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Var-sol wiki thing about him

(Some things might be changed or discarded in the future, the personality/profile is not exactly 100%. You have to see the proses or animatics to understand his personality.)
Nicknames: Sol (by Nyra), Silvi (by Aulav), Mr. Silvanus (by Nebula)
Likes: Nyra, ‘Love’, teasing Nyra, people suffering, the Law
Dislikes: social impropriety, others interacting with Nyra, Aulav, Alyssa, things not “legally correct”
Status: Unconditionally immortal
Species: Kindred
Age: Old
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Romantic sadistic,
Occupation: Head of the Court, Nyra’s guardian and not-boyfriend
Voice claim: ? (not yet filed)

Var-sol is the head of the Council and Leader of the White Reapers.
He looks after Nyra and is also her not-lover, being her ‘guardian’. He normally narrates over the radio but does appear on television too. Mostly for galas or battalion news.
He has an exaggerated public persona. Has to be as sickenly kind as possible. One worth of gossip. He’s not a very caring or kind person, but it’s in a way the public find enticing. He is popular and the entire nation is head over heels for him. That just goes to show how stupid and poor taste they have.
His default is ‘(:’ but is just as a façade to society.
He is in ‘Love’ with Nyra to the point you could call it obsessive. But the sadistic side and treatment towards her makes it hard to tell. He has daily lessons with Nyra, helping her with her mobility with walking while having dance and even piano lessons.
Var-sol is a lanky male and appears as a humanoid with pale skin and golden eyes. He has fluffy, slightly wavy black hair with white streaks in his hair, both of either side of his face and a strip of hair down the middle, his hair at the bottom is actually feathers flattened down meant to look like hair.
His teeth at the front are sharp, looking like fangs.
His clothes as the leader of the White Reapers and head of the Council are composed of a white shirt with a long-sleeved coat the top being black cutting off at the shoulders and half-chest while the rest is white. Plain trousers, pointed dress shoes.
His casual wear is long trousers up to his waist and a white shirt with long sleeves and a chain brooch across the collar.
When he shifts into other outfits, he usually wears formal or semi-formal clothes and has an affinity for long coats.
In public, he shapeshifts into a “generic” appearance to avoid attention.
Although he can be rude and straightforward, he can also take joy in the struggling or pain of others, their failed attempts and pathetic insults. He can also insult others and threaten violence if he deems acceptable to do. He is significantly calm and polite, adopting a formal tone at times. He has a tendency of reassuring others, specifically Nyra. However, he also is shown to be imposing and controlling.
He can be an enigmatic character whose actions can imply unknown ulterior motives.
Showmanship skills
• Var-sol is proficient at dancing, playing piano
Creation & Reconstruction
• Var-sol can “poof” things out of thin air, the extent of his creation powers is unknown but Angels all have the ability of creation but most are only able to make simple items, with the exception of powerful ones such as Aulav can make more complex structures.
• Var-sol can recreate objects of anything as long as he has the proper Memories to use.
• Var-sol can fly using his Angel wings in his Angel persona, but can use wings in his Kindred form too. He can manifest and hide at will.
• Var-sol uses the form of his Angel persona but can shapeshift into “Generic” forms too.
Teleportation/object swapping
• Var-sol can swap the positions of things around in Space. The swapping happens “after” the fact and seems to overwrite the past
• He is fluent in both English and Tonaira
While being the same person, he takes on a public persona known as “Silvanus” to everyone. Hiding his identity as an ancient being known as Var-sol.
Although there are some similarities, he is different enough from his Angel counterpart for it to be notable.
• Var-sol is in a closed dyadic relationship with Nyra. While they appear to engage with each other romantically, their relationship is not very healthy with Var-sol mostly leaving Nyra traumatised or with attachment issues.
• Var-sol is openly affectionate towards Nyra, with hugs and sometimes compliments. Even desires for intimacy but can collide with his sadistic nature, to Nyra’s chagrin.
• Var-sol also teases and jokingly insults her, although only lightly.
• He also manages much of Nyra’s daily life, such as his clothes and food. But seems to be purposely oblivious her being discomforted or irritated about it.
• Has a passionate hatred for her, but not a lot to consider her an enemy. His reasons for not liking her is for her getting too close to Nyra and trying to convince Nyra he is evil (which she already knows he is bad), and once getting in the way of one of his plots.
• An annoying and enigmatic person. He resents Aulav for his interest for sticking his nose-where-it-doesn’t-belong, he dismisses his random disappearances as his typical weirdness.
Council members
• He finds them okay and can believe them but mostly thinks of them as fools, more of a “they’re too annoying me to give a shit.”

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COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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Prose 1 (2/2)

