 伊西 Don't worry It's helping me in the long run anyway
> M3LL0M0CHI sorry if that's too much 😅 Just one option available open though .
> 伊西 Yus more projects to do lol. That would be nice though 👀
> M3LL0M0CHI Lol we should do a Q&A for our OCs in the AU about what we think their favourite shows and songs would be XD
@M3LL0M0CHI this one would be cool as a backstory for Cyn and when the gang come to the manor.
will probably use this for my OCs in COTHW though as a comic song maybe :0 (Will do a normal version with proper lore also) song:
Hey, Welcome
You've finally awakened from your reality
I have very good news for you
You don't have to brush your teeth,
you don't have to eat any vegetables
What's more, you are spared from seeing your family you hate
First, stack these balls up high in the sky
Until I let you stop, keep doing it on and on and on
If you can't do it all, I'll never, never let you through
This isn't a lukewarm school, don't get that wrong
Never mind that, come play with me
Don't worry about the end of life
Your distorted eyes are so beautiful
They're like jewels with galaxies trapped inside
I might as well swap them out with mine
Hi, Again
Have you awakened from your long dream?
You look very pale
You'll feel easier if you rest here
Why are you so afraid of me even though I'm being so nice to you?
(Humans are so much more dreadful and savage)
First, you stack the balls, then it's time to play with me
Until I give you the signal, keep doing it, on and on and on!
If you get tired, let's cut off those arms and legs
Dripping red soup is so nourishing
The pain will soon fade away, Even if you breath your last, you're whole again
It's a never-ending loop, very funny, isn't it?
Your crying face is so adorable
Don't worry, you'll get used to it
The future never comes anyway, so just keep playing with me
> M3LL0M0CHI Okay I'll look into it👍
> 伊西 Yeah that's a good base we could use for reference 👍
> M3LL0M0CHI What should we do for the vocabulary like trying to say the words? Should we do it a bit like Alice Schach And The Magic Orchestra (or ASATMO)? :0
> M3LL0M0CHI We could try!I'm somewhat good at drawing symbols and I could make some up if you like!
I feel like I post more on topic lol. Anyway, a new comic series that I've been planning for a while (since last year..) is finally coming! you guys might know is called COTHW or Child of The Horned Weaver (will probably change name) is coming soon in October!! I'll show you guys sneak peeks and behind the scenes of it so I hope you enjoy! XD
Oooo :0
Back. The. Fack. Up.
Does anyone else need a recap right now?
Bossy J shows up out of nowhere with her body recovered,
a human (Tessa) on her right and Doll who looks fresh from dead (uh,
hello? Have you heard of not surviving a bullet, dear? 'Cause you got oil coming outta your oil).
Anyways, Uzi starts turning into a vampire and becomes something out of FNF with Cyn possessed and fack knows what else, but hold up, was anyone actually paying attention to that mystery girl in the back at this point? The girl LEGIT suddenly appears and disappears, no lie (check theory).
Now I'm not saying this girl is a zombie dragged outta the depths of hell,
shoved in a long (albeit fancy) dress with a demon possessing that weird human-drone body of hers. But okay, I'm calling it. Because WTF???
Cyn just came over here and the fan theorists haven't posted a SINGLE WORD about floaty McGee over here who looks like that girl in the photo who seems to have 'disappeared ' and miraculously reappeared like she just popped out of a Alice tea party - and frankly, that would explain the outfit a bit but not enough for me to back the theory a hundred percent. I'm not entirely ruling it out though, because Bossy J shows up with a face that says 'did I ask' with a CEO bjtch air to her and I wouldn't put it passed her to have witnessed N killing her demon-crab body and want him seven years below her as punishment for drinking her favourite tropical punch Kool-Aid or some shIt - but what was she living on all these years - tea cups???
I digress. Point is, can we all focus on the bigger issue than Solver Uzi and Doll being possibly alive, that being one fancy-ass zombie and one scary ass flesh-eating gurl who, rumour has it, might be connected to this freak show of 'object-turning-fesh' fiasco.
For all that the cool and fashionable V has to say about not keeping out of stuff and normalness, you'd think she might have noticed that JC Jenson have been boning supernatural flesh-oil eating test subjects....
