Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I don’t do Commissions but I will do art/design trades

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Uhnmm rant

This is just about my sexuality but if anyone is / was in my same situation I'd like to hear about it because I've been thinking about this for a while now 😭

I'm really confused about my sexuality at the moment,,
Ever since middle school I thought I was into girls only. I had crushes on girls, I kissed girls before... But in the past year I've had crushes on guys too. I noticed a sort of difference between how guys and girls made me feel emotionally, and an even bigger gap between how I bond / interact with girls and with guys... So I started thinking that maybe I've never really been into girls, maybe I'd like a boyfriend over a girlfriend.
Recently I've been clubbing more often and I had to deal with guys flirting with me. Last time it happened I tried to figure out if that would've made me feel any sort of attraction, but when I let a guy flirt with me it just made me uncomfortable... I'm not sure if I didn't like it because he was a stranger, because of the way he was acting or because the fact that he was a dude turned me off...
Either way, after that last experience I suddenly feel uninterested in guys.. I should probably try with girls at this point but I still need to figure out if I'm done with men completely or if I just need certain conditions to be attracted by them.
There's also a chance that I might not like girls either, so that'd make me asexual; or that flirting makes me uncomfortable when the person doing it is not close enough to me, in that case I'd be demisexual I think ?
I really don't know... I'll try again with someone different than those ugly brutes 😭😭

Thanks for reading 😽

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