He waved off the people that were still staring. And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.
The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tired distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.
She then when on to noting what colour the ceiling was, how many customers were behind and in front. How many people were left until Var-sol came back, what the cashier was doing when giving the shopping to the people and asking for money, how long it had been while Var-sol had been away. Noting at what to do for when Var-sol would come back, waiting for Var-sol to come back, arranging the shopping backs for where Var-sol would be able to reach when he came back. Waiting for him to come back wanting him to come back waiting for him to come back needing him to come back-
Nyra blinked, realising she had been bashing herself into the wall next to her and holding her arms to herself. Blood was slowly leaking out of her arms. Where she had her nails tearing deep into.
No one seemed to had noticed the blood on her arms yet and hadn’t seen her subtly bashing herself into the wall.
She pulled some gloves from her pocket in her skirt and put them on, hoping no one would be able to see the blood staining the gloves. Luckily, they were a shade of grey and only a slight amount had stained the gloves, giving it a darker colour.
Nyra was assessing how that had happened without her knowing, seeing, /feeling/ what she was doing. It didn’t help that her vision was slightly hazy. But she could still see clear enough to not stumble.
Nyra started fiddling with her thumbs as she waited.
Var-sol had gone to the clothing section, and found some dresses he thought Nyra would like.
He looked at some and tried generating some similar dresses. Though they were fare more different than then the ones he was taking inspiration from. Var-sol looked over the one’s he’d made and decided to scrap them, vanishing out of his hands.
He strolled down and found the aisle for night wear. Though they were more of today’s fashion he decided to generate some nightgowns for her.
They were a lot like the one’s she wore at home but were thinner. He’d noticed she would have to role the sleeves of some down more than necessary and would have her back showing. She’d also have to role the skirts up at times for her tail to come out, or squish herself against the covers while sprawled out to cool herself down.
As much as he thought it was her Demon behaviours (or just Nyra being Nyra), he’d always get idée fixe about wanting to just pull her against him to stop her from fiddling about so much. It annoyed him to the point of making her tired to the point of her barely being able to get into her bed without falling with her arms stretched out.
Although he enjoys her struggling with stuff like this he would rather her be quiet when it’s dark then her frustrating herself at trying to get into a bed without tripping on the way.
He went back to the line and found Nyra fiddling with her hands.
She seemed to have been stressing about being left alone again.
He could see gloves on her arms and the tiniest of dark splodges on them.
He narrowed his eyes guessing she had hurt herself to try and calm herself down.
He appeared behind her saying ‘Miss me?’ while smiling. She’d looked up flinching, not realising his presence was behind her.
They got to the till to pay the cashier.
The lady had finished handing them their shopping after finished scanning and said “That’ll be 20.34 Celes please!”
Var-sol pulled out three crisp notes from his pocket (that he really summoned) and handed the cash over.
When they had gotten out into the car park Var-sol shifted out of his disguise into his casual wear.
This time he was wearing long black trousers, a white shirt with a chain brooch on the collar, a coat with the lower half looking like feathers.
Nyra let her disguise on her face and horns go.
Var-sol ensnarled her arms around his and left.

Celes – Currency
Disguises – Var-sol can shapeshift his form. He’s done this to not be easily recognised in public.
Nyra can do simple magic such as hiding her horns and making her skin not look like a Demon’s.
But for some reason she isn’t able to hide her tail with magic so it has to be hidden in her skirts.

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Prose 1 (1/2)

Nrya decided to go to a store for an urban adventure
even though she lives in a mansion with her
"Var-sol, what is this?"
"And this?"
"And this?"
"What about this one."
"Nyra they’re all soup."
"And why is that?"
"Because we're in the soup isle."
"What does this say on it?"
He looked over the box's description but decided to
read it anyway. Rolling his eyes at the poor slogan.
"Sally's Valley Soup. 'the freshest soup every made!'
Made in Conille, founded in (08940-21-5), expires
(20591-30-2). Contains Franzett chicken soup, bread
(crumbs), and spring water. Chicken flavoured soup.
See side of box for allergies."
The Kindred spoke with a soft but tightened and
annoyed tone. With an air of a radio host talking about
the weather. And not reading off a pointless, and
Time-wasting obnoxiously small box.
He understood why she did not understand store
'etiquette' and simple logic but it can be irritating how
simple minded she could be at times.
Oh and ahh, but the naiveness of situations around her
can be a delight when he can force her infirm limbs to
rely on him for support and crush that small, pretty
face with his hands.
"So I know which one is best to choose from and
"Actually. You don't need to choose at all since /your/
opinion doesn't matter because of how insignificant it
is for this. And besides we have soup it's the exact
"How will I know that if /I/ don't try?"
"It's exactly the same; taste, touch, sound, and looks.
Do you think I'm not capable of generating something
so /perfunctory/ and plain?"
"Fine I'll have this one."
" that's the same one."
"Is there anything I can have?"
"How about this."
He tightened his grip on her with his arm as he took
them to another aisle across from them, picking up a
box of goodness-knows-what and read it.
"Here. 'Chocolate liqueur ' imported by Frinaveen.
It'll make you nauseous for a couple of days since with
your allergy of pure water. Oh, but you can't have this, it
has alcohol in it."
Var-sol scrunched up his face, disgusted at the fact
they would put chocolate with an alcoholic drink.
Might as well of gave him bloody arsenic with sugar
for all he could care.
"I can handle it."
"My, what a pernickety little thing you are. Fine if you
be sick don't blame me."
Var-sol was just about to put the box in the trolley
when he switched the contents inside with hot
chocolate, knowing she would not like that and she'd
be on Death's door by the time she'd be half finished
with 1 cup. Whether it is just Nyra or all Demons, she
seems to have as low tolerance to liqueur and gets
knocked out when after having 1 drink.
Pure water is said to cause Demons pain, when, in
actuality, they just act like cats when seeing a
Laughing to himself at the idea of her acting like a cat
would be very entertaining, although she does act like
one all time. Such as- riiighht now.
Nyra is pawing at the bells dangling on a ribbon
hanging on a rack, watching it sway back and forth as
a ' Jingle - Jangle' sound emits from it.
"Are you going to stare at that all day or come over to
the next aisle?"
"Of course not. And I'm getting a turn to push the
trolley. "
Demons can easily get annoyed and short-tempered
by the smallest of things. This is shown as a classic
symptom and normal behaviour of SCED. - Short
Control of Emotions Disorder - notes by Dr. K Hysterkill
Var-sol was thinking of all possible, horrendous
scenarios that could happen to her if she got her
hands on the trolley; speeding down the aisles and
crashing into someone. Pushing it and tripping over,
ramming into stacked cans in pyramids, pushing the
trolley at high speeds and splatting onto a wall.
His face tightened at the scenarios going on in his
head, not helping his feelings of not wanting to be here
and stared with jealously at the white creamy wall
next to him. The whiter the wall, the darker the
crimson liquid will show.
You could really do with breaking someone's damned
child's bones and paint their innards all over those
pearly walls and disgustingly bright lights where there
was not concept of whether it was day or night, just
bloody Sweet Sally's grocery time.
*Sigh* "You can have a turn at the soft toys aisle. And I
was only doing some light persiflage with you."
They soon got to the soft toy’s aisle.
Var-sol satisfied with his control back on the trolley as he had his back and his arms resting on the trolley tilting his head back as he turned to looked over a Nyra, who a small doll of a black crow in her hands and found it had a voice box that could copy what you say.
Nyra pressed the button in the centre.
“I love you and you love me! *Crow noises* hug me!”
She frowned at the doll in her hands. Wondering why it would say a word that strong to someone.
“Ish gan Mor nir. Ket-ket?”
It repeated it back in a squeak “Ish gan Mor nir! Ket-ket!”
Var-sol leaned over looking at her with a smirk.
She’s such an… /fascinating/ being. He mused at that she spoke Tonaira, a language fluent by any old Seraphim that knew it, which no one is around to speak it. But if there is no one would.
His species was not apart of Angels but is his own entirely. He can take the form of one.
But he is very fluent in it so knowing what she said made him chuckle a bit.
‘I don’t love you. Okay-yes?’
Ket – The common turn for ‘yes’ and ‘okay’. Can also be used as slang when adding another ket on being ket-ket: Kay-kay, yes-yes

