Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Hunger games

So I found a hunger games simulator and played around with it a bit. Does anyone want their character or a character in it cause I'm taking suggestions.

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  • > NufinThing Well I was just going to put names in a hunger games simulator I found cause I saw a video of technoblade using it and I thought "you know what let's have a shiny bidoof kill dabi" I'm not joking literally in the first day dabi got stabbed by a shiny bidoof.

  • fun fact: there was actually a medi hunger games thing before, however it caused some drama.. but luckily, it was mostly fun


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⏁⍜ ⎎⟟⍀⟒⍙⍜⍀☍

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  • > TheoneandOri *huggo* Of course! *cling* hehe, now you're double stuck UvU

  • > Flair Yeah I would really like that

  • > TheoneandOri It's natural to be worried, it's something that's gonna happen to everyone. We're all humans, so it's ok! Need a hug?

  • > Flair Ok thanks. Idk why I was worried I knew you weren't that type of person

More cause now I'm curious
  • > TheoneandOri Ooooo :0000 Nice!!!

  • > Flair Lol all of them are true but being gay I'm actually poly sexual but they didn't have that.

  • First one: 2 and 6, b and a, @@@@@@@@@, 💚 Second one: Orange(/j /u), Yellow :> Third one: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, 1, @, : Fourth one: Light yellow, Lime, Sky blue/Light blue, blue(sleepover), indigo, the white and black one! Also stealin' these-

Nicknames I came up

Basically it's just nicknames I came up with for some of my friends on medibang cause I was bored
Flair Kori : firework, therapist, giver of hugs.
Ghost/loading: spoopy, error, person magnet, helluva pimp (I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself)
Codex: one zero, Chief code.
Kai: smol, son, my child, Quackbur secret love child.
Let me know if you like them

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  • :000 I get a nickname!? pog :D

  • :000 Bro All of mine are amazing! Firework tho 👀 I think that one's my favorite!

  • i love all of mine [helluva pimp- hahah thank u] i rlly like error- and person magnet- heheh