On what to draw next? I’m bored and out of ideas as always

Follow my main👁👄👁
And my beloved or else
I’m online rn sadly :[
- :) idk
Btw I’m never drawing Strawberry jam cookie again
Making a ref sheet tht no one asked for :)
I have another crk oc idea (IM SO SRRY LOL) I wanna make a ref sheet…should I???
Give me some money bc I need to pay for Hulu I need to start watching tbhk my bestie on crk just finished it and she said it’s a good anime
To my lil sister I can’t take a photo of her bc no and bc ik the image pixel is to large she’s hitting me with a plushie rn and biting me :) I am loved
Hello I’m awake idk what to sayyy also good morning bb! ^^
I’m pretty tired it’s 11pm rn and mom keeps yelling GO TO BEDD I bet I’ll wake up at like idk 3am I wake randomly SOMETIMES I might wake up and stay up (if I stay up I’ll literally post a gm topic with a cursed image) or I might wake up and check my notifications and then go back to sleep sooo bai gnnn fr fr this time 💤💤
Thanks a bunch I think the same of you as well ^^
A friend moot? Thank you I didn’t expect tht ngl I was expecting for of like a Talkative moot thing
I think your a cool person to have as friend tho too, even tho I only know you through online! OoO
I see that too!
Thank you lol and idk rlly and again thxs for the nickname:>
Yeah! Anytime!
Since I’m awake before I posted tht topic I scrolled thorough tl just to find this it was everywhere so i wanted to try it :>
grr i cant decide aa
I see you as a friendo moot :D
Is that a good thing? Or a bad thing? Either way I think it’s good to get sleep XD congrats Broski!
Gnnn everyone ima finish my tea then drift off to sleep pls pray tht it rains before I finish my tea cya tomorrow everyone
To T33TH: Gn bb ilysm u might see this when it’s morning anyways bye cya tomorrow
Again I think I found out how I can give you the link I’m so srry if I made this difficult for you love T^T
its fine! i was asleep anyway oofy-
Why no? It won’t worrrkkkk whyyyy
Uhm I’m srry for doing this a second time but it didn’t work so again here’s the link
Gnn babe ^^ ilyssmmmm more than me sometimes and ofc you DO make me happy more happy than I ever been also here’s the link love https://medibang.com/external_link?link=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.idrlabs.com%2Flikable-person%2Ftest.php
Uhmmm how long is it until the collab ends bc I want to join but you know I’m using my baby sisters iPad it might take a while for me to join soo can you ask everyone to save a spot for me I mean you don’t have to ^^”
Artwork I’m gonna draw my sisters sky avatar And her other two friends
( she has like 70 something friends no like fr fr she does)
i like playing sky on my nintendo.. anyways... gn babe im goin to bed see you tommorow ^^ ILYSM AAAHHHH ILYSM <3333333
Soooo my sister did the test and she got a better score than me 💀
I wonder… is there a such thing as a self love test if there is can you send me the link?
do i make you happy atleast? i hope i do TT^TT can i have the link? i would like to do this tommorow!
I’m working on a update for one of you guessed it my crk ocs:) but I want to post it on a topic but everytime I try to post some of my artwork on a topic it always says the image pixel is to large but yet my my love T33TH can post topics of their new room any tips on how I can post without it saying the image pixel is to large (also I’m very srry if I kinda came off as rude if I did then I deeply apologize)
I’m back srry I was gone for SIX HOURS- my iPad died I don’t know how it took me so long to know wtf-
My last one I’m sooo srry I love these so much lolll
I forgot to post one lemme do ONE more I promise you tht will be my last one
One I’m srry lemme post one more pls lol
Yes Moreeeeeeeee :)
Good night!! (It’s 11 for me too- I should probaly sleep XD) night night!