Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

@Muna Sketches

no no- im at home, and im using my school computer to draw, to have medi, etc, and this is the only computer i have- well- i have another one but thats my gaming computer---

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  • > #Peepaw sucks =3

  • > #Peepaw sucks Heh, that got ya didn't it?

  • > #Peepaw sucks Look, I'm sorry you and Peepaw like the same person, But that doesn't mean you have to try and bring everyone ELSE down so you can feel proud of yourself. If you ask me THATS stupid. Im sorry but it is.

  • OH- XDD Woopsies- So you cant make another account because you're on your school computer? Errr hmmmm-

@ Wolflirious

no no its fine xD
i dont really think theres a way to tell him this without exposing my crush on him---

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  • > #Peepaw sucks Awwwwww, thank you. I know you are :3 so shut the fuck up mate, yeah?

  • *Fucking *

  • > #Peepaw sucks SO Ducking what if he's gay! That's who he is! The reason why, your being an ass, you Need to shut the fuck up. He's a good guy! Your only doing this because of Vin! Like mate, move on! Stop dreaming! I hate people like you and if you where a lot nicer I would defend ya to, but no, your just being an ass whole to someone else because they also have a crush! You need to learn when you've gone to far and this is excessive. And does it really matter what race you are? Did it matter what gender you are? Does it matter who you like? NO! I'm friends with a lot of people, and yeah, some are gay, so what. I care for my friends, even if I've never met them in real live. So, learn your place and stop. That's enough. Your acting like a child. And your what 10? Bruh, your talking to a teen here. So Shut it.

  • Ohhh, that's ok. maybe mention the app :3 Idk if that'll expose you having a crush on him. If it does, I'm sorry and I take full responsibility for that :3 but if your really uncomfortable then don't do it :3 well find another way friend :3

i'm so sorry to everyone that's in the drama, i'm sorry that shes been spreading hate to you guys- and- since its already out, shes not slandering bc everything she said abt me is true- a little hurtful- but its true- (also why the fuck did i tell her those things- im such a idiot-)

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  • Are you referring to you being gay and doing "fem" things (things people do has nothing to do with gender! >.>), abuse, or you breaking Vin's glasses? Side note, straight up just block this bitch. A lot of the things they've been saying are absolutely slander.

  • you're*

  • She's calling you a freak, it's slander, block her, cut her off from you life, and tell Vin about it (get screenshots as proof)

ayo just poppin in for a second-

i just wanna say rq, <----- t h a t n e v e r h a p p e n d

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  • > #Peepaw sucks Haha, I'm not a stain for him, I'm just telling someone off and to leave them alone(That's you dip shit) and You get a life, and no I wont hate Peepaw because your just being a total ass to him. Like mate, Get A Fucking Life.

  • > #Peepaw sucks so what, he'll find out sooner or later if what you are doing. And ANYBODY'S personal life should NOT Be shared with out that person consent you ass. Com will never, I believe, would never get together with a mean ass MotherFucker like you and your in 5th? I have 4 years on your ads mate. Try me. I ain't dealing with this. Leave Gregory(I hope I spelt it right :3) Alone. And If Vin ever finds this app, ooo, buddy, get ready, I have screen shots that'll end it all with him and you. Stop dreaming about him and move on. He's not the only guy out there! And I thing someone should say something to expose you. I would most definitely do it. So hate me all you like, say mean things to me, idc, it's only gonna effect you.

  • > #Peepaw sucks this person?

  • I'd recommend just blocking this person. If this escalates any more after you blocked them, I will handle it.



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  • > #Peepaw sucks Look, I don't remember who the heck you are and why we're friends in here but you know that everybody starts from being a beginner, and they eventually will improve if they work hard. I don't care if your art is better or not but you're just being damn toxic. And tbh this art is actually cute!! You're probably just being jealous or something

  • > Jen Jen It's not even funny anymore, it's just depressing how much time she has to do *this* instead of focusing on important things like school or how to spell-

  • > Jen Jen She ain't worth our energy tbh

  • > #Peepaw sucks Um, I think it'd be best to MIND YOUR OWN DARN BUSINESS INSTEAD OF INSULTING OTHERS? Look, I don't want any wars to start, I'd rather this be settled peacefully, if you don't like another person's artworks, then just scroll on, ignoring, instead of insulting And besides, none of us have even seen your art, so we can't even guarantee if you're better than others, let's not get all high minded here, with best regards


maybe a teeny tiny crush on him..-

im sorry--

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  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 I will have to agree with you. This person is going to put negative stuff on us all and who knows we might becaume enamis to each other just because of a mean person

  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 Ok :))))))))))

  • guys, can we just stop angering each other?- we're probably making Peepaw feel worse by arguing on his topic.

  • > JustHereToFollow What's wrong i can just ask peewpaw?.and i'm drawingh Him X Vin 💗


this contest is to honor Mr.Buns. for being the best bunny, and my best friend when he was still here,i know i shouldnt be sad about a bunny dying but i love him sm and we had alot of memories together, and it hurts to know he died, and that hes no longer with us. Mr. Buns meant alot to me, so thats why im making this in the first place.

so when your done with the drawing please comment it so i know-
just draw Mr.Buns which is the fluff ball on the screen- to honor Mr.Buns.

r.ip Mr.Buns
you will be missed...

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