Of mare

But u can call me gib or gibs
🙃😶😈 ADHD
I like horror games and movies.
I m 17
And I m not open for requests
I m also on YouTube, Quotev and tumblr
- https://youtube.com/@GLB-arts?feature=shared
Warning - there is a gun
Pick an emoji and I'll draw your character with the facial expression of the emoji
> Noemi Ok thanks, Sorry for the confusion.
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 3a
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 No lo se 😅
> Noemi I just want to clean up some confusion, and I m sorry I m bad at reading. Do u want the character u sent me have the expressions of, 3a, 3b, 3c, and 2c?
Alice's and row's Back stories are done and they're fully detailed.
There is warnings on the 1st page
link - https://www.quotev.com/story/16583361/Characters-back-storys/1
Thank u, I m happy that u liked it and other people who liked the stories I made. :D
May I just say that both of those stories were amazing! my favorite was Alice’s :)
A summer notebook
I'm weird so surprising
> RioLucario Yup that's true :D
Everyone's weird on their own way
he fell
join me if u want
Here is a link to A book that I'm starting on a website. That is about the back stories of my characters, And it's more detailed
Link - https://www.quotev.com/story/16583361/Characters-back-storys/1
Ok so my art will look different in the summer because i will not have my school computer, until next school
year. Also i do use a different drawing app on the computer, anyways it will just look different cuz i m using a different drawing app. have a good day everyone :D
so i m going to try to draw pokemon being derpy
like the riolu i drew
> RioLucario yup he does, so cute :D
Yeah, the riolu you drew looks derpy and cute
i m going to make a new profile picture, that is drawn by me
and i was just wondering if u guys could guess it.
2 hints - it is a pokemon and it is my fav pokemon
> RioLucario Yea :D
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 Oh? another Riolu fan, amazing!!
> RioLucario Surprisingly no, it is not, Hint - the shiny is yellow
My guess is Slowbro
one more slot left
> Josh/BreadLover🇲🇽 Now that's a creative one Time to draw it :D
Kwazii from the Octonauts
i will take any character
> Gen_Rex_Forever will do :D
Chuck from angry Birds 💛
> Akwuew1Iso Ok got it :D
> Goldenhuskey321 Ok thanks
Should I draw
> EinTheTransDemon Ok got it
Husker and Lucifer >:D
> ⛓ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ⛓ lol ok
the rabbit has "hopped" on!
i will take any character
> EinTheTransDemon >:D
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 >:D
> EinTheTransDemon ok got it :D
Reki from Sk8 infinity>:D
it is not done yet, but i have two slots for characters.
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 Yay. That okay, 🙂
> Gen_Rex_Forever Sure :D
Oh. Then how about a Agent six from generator Rex? Well. I just want to drawing now, enjoy, 😉
I found this game and now I want to draw this little guy.
I m going to draw him
Give me any character u can think of
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 𝒀𝒆𝒔! 😁
> Gen_Rex_Forever sure
> Josh/BreadLover🇲🇽 got it :D
> RioLucario ok got it :D
Pick an emoji and I'll draw your character with the facial expression of the emoji
> AIDRAUZINGS it is done medibang.com/picture/812405170151109270023026930/
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 perfecto mister
> 🔪♠♣GLB♣♠🔪 si
> 🩷🍪🐑𝑷𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒂𝒚 🐑🍪🩷 Sure
Can you draw https://medibang.com/topic/ze2406131416235140014677966/ ?
> NaimahTaylor Sure
Can You Draw My OC Karen For a Request