#Aliceforgottocomeout ofthehole
> 伊西 Ya I’m excited
> M3LL0M0CHI Lol just came up at the top of my head XD but seriously, not one SINGLE WORD has been posted about that girl Uzi sees like is there some sort of bigger picture we're missing??
> bluecatanimations Same maybe we might see others beside J, V and N in the mansion or on Copper 9 :0
Ya I’m just screaming because there’s more murder drones
the style looks adorable I'm obsessed XD!
> M3LL0M0CHI Good job 👍
> 伊西 I did with a 92% :D
> M3LL0M0CHI Your welcome! I hope you passed!
THIS MADE MY DAY! I think I failed my final and I see this. 🥹
it was the fanart I did for Cyan.y (on YT, insta and more)
lol didn't expect to find that there XD
Yayy! XD
温特斯通庄园 - Winterstone Manor
绯红之花实验室 - CrimsonFlower Labs/Laboratory (绝对求解器实验)
颠茄图书馆 - Belladonna Library (充满有毒的紫色烟雾,使带有绝对求解器的无人机发疯)
毛地黄大厅 - Foxglove halls (充满鲜活的花朵,含有人类血液,使食用它的用户变得平静)
Mystery drone!? she's wearing a bow and a dress with long hair and her arms look human like??
also I wonder why Doll was there too. You see her behind Uzi with bug and she's... smiling!? maybe she knows something Uzi doesn't about Absolute Solver or with these Zombie drones or JC Jenson???
random building and other mystery person in back? (a silouhete of a person if you look really close)
In the last episode of Cabin Fever we see N found an old JC Jenson VHS tape called "Zombie drones" and takes it with him at the end of the episode indicates we will explore what's inside it and what we will expect in ep 5. We will hopefully get to explore N's backstory and how the Murder Drones came to be especially because of the old photo GLITCH gives us with the title "Let's have ourselves a ball!" with N in what look's to be a waiter of sorts being surrounded by black shadows who are humans. as we can tell from episode 2 N used to be some sort of Worker drone without the tail and sensors. The manor is called Elliot Manor with the words 'Celebration Gala' which seems to be a revel as it might be a continuation from episode 2 as we see a hall like the one in the photo with N holding the exact same tray. Elliot Manor is very important to N, V and J's past and will surely be coming back in episode 5 based on this post.
When N touched the tape he got given flashbacks of what seemed to happen at the manor from his prospective with the worker drone Tessa brought in who most likely will be Cyn as you can see the Absolute Solver eye in her right eye, eating what seems to be human intestines or organ from them which seems to give us a theory that these "Zombie drones" eat humans, it seems this worker drone ate some of the guests at the gala. We can see a torn off hand dangling on a chandelier which indicates this worker drone was the first zombie drone. apparently from a source that this tweet indicates a reference to the Shining with the text right in the same place on the images may mean that it is taking inspiration from that iconic horror movie which means this episode is gonna be very eery and sinister stuff to look forward to in episode 5!
Lol but yeahh not exactly ideal 😒
> 伊西 (I mean yeah at this point XD) But yeah for her to be an indirect test subject of an experiment :/
> M3LL0M0CHI Damn I feel like we're making our own story of this now instead of a theory discussion XD that would be interesting but also worrisome for Uzi
> 伊西 Ooo so like they were seeing how she reacted to certain things. So maybe they were watching to examine her in a way. Like she was a test subject too
FH: Gabriel
SH: Raphael
TH: Baradiel contains the Garden of Edenael and the Tree of Life.
FH: Michael It contains the Holy Temple and the Altar of El.
FH: Zadikiel
SH: at day; Sabath at night; Zebul All the celestial records are kept here
SH: Cassiel
P1: "So, Dad" "所以,爸爸。"
P2: "What do you think?" "你觉得怎么样?"