Nyra picked up another doll and put the other back. Putting a finger at the offending heart. Digging in and watching it with a blank expression. But then thought better and let her grip of her nail digging in stop. Knowing she would get in trouble with Var-sol and he’d have to pay for damaged property and would – not be pleased in the least - at her.
“How about this one? Oh, look at that! They have dolls of you how cute.”
“looks like making you a face of friendliness to the public worked!”
Var-sol snickered.
The fools don’t realise that she couldn’t care about them or their praise.
But neither could he, to be frank. How easy it is to fool the masses with a show of power and clam the highest status, and just make her hum a few songs.
Nyra picked up the doll he was looking at. She felt the fabric, soft and warm.
It was all black with short hair and a frilly white and red dress – one that looked like one of the ones she wore at a soirée – with a white bow in the doll’s hair and small horns.
The label attached to one of the hands said: ‘Enael, Bloom Gala Edition – rose’s thorn dress. Made in Venesset.’ Her name was Nyra, but when she first transferred to the Embrilla of Supranatural Research and Medical Branch it was changed to Enael as they did not know her name at the time, and it was her test subject name code E.
Only Var-sol knows her actual name and her doctor.
“Do you want it?”
Nyra looked into the black beady eyes that stared back into her soul.
“Does it look like me?”
“Hmm. A bit.”
“Does it look like pain?”
She squeezed the doll’s neck and put it back on the shelf, giving it a side glance and moved onto the dolls in the section at the bottom.
Var-sol walked a step to the one she picked up. Picking it up by the horn and looked at it and back at her. Nyra had a hand on the shelf with her legs criss-cross bent as usual. He could see a small quiver from her legs trying to keep balance.
He’d have to do some more walking exercises with her. Var-sol had his left arm crossed at his right with his right arm propping it’s elbow on it. Holding the doll with his left arm against his chest.
He was looking with a concerned glance but he had a small smile hiding with his right hand on his face. Smiling at the fact that /he/ had done that. That /he/ was able to make /her/ forced to rely on him for support. He felt he was winning something as he stared at her longer before teleporting the doll somewhere only he would know.
He walked over to her and she looked up. How… small she was. She stared with a blank look but nervousness showed, /fear/ was a better term. And he relished in that. He yanked her arm and dragged her along with him. She had to dig her nails into his arm to not fall. Var-sol was going at a steady pace, but with her small body Nyra had to walk fast to keep herself from being dragged or slipping.
She bumped into him twice. Twice. Which made her frown. How did she manage to bump into him? Sure, she was close enough to feel his arm against the side of her head but she would’ve been able to have enough room to not bump into him.
His hand twitched when she bumped into him. Trying to resist the urge to dig his hand on her wrist in.
She nothing as they stopped at a till with a line in front of them. It seems they were done and were going to pay for their items.
When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling s dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, remembering the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.
Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.

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Cothw - prose 2 The crow's clue (1/2)

