插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

chapter three ✨

-chapter 3-
Kai looked in the direction of the man to see if he was going to tell him his name. In response, Kai was only met with silence. Kai sighed. “Maybe we shouldn’t start with names..” he muttered, somewhat peeved. The man sitting next to kai was tall. He looked as if he could stand about 6 foot 5. This was a huge difference compared to kai’s measly 5 foot 2. Kai was unable to make out the guy's facial features but he seemed familiar to kai. With his fluffy almost curly hair that tempted kai. Making him want to reach up and feel it. Kai lived through touch. This most likely being a result of his high sensory needs. He tried to turn his attention away from the man’s hair. Just in case he did end up feeling it and making things awkward. Kai eyed the man and noticed his dark jacket. A jacket he had seen before, possibly even worn before. Kai returned his gaze to his boots which he was tapping on the floor. He thought of where he could've seen or even worn a jacket like that. He came to no real conclusion though. Sighing, Kai returned his gaze to the man, realizing that the man was staring at him again. The two made direct eye contact, Kai’s hazel eyes adopting a startled look. The man smiled softly at kai. At Least Kai thought he did. The man’s face was hazy in Kai's eyes. Even if it was blurry, Kai could tell he had seen that man’s face somewhere before but he couldn't quite place it. Who even was this man?


  • > k@i_l0l sometimes

  • > k@i_l0l same

  • > 💫Franknotfound:)💫 way too much and I've done all my school work too so-

  • bruh- how much time do you have QwQ

chapter 2 of that thing I'm writing

-chapter 2-
The journey was long and silent with the only noises being disgruntled coughs and normal ‘train sounds’. The boy looked around at the other people on the train. All of which were minding their own business. except one. A man. He was staring directly at the boy, curiosity seeping through his blurry facial features. The boy stared back at the man, confused. “Hello.” a simple five letter word. A word that sent the boy into a wave of anxiety and overthinking. Was the man talking to him? Could he trust the man? Why was the man talking to him? “A-are you talking to me?” the boy managed to say, despite his scribly, panicked thoughts. The man nodded, a slight smile on his hazy face. This smile somehow managed to calm the boy’s nerves. He had seen it before. The purple sweatered boy’s face lit up. Maybe this man could offer him answers about his circumstances. The boy walked over to the man and sat down next to him. “H-hi..” the boy mumbled, fumbling with the hem of his sleeve. The man nodded in his direction. “W-we should probably introduce ourselves…I..I’m kon- I mean kai. A-and you are?” the boy struggled with his words, practically making a fool of himself. He dropped his gaze to the floor and fidgeted anxiously. He almost said the wrong name too! How stupid could he be!?!? He recognized the name he almost said though…the name konner.


  • > TheoneandOri pft- does it smell like cigarette smoke and lavender and mint and rain and fall and campfires and laundry detergent (the good stuff tho) does it smell like my favorite scents?

  • > 💫Franknotfound:)💫 ty :D

  • very nice!

  • isn't Konner the name of another one of your characters... wait I smell an amazing plot and backstory

chapter one of smth I'm writing

not sure what to call it but here we go-

-chapter 1-
An uninterested sigh escaped the boy’s mouth. He messed with the hem of his sweater sleeve. A dark purple sweater. Warm and soft. Covering a button up, allowing the collar to spill out. Completing the ‘look’. The boy looked down at his dirty jeans, lost in thought. He was unsure of his location. He seemed to be waiting for something. A train? Possibly. A loud sound shattered the boy’s confused jumble of thoughts. He was in fact waiting for a train. The doors opened, signalling for the boy to step inside. Should he though? The boy contemplated his options, soon realizing that this train could lead him to safety. It could lead him home. Wherever that was. The boy took a deep breath and proceeded towards the train. He took a quivering step through the threshold and heard the doors close behind him. He inhaled the scent of the train. Cleaning products mixed with sweat and the slightest hint of cigarette smoke. The boy wasn’t quite sure he liked the smell. Although, what could he really do about it? The train was moving. He was stuck on it.


  • > k@i_l0l ok

  • > TheoneandOri pft- I'm ab to post chapter two so hold ur metaphorical horses my good sir

  • I am now invested and want to read more

  • > k@i_l0l k

thoughts from school

I wrote down some of my thoughts during school:
//friiickk there's a quiz-
//that fanfic I read where the guy got killed and it was honestly just a waste of talent.
//if I dated someone id let them wear my sweatshirt :)
//you like them Kai.
//that one tommyinnit video I watched with my neighbor-
//Kai. ur lonely. u need a partner!
//"when u crack ur neck and u start levitating" - random kid.
//I want a partner I can love and cuddle with and hug and show affection to TvT
//you'll never have a chance with them Kai.
//Asher's a fricking prick. they suck!
//my stomach's hurtssss T^T
//I actually quite like that fanfic. it was a waste for talent and the Grammar was lacking but I'll read any more chapters that come out.
//pez dream-
//"They're little Christian boys we can trust them!"
//I would date and obsessive simp lol prolly cuz I am one- /hj
//My God Kai, you're obsessive!
//It's not that bad. you just have a lot of love to offer and sometimes ppl just don't understand that I just wanna love and protect them :).
//ooooh power outage quirky-
//it's cooollddd
//I want someone to love TvT
//ghostbur and friend :DD
//among us?
//b a l d
//"it was just an unfortunate death. she wasn't cheating and I didn't kill her. she just died-" -kai /j
//fricking nutcracker music-
//*beep* "It's calling out to me- hello? My brotherin and... sister-in? the ghosts call out to me-" - band teacher
//it smells like seventh grade-
//someone wrote kys on the table-
//AAA jjsjsjs loosing face by Wilbur is such a b o p
//*aggressive tics*
//Halli hates you Kai. they're never coming back and it's all your fault!
//I'm tired -w-
//pog pog
//I hope they never come back. they hurt ppl Kai. you're better than them. even if that was ur fault.
//ig Chase is sus- (whoever that is)//


  • > TheoneandOri yea-

  • > k@i_l0l thats a bit random but ok

  • > TheoneandOri *wilbur yea I have a lovely wallpaper of ghostbur too TvT and they also took some pictures of themself with tape on their face

  • > k@i_l0l *GASP* nobody messes with Wilber soot