Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


and this is where people are going to think im going fucking c r a z y - 👍


ive been getting really bad headaches and i often get dizzy and my vision is b l u r r y -
and ive been having like really realistic dreams- that actually happen in the future- like- im not kidding-
and when i see it happening irl, ik that ive seen that somewhere.
i felt like we had school on sunday, like i actually remember it happening- i remember it in exact detail-
and as you can prob tell already- im rlly stressed out and d e p p r e s o
and randomly- litterly randomly- i like CANNOT walk- it comes very randomly-

i t h i n k i n e e d m e n t a l h e l p

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  • That happens a lot in my family to- hope you feel better


vent, school drama, $3xu@l stuff-, injury-
*multiple topic*

i was at school- trying to find my draft for writing.
and i couldnt find it and i knew that the teacher had tooken them to grade them or whatever. and gave them back. and we needed them- and when i was trying to find it i realized that the teacher never gave mine back to me. and guess what? she started yelling at me- (im a pretty sensitive person- so i started crying right away-) the whole class was staring at me- and when we got in are groups to talk abt our paper that i couldnt find, they started yelling at me too- and i feel like everyone hates me and im just a useless idiot.
i was gonna tell my teacher that she still had it but you know, i was to scared to. and no one comforted me, even when i always comforted them when they were sad, and they weren't even my friends.
so this one kid in my class (imma just call them person 1 lol) liked this mean girl- (im kinda friends with person 1)
and i sat next to the mean girl in lunch, so i was just chillin eating pockey's like i always do and they start talking abt person 1, they were talking abt how person 1 had a crush on mean girl (mean girl and her friends were talking abt this btw) and i over heard mean girl friend 1 saying "why dont you like person 1?" and mean girl said hes ugly and annoying- my face was litterly like this- :|
i wanted to tell person 1 so frickin bad- but i didnt want to gossip abt other ppl gossiping- so i didnt say anything. THEN- THIS PART GOT ME REAL MAD- they were talking abt one of my best friends (my best friends are my crush and uhh- im just gonna call my other friend d r e a m - bc his name got smth to do with the dream smp lol-) they said how dream had a crush on mean girls friend- (BRO THEY DIDNT EVEN KNOW HIM- THEY ONLY KNEW HIM BC I WAS ZOOMING WITH HIM ON A LUNCH THING-) and mean girls friend said how hes not her type. bro- she didnt even talk to him- like- come on >:|
she doesnt even know what he looks like (LITTERLY I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE-)
but yeh

NEXT TOPIC--- (i promise after this there's one more then im done-)

in school i could litterly not walk at all- so i was litterly limping all day- and my teacher didnt let me go to the nurses office bc she thought i was faking it- LIKE BRUH- I WAS IN PAIN-
yeah- i just was in pain all day- i nearly tripped on a classmate-


my class is starting a- uhh- $3x unit- i dont think you knew this abt me but uh- i like that type of stuff-- (PLEASE DONT HATE ME-) so i was litterly smiling the whole time while my teacher was talking abt it- everyone looked at me like i was crazy- even my teacher- but i was very happy to start this unit- SO AT LEAST ONE GOOD THING HAPPENED TODAY- (yes, all of this happened today)
please dont hate me for liking uh- SusSy tHinGs-
i know for sure someones gonna unfollow me or unfriend me after i said this-

is it normal for a 11 year old to like sussy things-
or is it just me-

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  • I can relate.

  • I'm also very sensitive so i try and not cry becuz i know everyone will look at me

  • Your teacher’s rude!! >:0 You need to do something abt that!! And tbh I’ve felt like that before too, one time we had a speech and I kinda started crying ;w;… And that girl can’t judge somebody before meeting them! You shouldn’t hang with people who judge too quick like that- And bro, your teachers suck!! Why would they not let you go to the nurse?! They can’t just ASSUME you’re faking pain! What the hell!!?!? Just bc you like sus things doesn’t mean I’ll stop being friends with you… sure, it’s a bit, uhh different? But it doesn’t make you a bad person! Anyone who thinks that isn’t your friend! You’re allowed to like whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.

drawing requests?

also im just gonna post my art on timeline bc- medi will only post 3 drawings-

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  • Could you draw Clover? You don’t have to of course!!

  • you could draw Unie-

  • Could you maybe draw Muna? There's a pic of her with my last drawing I did <3 Just do shoulder-up kinda, maybe lower than the shoulder please! ^w^ I don't mind how long it takes either -w-

  • Can you Draw My OC Karen O Koopa in your Style please