Silavnus's lines are highlighted in blue. Nyra's in red. Alyssa's in dark blue. Aulav's in purple.
} - silly emphasis / - emphasis
Nyra did not want to go into the office, nor did she want to be around other people, but Silvanus said so otherwise.
“It’ll only be for a bit, and anyway. It’s for you to get used to working here.” He said dragging her by the arm.
They were gonna go to the White Reaper’s battalion base. Unfortunately, Nyra was going to have to stay there in an office around people who are going to be showering her with compliments and…
Silvanus opened the doors, and the rest of the team peeked their heads and out the offices and turned, seeing their leader who had behind him a nervous and stressed Nyra.
…The group had an mixed parties: some were confused, two were curious; a girl with blue hair looking at her excitedly… Was that the girl you met at the gala!?, a man with purple hair and a hat with feathers giving her a intrigued look (you thought he looked suspicious but interesting), and the majority being annoyed and, looking as they were about to murder someone with glares they were giving her. Which they probably wouldn’t mind doing to her.
Silvanus waved at them gesturing to the even more stressed Nyra that looked like she was praying for the ground to swallow her up. “Hello everyone. This here is going to be someone working with us, she’s shy so please /don’t/ pressure or make her feel unconfutable. Let’s treat her with the utmost respect and let her settle in!” He smiled while looking down at her.
How in the hell was their commander being so calm about this!? There was just a /demon/ right next to him and he was acting as if this was a meet and greet (Which this kind of was).
“Let’s introduce you to the group! First here with me is Nyra. Now I know what your all thinking ‘{Oh BuT tHaT’s A dEmOn}’ yes. Yes, she is. But we’ve made an exception for her and she’s gone through the tests to be a living citizen.”
That didn’t make the glares and the tension in the room go down, in fact it made it go a bit up, Nyra could tell by the sound being intense. While it was also unfamiliar being somewhere she’s never been it didn’t make her anymore better with the introductions.
“Right I’ll start from the left. This here is Celosia, she’s quick and fierce and she works with going on missions. Here is Noor, she handles information gathering. And sitting over is Alyssa, she helps back here with ordering files and plans. She also goes out on the field most times too.
And this purple fella in the back is Aulav! He works on all kinds of stuff. Mostly behind the scenes.”
After introducing some more people and showing some of the rooms, he pulled Nyra over.
“I’m going to be gone for a bit before I show you around the room for files - a mini library you might say – and my office. That’s were you’ll mostly work.”
Nyra looked over the side of him seeing she got some looks from Celosia and Noor from hearing that. Great.
“So I’m just gonna pop you somewhere- ah! Here, you can sit with Alyssa. I’m sure she’ll make you feel welcomed.” He got a reply from Alyssa who did a mini salute, “I will sir! Don’t you worry!”
He looked back at Nyra, who was barely aware of what was going on.
Except for two things; One. She’d be in a room with people - most who seemed ready to rip her head off -, and that Silvanus was leaving her alone.
She knew being close to him in public was fine, such as when they are at galas or outside, but these people /knew/ him. They’d (and herself – own embarrassment) be weird about her being close to him.
So she just tugged his sleeve, a subtle movement as not for others to notice, as much as she wanted to just grab his arm and hide behind there was barely any walls right behind or in front of her.
“?” Silvanus looked at her confused but sympathetic. Nyra spoke, whispered that is, only he could hear.
“Can you come b-back quickly?...” He bent down a bit to be at her level “I’ll try and be quick as possible, but if you feel overwhelmed you can wait outside the room, okay?” he whispered back while patting her head slightly.
Silvanus then strode out. Nyra sank into the seat she was in and stared at the floor.
“H-hey, if you want… I could uh, show you some stuff I’m working on? Or-or, you could just sit there if you want.” Alyssa, sitting next to her asked sheepishly.
Nyra looked up nervously and nodded.
Alyssa then went to her desk and opened a draw. She grabbed some paper and put in on the table in front of her, pointing at what looks like a map.
“This is a map of Venesset. You see here? This is where we are. Although this map is just for Venesset, you can see the outlay around us, such as the Court of Venesset. We use these maps as a way to plan and locate, and pinpoint where we’re going to find something or go after a target.”
Nyra leaned over, looking over the shapes and words on the map. She found the forest she grew up in. That side of the map was a bit faded, but the words were clear enough to make out.
She tapped the forest on the map. Then tapped at the lines leading to it.
Alyssa looked over she was pointing at. Thinking and then gave an answer, “There? Not long? Sure it’s a bit of walk for like 1-2 days, but it depends where you are. If your asking from here I’d say an hour or so?” Alyssa said a bit awkwardly, obviously she’s probably never been, since her answer wavered.
But enough to give a rough estimate.
A couple of seconds later she heard some whispering across from her.
Two girls were talking to each other snickering and casting glances over to where she sat.
A girl with yellow hair, Celosia, Nyra remembered. Came over and had her hands on her hips, looking disapprovingly at her. Then closed her arms across her chest with one hand out, she had a lollipop in her hand. Waving in a circle she asked Alyssa, “Why are you /talking/ to the Demon? You know it’s probably pretending to be shy, right?”
Alyssa looked at her annoyed and gave a huff “Because it’s polite, and /she/ is most likely nervous being in a place with people she doesn’t know. Ever thought of that?”
Celosia rolled her eyes and then looked back at Nyra. “Can you even talk? Silvanus probably got forced to bring you here or something. Anyway, I’m surprised anyone took interest in taking you in. Got lost on the streets? /Demon/.” She sneered. Looking at her disgustingly.
“Celosia!” Alyssa gasped, looking displeased.
Nyra just looked at her, anger and annoyance boiling in her. Ugh, she could really do with just finding somewhere to eat instead of dealing with this.
But Celosia kept on pestering her with the girl in the back snickering in the back looking on.
It got to the point when Nyra snapped at what she said last, “Bootlicker. I seen you on tv at the galas. I heard you lost one of your eyes because of an experiment, you probably deserved it.”
That was a cover-up story of one of her eyes when someone asked at a gala. Though there are rumours something else happened, most of her being a monster and attacking an Angel, and so-and-so.
But it was enough for her to hear about her eye to make her snap.
Nyra stood up and leaped at Celosia. She started grabbing her hair and hitting her.
Celosia fought back laughing while mad, yanking her hair in turn and then pushing her.
There were other people cheering in the back, all rooting for Celosia, or some just saying “fight!” while watching. Alyssa stood up next to the crowd where the girl, Noor, that was with Celosia was and started cheering Nyra on while asking her if she should get someone.
Nyra then had enough and grabbed the back of her head, then started bashing it against a filing cabinet while Celosia tried to fight back. With Nyra having one hand on her shoulder and the other on her head she was stuck in place, flapping about her arms while blood spluttered from her head. Trickling down onto the floor.
As it was about to escalate even more, Celosia then knocked her back and moved a bit away, both were panting from the fight. Nyra was looking down as she was huffing. The fight taken out of her.
When suddenly Celosia rose up and punched her, scratching her left eye. Making Nyra’s head go up, she winched from the pain about to turn the fight into a bloodbath when suddenly she felt something on her collar. Someone was dragging her away and as she looked up she saw Aulav.
He just tipped his hat a bit down while smiling across the room while dragging her with his other hand the floor. She started failing around with her arms and kicked out speaking too incoherent.
Aulav had dragged her into a room that looked like a guest room from one of the galas she attended.
“It seems the first round has started.” He said as he dropped her.
“What?” She said in confusion. Getting up off the ground. “the manifestation of the living incarnate of evil marks the beginning of the game. It seems the devil does not agree if you refuse to play.”
He pulled her towards him. Making her freeze up for a moment before tensing. He cupped her face with one of his hands while the other stroked the side of her face that had gotten a cut below and above her eye, luckily missing it to not make her go blind.
“There is a way to extend the game to several rounds. If you’re lucky that is.
The first way is to avoid the branches holes. One must keep on finding paths to deliver and escape. The devil skips a round this way, but it is automatic afterwards that a new round starts.
The second is to hide. But they must pay a price by cutting the heart’s love. Making it hollow and cold. This game is to be silence. Remove your voice of sound. And you will not be killed.”
He healed the cut and then sat down tapping the next to him of the couch. It was more of an order so she sit.
Aulav spawned two tea cups and jug. “Tea or coffee?” He asked, pouring some coffee into his cup.
He offered the other cup to her. She took it and held the cup. She doesn’t like coffee, and tea was bitter. So she raised her hand in declining both.

