Has more than 100 views!
no idea what I was doing, just went with the flow
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Pen, electric pen
using one by wacom. pen is so shitty so far and is laggy a lot
Has more than 100 views!
no idea what I was doing, just went with the flow
Has more than 50 views!
no idea what I was doing, just went with the flow
Has more than 10 views!
no idea what I was doing, just went with the flow
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no idea what I was doing, just went with the flow
no idea what I was doing, just went with the flow
idon’tknowhowtodraw liked!
idon’tknowhowtodraw liked!
dont know why im here, dont know how to do anything here. digital drawing hates me. I genuinely have no idea how to use this and the only thing i was able to do was that shitty drawing underneath.