Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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hello fellow humans and aliens it is i, the lord of being an idiot back with a comic page
only korean bc i was to lazy to do english ver
its so hard to grab the text thingyyyyy` *cri*
heres page 1 to understand the madness

*im still learning korean so dont bully me 😭*

Ice cream brat = tHaT wAsNt NiCe MiKeY!! 😤
Foxybro = AnD? 🙄
Ice cream brat = OpEn ThE dOoR 😠
Foxybro = LeT mE tHiNk... 🤔
Foxybro = HoW aBoUt A nO? 😈
Ice cream brat = LeT hIm OuT oR i WiLl tElL mOmMy!! 🤬

e n j o y t h e s t r a y k i d s m e m e s ✨

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  • omg you stan skz :0 that's like so crazy we're bffs now btw-

should i forgive him...?
he ignores me and excludes me...but then again he also introduced me to vin and was supportive of me leaving his group and joining vin's, but he might have just wanted to get rid of me... and we have argued about him excluding me alot--- plus i haven't talked to him in 10 months-- and now he's saying sorry- kinda weird-..
what should i do-? should i forgive him or like ignore his message--

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  • I think you should give them another chance. But it's up to you.

  • or her

  • you should i fergive you before its to late to fergive him

so my sister now has a gf :O
but i know her gf, cuz she came to our house before ofc but like shes the nicest person on the planetttt-
BRO THE FIRST TIME SHE CAME TO HER HOUSE AND WATCHED EDDSWORLD WITH ME- every time i have to like beg my family members to watch eddsworld with me but i didnt even have to ask her-- LIKE SHES SO NICE WTF----
she also has a bearded dragonnnnnnnnnn his name is drago >:]
she let me hold him and hes so cuteeeeeeeeee
he even has a naptime- 7:00 is his naptime. DAMN HES SO CUTE I WANNA LIKE HUG HIM UNTIL HE DIES--
my sisters gf also brings lime pie whenever she comes for meeeeeeee SHES SO NICEEEEEEEEEE--

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  • First of all anyone who will watch eddsworld even to just get an idea of what it is, is a top tier person. Second congrats on your sister getting a gorl wish I had her luck. And third…. The fiery guy in my pfp is named drago XD

some ranting ig


SO, you know those songs like cpr or material gworl and songs like that? i just dont like songs like that, i do listen to them to roll ppl or to be funny but i actually hate them-

alot of female songs are like that, they talk about how they only want "rich" and "hot" guys. and overall just how females are "gold diggers" they also talk about how they do there make up everyday and look sexy and shit- when most girls aren't like that, there being stereotypical. and may make other people think there not good enough, for example, a female may think there not as pretty or rich as a "normal" female should, and a male might think there not "rich" enough or "handsome" enough to make a girl fall for him, which is not true at all.
not only for the female's songs like that, it could also be from male's too. they talk about how a females body is sexy or shit. and that there so rich and handsome that they could get any girl in any second. again, there being stereotypical. some songs may talk about sex, and how boys aaaalwayyyyys go "hard" on the female and that they wont stop and shit.
and sense tik tok is a thing, these songs are everywhere- children are listening to these songs and turning dirty minded at a very young age. I COULD GO UP TO A 6 YEAR OLD AND ASK THEM WHAT "sex" MEANS AND THEY WOULD PROB SAY A WHOLE ESSAY ON WHAT SEX MEANS-
this is prob what caused gacha heat if i'm honest-
overall, these songs are offensive and disgusting.
but no hate to song artists that make songs like this--

i w o u l d r a t h e r w a t c h h e n t a i i n s t e a d ( i l o v e h e n t a i s m 💖 )

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  • ugh, you are so right!! songs like that make me so mad. anyways Hentaism <3

  • ❤️ hentaism ❤️