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Var-sol wiki thing about him

(Some things might be changed or discarded in the future, the personality/profile is not exactly 100%. You have to see the proses or animatics to understand his personality.)
Nicknames: Sol (by Nyra), Silvi (by Aulav), Mr. Silvanus (by Nebula)
Likes: Nyra, ‘Love’, teasing Nyra, people suffering, the Law
Dislikes: social impropriety, others interacting with Nyra, Aulav, Alyssa, things not “legally correct”
Status: Unconditionally immortal
Species: Kindred
Age: Old
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation: Romantic sadistic,
Occupation: Head of the Court, Nyra’s guardian and not-boyfriend
Voice claim: ? (not yet filed)

Var-sol is the head of the Council and Leader of the White Reapers.
He looks after Nyra and is also her not-lover, being her ‘guardian’. He normally narrates over the radio but does appear on television too. Mostly for galas or battalion news.
He has an exaggerated public persona. Has to be as sickenly kind as possible. One worth of gossip. He’s not a very caring or kind person, but it’s in a way the public find enticing. He is popular and the entire nation is head over heels for him. That just goes to show how stupid and poor taste they have.
His default is ‘(:’ but is just as a façade to society.
He is in ‘Love’ with Nyra to the point you could call it obsessive. But the sadistic side and treatment towards her makes it hard to tell. He has daily lessons with Nyra, helping her with her mobility with walking while having dance and even piano lessons.
Var-sol is a lanky male and appears as a humanoid with pale skin and golden eyes. He has fluffy, slightly wavy black hair with white streaks in his hair, both of either side of his face and a strip of hair down the middle, his hair at the bottom is actually feathers flattened down meant to look like hair.
His teeth at the front are sharp, looking like fangs.
His clothes as the leader of the White Reapers and head of the Council are composed of a white shirt with a long-sleeved coat the top being black cutting off at the shoulders and half-chest while the rest is white. Plain trousers, pointed dress shoes.
His casual wear is long trousers up to his waist and a white shirt with long sleeves and a chain brooch across the collar.
When he shifts into other outfits, he usually wears formal or semi-formal clothes and has an affinity for long coats.
In public, he shapeshifts into a “generic” appearance to avoid attention.
Although he can be rude and straightforward, he can also take joy in the struggling or pain of others, their failed attempts and pathetic insults. He can also insult others and threaten violence if he deems acceptable to do. He is significantly calm and polite, adopting a formal tone at times. He has a tendency of reassuring others, specifically Nyra. However, he also is shown to be imposing and controlling.
He can be an enigmatic character whose actions can imply unknown ulterior motives.
Showmanship skills
• Var-sol is proficient at dancing, playing piano
Creation & Reconstruction
• Var-sol can “poof” things out of thin air, the extent of his creation powers is unknown but Angels all have the ability of creation but most are only able to make simple items, with the exception of powerful ones such as Aulav can make more complex structures.
• Var-sol can recreate objects of anything as long as he has the proper Memories to use.
• Var-sol can fly using his Angel wings in his Angel persona, but can use wings in his Kindred form too. He can manifest and hide at will.
• Var-sol uses the form of his Angel persona but can shapeshift into “Generic” forms too.
Teleportation/object swapping
• Var-sol can swap the positions of things around in Space. The swapping happens “after” the fact and seems to overwrite the past
• He is fluent in both English and Tonaira
While being the same person, he takes on a public persona known as “Silvanus” to everyone. Hiding his identity as an ancient being known as Var-sol.
Although there are some similarities, he is different enough from his Angel counterpart for it to be notable.
• Var-sol is in a closed dyadic relationship with Nyra. While they appear to engage with each other romantically, their relationship is not very healthy with Var-sol mostly leaving Nyra traumatised or with attachment issues.
• Var-sol is openly affectionate towards Nyra, with hugs and sometimes compliments. Even desires for intimacy but can collide with his sadistic nature, to Nyra’s chagrin.
• Var-sol also teases and jokingly insults her, although only lightly.
• He also manages much of Nyra’s daily life, such as his clothes and food. But seems to be purposely oblivious her being discomforted or irritated about it.
• Has a passionate hatred for her, but not a lot to consider her an enemy. His reasons for not liking her is for her getting too close to Nyra and trying to convince Nyra he is evil (which she already knows he is bad), and once getting in the way of one of his plots.
• An annoying and enigmatic person. He resents Aulav for his interest for sticking his nose-where-it-doesn’t-belong, he dismisses his random disappearances as his typical weirdness.
Council members
• He finds them okay and can believe them but mostly thinks of them as fools, more of a “they’re too annoying me to give a shit.”