查理看起来很紧张哦 :0
Book runes:
A ᚨ
B ᛒ
C ᚳ/ᚲ
D ᛞ
E ᛖ
F ᚠ
G ᚷ
H ᚺ
I ᛁ
J ᛃ
K ᚲ
L ᛚ
M ᛗ
N ᚾ
O ᛟ
P ᛈ
R ᚱ
S ᛋ
T ᛏ
U ᚢ
W ᚹ
Y ᚣ
Z ᛉ
My art can take a while to do so I don't post often but I will keep you guys updated on new posts and ect
"No, you can do that, I've got other stuff to deal with." She said in a flat tone. " Fine, but have you got the ingredients for that thing you won't tell me about?" he asked. "Yes, but I'll have to do it tonight." "I always wondered if I should have saved your sister," "!?" "What? you mad?" "Better to stay distant, okay." “Or I’ll kill you next” Isie laughed.
It had been 3 weeks and counting since she took over the palace. Everyone was powerless against her, even Miguel. He had been trying to get in contact with El but El had mysteriously disappeared, some thought El was gone forever. But Miguel knew where he went. He even went to his younger brother, Lucifer, who they both rarely spoke to each other unless urgent matters with the Extermination. He agreed to come over. But, as the law states of the First Ones; he must wear enchanted black pearls when in Caelitus. "Hello, Brother..." Meanwhile... Isie had successfully took over the palace, but. There was... a problem, more like someone was the problem, as Isie sat across from Palrurisia. They had began planning about how to get rid of Miguel, while Isie was having second thoughts. "Look, all you have to do is get him to have his guard down and kill him!" Plaru said in an annoyed tone. Isie wanted to start other plans while, unfortunately, Palru was dead set on killing Miguel.
自从她接管宫殿以来,已经有3个星期了。每个人都对她无能为力,甚至米格尔。他一直试图与艾尔取得联系,但艾尔神秘地消失了,有人以为艾尔永远消失了。但米格尔知道他去了哪里。他甚至去找他的弟弟路西法,他们俩很少和对方说话,除非灭绝有紧急的事情。 他同意过来。但是,正如法律对第一者的规定;在凯利特时,他必须佩戴附魔黑珍珠。“你好,哥哥...”同时。。。伊西成功地接管了宫殿,但是。有...一个问题,更像是有人是问题所在,因为伊茜坐在帕鲁里西亚的对面。他们已经开始计划如何摆脱米格尔,而伊西正在重新考虑。“看,你只要让他放松警惕,杀了他!”普拉鲁用恼怒的语气说道。伊西想开始其他计划,而不幸的是,帕鲁一心想杀死米格尔。“不,你可以这样做,我还有其他事情要处理。”她语气平淡的说道。“很好,但是你有没有那个东西的成分,你不会告诉我?”他问。“是的,但我今晚必须这样做。“我一直在想,我是否应该救妹,” “!?”“什么?你疯了?“最好保持距离,好吧。”“不然我接下来就杀了你”伊茜笑道。
他们会发现的。看,你需要摆脱它—— :你不要和我说话。我不必听你们这些可怜的生物的话。 你们这些神圣的白痴所做的一切,就是试图谈论我。 男:呃! 我:现在很容易,我们不想让它变得困难。不管怎样,这些绳索不会让你做任何事情。 有什么要说的吗?你的圣洁! 男:嗯?你似乎忘记了我能做什么,不是吗?我有更多的经验,我可以打电话给露西 - 啊! 露西不会对你一丝不理会。因为一旦我把你的脊椎劈开,把它塞进你的喉咙里,你所做的就是被你自己的金血呛到。你不会比你在泥土中的那把剑更有价值。 They’ll find out. Look, you need to snap out of it- I: YOU don’t get to talk over me. I don’t have to listen to you pathetic creatures. All you holy cretins ever do is try to talk over me. M: ugh! I: easy now, we wouldn’t want to make it hard. And anyway, those ropes aint gonna let you do anything. Got anything to say about it? Your HOLYNESS! M: hm? You seem to be forgetting what I can do, aren’t you? I’ve had more experience and I could call Luci- ARGH! I: Luci wouldn’t give a feather about you. Cause once I split your spine open and shove it down your throat all you’ll be doing is choking on your own gold blood. You won’t be worth any more than that sword of yours in the dirt.
> M3LL0M0CHI AND I'll be doing character refs so you'll get to know about the characters XD
> 伊西 Yaayyy :0
> M3LL0M0CHI I'll be showing parts from it daily between 1-2, weeks vairy 😁👍