Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

A n o t h e r contest reminder

I always forget to post these in the morning, I always post them at night without thinking that some ppl may not see them then-
It ends June 30th, but if you need a couple more days I can extend the time!
And I’m aware I forgot to post the winner prizes-
First place: full body of any of your Ocs of your choice
Second place: headshot/from shoulders up of any of your Ocs of your choice
Third place: profile picture of any of your Ocs of your choice
Have fun!

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My contest ends June 30th! Here’s the link to the post :
I know I forgot to mention it, but the prizes are
First place: anything that you want of one of your Ocs
Second place: a headshot/ shoulders up of one of your ocs
Third place: a headshot/ shoulders up of one of your ocs again-
If you join, have fun! But there’s no pressure to join, if you don’t want to that’s fine! <3

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  • > SAMMY_DRAWS And this one that has her earring:

  • > Clover1 I wanna draw Clover but I can't find the ref sheet

  • > SAMMY_DRAWS Clover is my main Oc, but you can draw any of my Ocs! I’ve got a list of all of them in the desc of the contest post :)

  • Oooooooh whats your main OC again?

Say hello to the dog that ate a bit of a vitamin d and had me sobbing last night cause I thought she might die. (Btw she’s fine)
My dad was taking a vitamin, and dropped it. She swallowed it up. I was trying not to cry while me and my mom had to try and find ways to get her to gag it up while he was in the bathroom, then trying not to cry while my parents sat and figured out the math to see if she weighed enough to be okay. Dad being hateful while doing the math, (you know, how dads do-) and then I went to the bathroom and hid so I could cry and then scratched with my fingernails up from my knees to my sides, so now I have big marks to hide and they’re slightly sore. It was a very eventful night.
(Btw, we don’t have any good vets around where we live, and it was midnight so any that even were around were closed)

But she’s fine now, and I’m fine, so there’s nothing to worry about!! How is everyone else doing? <3

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  • oh my gosh thats bad

  • That must have been awful. It's really sad when pets are sick and you think they may die. I had a rabbit that got sick and me and my mom cried next to her cage because she wasn't getting up. We thought that she passed but then she suddenly jumped up. It's was honestly kind of scary. But I hope your dog and you are doing great.

  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 It was TERRIFYING- And I’m glad you’re doing good! Your dogs sound adorable!! My dog’s a dachshund (or ATLEAST a mix lol) and I swear they eat literally everything- And it’s not annoying :] but also poor Cindy-

  • oof ;w; that must have been scary dogs, always eating everything that's in their reach XD i still love em though but it's good to hear you and your dog are better now =) i've been doing fine ^^ my dogs have been too one of them (the younger one, Mochi) LOVES food (i'm sure most dogs love food), and yesterday i put two treats in front of Cindy (the older one) and Mochi, and i told them to wait until i said they can get the treat, but once i did, Mochi raced over to Cindy's treat and gobbled it up, then raced over to HERS and gobbled it up XD i was pretty annoyed since it was unfair for Cindy to not get one ;w; and when they're both being fed their dinner, Mochi goes CRAZY if Cindy even accidentally approaches Mochi's food- crazy dog she is!!! ;w; i know no one asked for this story, but i hope you werent annoyed XD

Hey (kinda tw for mention of dead animal

Idk if I’ll be posting for a day or two, maybe longer. My baby rabbit, Sunburst just passed away. We went to my cousin’s house for a few hours and when we came back home she had died. She’d been left by herself for longer than that before, and it wasn’t hot in the house, and she had food and water, so we don’t know what happened. My mom thinks it could’ve been that she’d gotten into our tomato plants the other day when she escaped her place and we had some in the house growing. We hadn’t had her very long, and I wasn’t very attached to her yet, so I don’t think I’ll be gone for a long time. It’s just sad rn, you know?
I hope you guys are having a good day. <3

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  • I'm sorry for your loss. Hope you feel better soon :(

  • Also this does NOT mean I won’t be active (commenting on posts, replying to comments, liking stuff and all that) I just might not feel like drawing rn. Also want to say that I did love the rabbit, just don’t feel too strongly rn. Might set in more later once I’m not shocked idk

  • I totally understand! I once had a golden retriever puppy that got run over after we got him for a few months :(