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COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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THRONEWEAVER left a comment!

Hey This is a heads up about my activity

My family (Especially my Momma) is going through a lower than low time right now. We still haven't found a house and my mom is stressed out and is going through a breakdown. It's scaring me but I'm ok kinda.

I'm trying to get my history grade up and trying to do better overall as a person. I'll get y'all Valentine requests finished during this period. And I'll be working on other things too.

Also, Isie your story was AMAZING! I'm sorry if it seemed like I wasn't interested. I was just having a rough week and I'll be sure to come back in full swing!

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THRONEWEAVER left a comment!

Hey This is a heads up about my activity

My family (Especially my Momma) is going through a lower than low time right now. We still haven't found a house and my mom is stressed out and is going through a breakdown. It's scaring me but I'm ok kinda.

I'm trying to get my history grade up and trying to do better overall as a person. I'll get y'all Valentine requests finished during this period. And I'll be working on other things too.

Also, Isie your story was AMAZING! I'm sorry if it seemed like I wasn't interested. I was just having a rough week and I'll be sure to come back in full swing!

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Hey This is a heads up about my activity

My family (Especially my Momma) is going through a lower than low time right now. We still haven't found a house and my mom is stressed out and is going through a breakdown. It's scaring me but I'm ok kinda.

I'm trying to get my history grade up and trying to do better overall as a person. I'll get y'all Valentine requests finished during this period. And I'll be working on other things too.

Also, Isie your story was AMAZING! I'm sorry if it seemed like I wasn't interested. I was just having a rough week and I'll be sure to come back in full swing!

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cover for subchapter of COTHW + updates

oof I missed Valentine's day and forgot to do a special for it so Imma do a comic for it. - the first string! (Mini comics)
The subchapter is basically a chapter in a chapter. This is Examination 1 - p1
ShatterLoch - parts of the story have been set out. I'm not doing a script for scenes but for the VAs Im doing a voice script for them of course and a little explanation of what is going on in the scene (sometimes help get into character)

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  • > M3LL0M0CHI Oh and music and sound effects is a big one if we could get someone to do that too :00

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Nyra is left with Aulav as she sits down with him and discuss some stuff. And then from there Aulav takes her to one of his jobs she has to help with... I feel Aulav is quite an enigmatic character and has some deep past connected to Var-sol too and some other stuff 🤫 :)

  • > M3LL0M0CHI Imma doing an animatic/animation and I might be doing a mini pilot with voice acting for Nyra and some others! SL is in the back somewhere I'll try and pick it up someday but I'm firm with this and I'll be doing a MV for it before it's released so I can show what it's gonna be like >:3 I NEED to try and get voice actors for it, if you can help me advertise for it that'd help lots :0 I'm gonna do their refs and probs redo Nyra's ref too. It's gonna be about Aulav (basically introducing him) and Nyra. It first starts with the first Magistrate that had a tea party with him and went to do one of her duties with him - going into a realm & stuff and it ends a bit bloody... Years later it pans to Silvanus bringing Nyra into a room where the screen slowly goes up to show Aulav sipping a tea cup and look back smiling at them.

  • OOOO A COMIC :00

THRONEWEAVER left a comment!

COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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THRONEWEAVER left a comment!

COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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THRONEWEAVER left a comment!

COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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prose2 (2/2)

Just as Aulav was going to speak, the door pushed open violently to a very pissed Silvanus.
He had both hands swing open the door as he stopped in the doorframe looking at the display in front of him. “And what exactly is going on here?” he asked displeased.
Aulav ignored him. Lifting his teacup to his mouth and sipped in silence.
Silvanus waited, tapping his foot with impatience.
Aulav put his teacup down on his tray and simply said, “We were just having a chat.”
“Well, I heard that /you/ were dragging her into /this room/ with her looking like she was about to /scream/.”
“That was to break up the fight and get her less damaged. And I’ve already took care of her injury so she’s fine.”
As they were talking Nyra stared into her empty cup, thinking about what Aulav had said but decided to bush it off for now.
Silvanus walked over and grabbed Nyra’s arm going to the door before he went over to the he whispered close to Aulav, “You will not go anywhere near her. That is an order and a warning.”
Aulav smiled at that. “You may be leader when it is work but you do not command over me when I’m free of duty.” He stepped back, looking over to Nyra and back at Silvanus.
“Is that supposed to be a threat? I’d choose your words very carefully right now if you wish to keep your neck.”
“Of /course/ not! I’d daren’t not threat you, oh wise sir.” He did a mocking bow at that.
“Right. Looks like Aulav has gone on his merry high horse so we’ll take our leave now.” Silvanus rolled his eyes and went out the door with Nyra in tow.

