插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


No one cares about anything I do for them

Im nice and sweet and really mean it
But they just say "thanks" and continue doing something with
someone they actually care about

No one cares if I'm doing anything special

They either ignore it or jus be like "Cool" and then they leave
to do something important

Everyone cares about how I feel

They try to help me and say really supportive things but
I always think they're lying

This thing doesn't make sense but I don't care :^)
Everyone ignores me and hangs out with their true friends

I'm just there
I don't have true friends :')

But I don't care

I'm an idiot



  • this is very Relatable But you are a really awesome friend thank you a lot for that you are kind

  • > Saura Azul Aww I feel so bad! ;n; That must be a lot of work I love you too! C: (as a fren) P.Ssss Can you give a a link to Potter world :0000 ITS FOR RESEARCH lel

  • > ArtChild ;n; i feel chu, most people do that too me quite alot, i'd talk more if i could but i honestly cant, ive gotten too busy sadly ive taken on practiclly every single chore in the house, i make the beds, clean the floor, vaccume, cook, clean the dishes, i dont really have time to draw unless its a "commision" which i havent had any of those recently ;-; please know you are cared for, i love chu senpai! (As a friend doe :p)

  • > Creektehgato I'm not really the person to backstab :") I'm doing kinda better anyways

I guess this is important?

Okay so I'm thinking of doing commissions!

I mostly want to do this because I can do something I enjoy and it also helps me and my family! Plus its a way that I can earn money myself

I was thinking that a headshot would be $1 either line art or fully colored

A half body for $5 either line art or fully colored

And $10 for a fully body either line art or fully colored like the others!

I just don't know how to set it up! Im trying to make it as cheap as possible but also a reasonable price

I already got my moms approval so I know I can do this!

And I'm posting this to see if any of you guys would consider! :')
I know my art is bad so yeah but I just want to help my family
But seriously that isnt an excuse my mom works 2 jobs and gets like $10 for each hour

Thanks for reading! ♥

P.S I'm up for requests for 4 ppl


  • > Saura Azul Nice!

  • > ArtChild np! i havent gotten a commision on there yet sadly :v only one commision ever its oki doe 5 MORE COMMISIONS TILL I CAN BUY MY OWN DRAWING TABLET! heres the one i want XD https://www.amazon.com/Wacom-Bamboo-Capture-Tablet-CTH470/dp/B005HGBEZ2/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_147_tr_img_2/134-6296826-7412129?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=W5NX2W5Q6J4Z9ZC5TWKQ

  • > Saura Azul Lol thanks! That helps a lot ;3

  • > ArtChild HanaKumo owo heres a link too https://hanakumo.deviantart.com/ i havent posted in a while, i probably should xD

Wow what a healthy breakfast lel

Wow this is so healthy lel

Chocolate cake and this chocolate cream thing lelelel


  • > Saura Azul Oh and I have a question, how did you set up the commissions? :0 My mom and I are thinking of doing them but we aren't sure how!

  • > Saura Azul Oh yeah! I had!

  • > ArtChild awe oki also i have an important question for you,, HAVE YOU EVER HAD HOME-MADE FOOD??? one of my older sisters friend has NEVER had home-made food ;-;

  • > Saura Azul Aww ;^; poor Senpai but I don't think I can mail food to you lel

Yay 30 followers

I really don't deserve this

But I did promise myself that I would do a face reveal
I'll do it later lel

Um thank you to all my amazing friends!
Like um everyone lel You guys are a lot better friends then anyone I
Know IRL

I don't know what else to say um
I love you guys! Oh!
And I might not have school tomorrow because of a snow storm in
Chicago but it depends on what the school says and I have nu h.w :D

K boi



  • congrats izzy! you deserve every single one of them followers and more

  • Congratulations!!!

  • > ArtChild you're welcome haha


So um can you guys give me a list of brushes you commonly use?

I'm experimenting a lot soooo yeah!

Thanks! ;D


  • > Lunae Lumina Okay! Thanks! ;^)

  • I forgot to put this but I occasionally use this one custom brush for effects and such! I’ll post what it looks like so you can use it :)

  • Pencil (rough): sketches Airbrush (low opacity): blush and smooth blending Pen: line art Watercolor (wet): rough shading Btw I always set everything to no anti-aliasing for a cleaner look.

  • > ArtChild No problemo. :3

Meet me



  • > ArtChild I feel ya. Used to be Central time till like last year I guess???? IDK It's fine tho.

  • > (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ M.E. Mirrored Echo ♥ Ohhh sorry! I should have made it darker! I just woke up its like 8:05 where I live sooo yeah, its the Central time zone just so you know! ;D

  • What does the blue one say? It's 9 rn and I just woke up XD

I'm so excited!

I just downloaded DDLC and I'm playing it right now! :D Don't worry I know most of the game so "spoil" the game all you want! EEEEEEk I'm so excited

I wanted you guys to know I'm really happy! ;3


  • AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS (also I made Sims 4 DDLC and I'm trying to recreate it except my character, Echo is the protagonist. It's super cool so far, I haven't gotten very far tho, I'm on showing Yuri my first poem after Natsuki, and before that, Sayori. (It's kinda gay and I'm asexual so I'm like laughing everytime))

  • nice I will have you know when natsuki did her jumpscare I was scared shitless

  • > ⓘ'ⓜⓗⓔⓡⓔ Yeahhh its complicated, check it out if you like that kind of stuff!

  • Um People die? I dunno I've only heard of it :P

Which lineart?

I honestly think both fit Yuri but the first fits Sayori more! I dunno


  • > (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ M.E. Mirrored Echo ♥ Thanks! UwU I've been really torn! But thankfully I made to layers one for each line art so I can just chose which one I want easily! :D

  • The second one has a nice Sayori, I think you should use that SAYORI. But the first Yuri is nice too. So then use the first YURI. First Yuri, Second Sayori. Best of both worlds, in my opinion. :3

  • I’d say first one cause that color balances nicely with both color pallets