Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

bad news-?

as you may know already, i use my school computer to do everything- (draw, be on medi etc)
but uh since i'm in 5th grade and i'm going to middle school, therefor, ill have to give the computer back, which means my medi acc will be g o n e, same with my drawings and everything, so i wont be able to be on medi, there's like 15-14 (or smth) more days left of school- so those might be my last days--- but i'm saving up for a computer so i hope i can get that before summer break comes around.

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  • Do you not know your login information

  • with a new computer I mean-

  • aaoooo NAAOOO- Hmm well at least you might be able to make a new account?- WHICH MEANS problem solved?

  • Noooo D': :[ That sucks, it's ok, King Medi, and your friends, will always be here waiting for ya!! :D

trend thing (pt 1)

what i think of ppl on here-

Ollie - a cute lil doggo with epic drawings, that also is an amazing friend- :]

Amber - i dont really talk to you often- but you seem pretty chill- i remember when you left i was like so sad-

Ash - again, i dont talk to you that much but you seem chill too- (funfact, i used to play hollow night but my dad was better at it then me xD-)

Jen Jen - you are epic, amazing friend with amazing art, your really nice too!! at first when i didnt know you like at all, i called you "the rainbow girl" PLEASE DONT GET OFFENDED---

Muna - your that one chill friend, with amazing art, i remember ive always wanted to be friends with you xD

Musty_Amaya - a fellow eddsworld fan, i thought i was the only eddsworld fan xD- your really funny, u make amazing art and your a epic friend, even tho i dont really talk to you anymore--

Flair Kōri |G!Eret-Ghost SMP| - y o u r m y f a v p e r s o n o n t h i s a p p , ANYWAYS--- epic friend, chill, ACTUALLY LISTENS TO ME- i can come to you whenever im sad- idk why i just feel so comfortable around you but i just do-

Zero - chill friend, epic art, pretty funny, also, where are you-? i miss youuuu what happenddddddddddddddd--

Dusktilldawn - kinda scary- i love how your never afraid to speak your mind, epic art ^^

Wolflirious - chill, super nice, protective!! also epic art

ReaperRedWyne 🇺🇦 - epic art, protective, amazing friend (my second fav on here xD)

i think i put too many ppl for just a part 1-

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  • tysm!!! <3333

  • Aww ty!

  • Awwwww, really :3 and Lol, I know, I'm protective :3 hope u have a wonderful day/night 🎧🎶💙

  • =OO Oh mah goodneess THANK U PEEPAWWW! <33 I've always wanted to be friends too- XD But I was afraid of TRYING- For absolute NO REASSOONNN- XD I'd love to be friends with ya! You seem SO COOLLL! And very noice =33 Having you as a friend would be AWESOME!

@ Flair Kōri |G!Eret-Ghost SMP|

no- i dont plan on really telling anyone-

my hand is fine- still hurts tho-
no i didnt really get hurt when i fell- i kinda hit my head but im fine-

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  • I'm glad ur ok tho, for the most part at least

  • King you need to tell someone :( Even if it's just an anonymous note explaining everything so the principal knows what's going on but doesn't know it was you who wrote it If the principal needs proof add pictures of your hand or print screenshots of everything Kiras been sending(maybe then she'll get the grammer help she needs 💀)

today was just messed up-

tw maybe??

so today was just a normal day of me poking myself with my needle (aka, my tool of suicide) then kira comes over and fucking stabs me with my needle- causing my hand to bleed- (legend has it its still bleeding xD-)
and lets just say vin got really mad- so uh they were having a screaming match- UNTIL THIS BITCH TOOK VINS PHONE AND THREW IT ON THE GROUND- SLAPPED ME AND WALKED AWAY- so uh- his phone had a crack in it..- then later i was sitting with vin on a bench with some other members of the friend group- THIS BITCH YEETED ME OFF THE BENCH AND SAT NEXT TO VIN- she said she was "sorry" and said she didnt mean it, and uh vin banned from the friend group-


so at hockey today, she hit me with her stick thingy multiple times- until mental health issue kicked in- so i had to go home early- (the game is still going rn, its supposed to end in like 1-2 more hours- but before i left my team was winning, i think it was like 4 to 10 or smth like that-)

yeah this day was just very messed up-

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  • I hope you are ok rip vins phone though and Kira is a crazy bitch and should be put into a mental hospital 🏥

  • Also I hope you're okay,, she's gone crazy oml–

  • She's making vin hate her even more lmao

  • I’ll lend you my lovely goalie stick so you can beat her with it <3 And I am truly sorry this is happening to you, you don’t deserve this.

oh my god xD-

so uh i have narcolepsy so i just fall asleep at random times- (but hey, my teacher knows i have narcolepsy so she doesnt get mad at me when i fall asleep in class hehe)

vin was showing me pics of our friend group and stuff-


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  • Awwwww! Cute and don't worry, It happens to me to at times as well :3 (Did at home 1 times I passed out, once in the floor petting the cat in my door way. I almost passed out on the fridge and then Almost on the couch. :3)

  • Omg I have the same thing and I was in the middle of lunch when I fell asleep one time and my friend thought I straight up died lmao

  • Oop-