Just as the doors were closing Nyra locked over her shoulder to see Aulav bow himself slightly with a hand out. He opened his eyes slightly and smiled right at her.
Nyra feared she was going to see that smile again soon…

Notes - some lore there
Nyra is becoming Silvanus's secretary. This when she first became a member and got introduced into the White Reapers.
Any questions? Answer in the comments below

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Cothw - prose 2 The crow's clue (1/2)

Silavnus's lines are highlighted in blue. Nyra's in red. Alyssa's in dark blue. Aulav's in purple.
} - silly emphasis / - emphasis
Nyra did not want to go into the office, nor did she want to be around other people, but Silvanus said so otherwise.
“It’ll only be for a bit, and anyway. It’s for you to get used to working here.” He said dragging her by the arm.
They were gonna go to the White Reaper’s battalion base. Unfortunately, Nyra was going to have to stay there in an office around people who are going to be showering her with compliments and…
Silvanus opened the doors, and the rest of the team peeked their heads and out the offices and turned, seeing their leader who had behind him a nervous and stressed Nyra.
…The group had an mixed parties: some were confused, two were curious; a girl with blue hair looking at her excitedly… Was that the girl you met at the gala!?, a man with purple hair and a hat with feathers giving her a intrigued look (you thought he looked suspicious but interesting), and the majority being annoyed and, looking as they were about to murder someone with glares they were giving her. Which they probably wouldn’t mind doing to her.
Silvanus waved at them gesturing to the even more stressed Nyra that looked like she was praying for the ground to swallow her up. “Hello everyone. This here is going to be someone working with us, she’s shy so please /don’t/ pressure or make her feel unconfutable. Let’s treat her with the utmost respect and let her settle in!” He smiled while looking down at her.
How in the hell was their commander being so calm about this!? There was just a /demon/ right next to him and he was acting as if this was a meet and greet (Which this kind of was).
“Let’s introduce you to the group! First here with me is Nyra. Now I know what your all thinking ‘{Oh BuT tHaT’s A dEmOn}’ yes. Yes, she is. But we’ve made an exception for her and she’s gone through the tests to be a living citizen.”
That didn’t make the glares and the tension in the room go down, in fact it made it go a bit up, Nyra could tell by the sound being intense. While it was also unfamiliar being somewhere she’s never been it didn’t make her anymore better with the introductions.
“Right I’ll start from the left. This here is Celosia, she’s quick and fierce and she works with going on missions. Here is Noor, she handles information gathering. And sitting over is Alyssa, she helps back here with ordering files and plans. She also goes out on the field most times too.
And this purple fella in the back is Aulav! He works on all kinds of stuff. Mostly behind the scenes.”
After introducing some more people and showing some of the rooms, he pulled Nyra over.
“I’m going to be gone for a bit before I show you around the room for files - a mini library you might say – and my office. That’s were you’ll mostly work.”
Nyra looked over the side of him seeing she got some looks from Celosia and Noor from hearing that. Great.
“So I’m just gonna pop you somewhere- ah! Here, you can sit with Alyssa. I’m sure she’ll make you feel welcomed.” He got a reply from Alyssa who did a mini salute, “I will sir! Don’t you worry!”
He looked back at Nyra, who was barely aware of what was going on.
Except for two things; One. She’d be in a room with people - most who seemed ready to rip her head off -, and that Silvanus was leaving her alone.
She knew being close to him in public was fine, such as when they are at galas or outside, but these people /knew/ him. They’d (and herself – own embarrassment) be weird about her being close to him.
So she just tugged his sleeve, a subtle movement as not for others to notice, as much as she wanted to just grab his arm and hide behind there was barely any walls right behind or in front of her.
“?” Silvanus looked at her confused but sympathetic. Nyra spoke, whispered that is, only he could hear.
“Can you come b-back quickly?...” He bent down a bit to be at her level “I’ll try and be quick as possible, but if you feel overwhelmed you can wait outside the room, okay?” he whispered back while patting her head slightly.
Silvanus then strode out. Nyra sank into the seat she was in and stared at the floor.
“H-hey, if you want… I could uh, show you some stuff I’m working on? Or-or, you could just sit there if you want.” Alyssa, sitting next to her asked sheepishly.
Nyra looked up nervously and nodded.
Alyssa then went to her desk and opened a draw. She grabbed some paper and put in on the table in front of her, pointing at what looks like a map.
“This is a map of Venesset. You see here? This is where we are. Although this map is just for Venesset, you can see the outlay around us, such as the Court of Venesset. We use these maps as a way to plan and locate, and pinpoint where we’re going to find something or go after a target.”
Nyra leaned over, looking over the shapes and words on the map. She found the forest she grew up in. That side of the map was a bit faded, but the words were clear enough to make out.
She tapped the forest on the map. Then tapped at the lines leading to it.
Alyssa looked over she was pointing at. Thinking and then gave an answer, “There? Not long? Sure it’s a bit of walk for like 1-2 days, but it depends where you are. If your asking from here I’d say an hour or so?” Alyssa said a bit awkwardly, obviously she’s probably never been, since her answer wavered.
But enough to give a rough estimate.
A couple of seconds later she heard some whispering across from her.
Two girls were talking to each other snickering and casting glances over to where she sat.
A girl with yellow hair, Celosia, Nyra remembered. Came over and had her hands on her hips, looking disapprovingly at her. Then closed her arms across her chest with one hand out, she had a lollipop in her hand. Waving in a circle she asked Alyssa, “Why are you /talking/ to the Demon? You know it’s probably pretending to be shy, right?”
Alyssa looked at her annoyed and gave a huff “Because it’s polite, and /she/ is most likely nervous being in a place with people she doesn’t know. Ever thought of that?”
Celosia rolled her eyes and then looked back at Nyra. “Can you even talk? Silvanus probably got forced to bring you here or something. Anyway, I’m surprised anyone took interest in taking you in. Got lost on the streets? /Demon/.” She sneered. Looking at her disgustingly.
“Celosia!” Alyssa gasped, looking displeased.
Nyra just looked at her, anger and annoyance boiling in her. Ugh, she could really do with just finding somewhere to eat instead of dealing with this.
But Celosia kept on pestering her with the girl in the back snickering in the back looking on.
It got to the point when Nyra snapped at what she said last, “Bootlicker. I seen you on tv at the galas. I heard you lost one of your eyes because of an experiment, you probably deserved it.”
That was a cover-up story of one of her eyes when someone asked at a gala. Though there are rumours something else happened, most of her being a monster and attacking an Angel, and so-and-so.
But it was enough for her to hear about her eye to make her snap.
Nyra stood up and leaped at Celosia. She started grabbing her hair and hitting her.
Celosia fought back laughing while mad, yanking her hair in turn and then pushing her.
There were other people cheering in the back, all rooting for Celosia, or some just saying “fight!” while watching. Alyssa stood up next to the crowd where the girl, Noor, that was with Celosia was and started cheering Nyra on while asking her if she should get someone.
Nyra then had enough and grabbed the back of her head, then started bashing it against a filing cabinet while Celosia tried to fight back. With Nyra having one hand on her shoulder and the other on her head she was stuck in place, flapping about her arms while blood spluttered from her head. Trickling down onto the floor.
As it was about to escalate even more, Celosia then knocked her back and moved a bit away, both were panting from the fight. Nyra was looking down as she was huffing. The fight taken out of her.
When suddenly Celosia rose up and punched her, scratching her left eye. Making Nyra’s head go up, she winched from the pain about to turn the fight into a bloodbath when suddenly she felt something on her collar. Someone was dragging her away and as she looked up she saw Aulav.
He just tipped his hat a bit down while smiling across the room while dragging her with his other hand the floor. She started failing around with her arms and kicked out speaking too incoherent.
Aulav had dragged her into a room that looked like a guest room from one of the galas she attended.
“It seems the first round has started.” He said as he dropped her.
“What?” She said in confusion. Getting up off the ground. “the manifestation of the living incarnate of evil marks the beginning of the game. It seems the devil does not agree if you refuse to play.”
He pulled her towards him. Making her freeze up for a moment before tensing. He cupped her face with one of his hands while the other stroked the side of her face that had gotten a cut below and above her eye, luckily missing it to not make her go blind.
“There is a way to extend the game to several rounds. If you’re lucky that is.
The first way is to avoid the branches holes. One must keep on finding paths to deliver and escape. The devil skips a round this way, but it is automatic afterwards that a new round starts.
The second is to hide. But they must pay a price by cutting the heart’s love. Making it hollow and cold. This game is to be silence. Remove your voice of sound. And you will not be killed.”
He healed the cut and then sat down tapping the next to him of the couch. It was more of an order so she sit.
Aulav spawned two tea cups and jug. “Tea or coffee?” He asked, pouring some coffee into his cup.
He offered the other cup to her. She took it and held the cup. She doesn’t like coffee, and tea was bitter. So she raised her hand in declining both.

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COTHW Prose sneak peek scene :3

When they stopped Nyra slightly staggered, feeling dizzy as ever as everything became a blur and the only clear thing she could focus on was him. She could hear the music box getting louder. Bad sign. People stared at her seeing the display of her almost falling into the trolley.
There were some snickers from a group across.
Var-sol stared at the people who were looking, making note of the faces that had looked at Nyra like that and especially that group that had snickered. He was deciding what punishment he could use best for their deaths.

Nyra focused on his sleeve. Trying to block out her vision around her as she listened to the music box. Hearing the beat of her pulse in time with the clicks.
He looked down at her, pleased at seeing her barely aware of what was going on. He could see the fear and pleading in her eyes. Trying to make herself as small as she can by tilting her head closer into his shoulder.
He waved off the people that were still staring.
And then bent down downwards her as if he was bowing. Var-sol spoke in a soft tone as if almost whispering “I’m going to go into another aisle for a moment, I won’t be long.” He then left her there. With the trolley, in the cue. With other people around her. Alone. Very alone.
She held onto the trolley looking at what they had brought, counting the objects and seeing what shapes they were. She found there was in total 12 items. Not much, but enough to be classified as a normal amount.

The line moved slowly as she slightly shifted on her feet moving. Putting her hands more firmly on the hand bars. Her legs were fine as long as she didn’t move too much. But they were wobbling from just the support of the trolley which was not a firm object in place, since it had wheels.
She unconsciously was fiddling with her hands, she only had realised it when she looked down and stopped. Realising she was becoming more nervous with the more time had passed of Var-sol not being there.
Nyra tried distracting herself by arranging the objects in the trolley. First arranging it in size from biggest to smallest, then decided on something else and rearranged it in colours. But she found it tasking with the multi-colours on some packaging and then did shapes which she succeeded in doing.
But got annoyed when one of the tins fell and gave up.

Var-sol's lines are highlighted in Blue and Nyra's in red.
Words with emphasis will have a slash between the word to show the emphasis: /word/
I put spaces in rows to make it easier to read -
I did this on a word doc so it looks a lot different and more evenly spaced than on topic. -_-

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