Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

˙ . ꒷ ⛸️ . 𖦹˙—. I LOVE ROXY🩵
Uhm ig I’ll leave to 4 now??

I’m not risking it. A lot of ppl r scaring me w this site be down or whtever. So I’ll js leave and I hope this site is ok if I come back. I thank you, everyone, especially all my friends such as Nyany, Sebastian, Jenny McJenJen, Eri etc, I love you all and I thank you for everything you’ve all ever done for me. Thank you for being there for me when I needed it. Thank you for cheering me up when I was sad. Thank you for celebrating my birthday. Thank you for supporting me and thank you all for existing. All of you are amazing, kind, supportive and generous people and I love you all for that. Goodbye for now my friends <33

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  • Goodbye and stay safe

  • srry for any bad grammar I literally js woke up

random ass vent


I hate myself. I hate when ppl play favorites, it’s not fair. Especially for me bc no one ever favorites me, no one. Favorites fucking suck. I wish I could be the favorite for once.
I wish I was likable.
I wish I was nvr used once.
I wish I wasn’t gullible.
I wish I had real friends.
I wish ppl were nice to me.
I wish ppl didn’t lie to me.
I wish I wasn’t a disappointment.
I wish I was talented.
I wish I had healthy relationships.
I wish I had a healthy family.
I wish I was skinny.
I wish for everything I don’t hve.
I hate everything abt myself.
I hate having siblings.
I hate having my siblings literally bully me everyday. I hate it sm. Wht do my siblings hve tht I don’t. Y does everyone like jerks like them more than me. I always put myself before others, I always think abt how others feel, I always try to make sure others are happy and ok. But they don’t, they don’t ever do tht.
Y am I getting bullied?
Y am I getting hate?
Y am I the least favorite?
Y am I so fucking stupid??
Y am I such a fucking attention seeker??
I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate myself

I fucking hate myself.

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  • > 🍇𝑻𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚<3!! np! just tryna help :D

  • > Dreamy_Mocha Thxs<3

  • > ع ˖⁺ スイカ ༺☾🌿✧ I-… Tysm I rlly appreciate it <3 u don’t hve to change ur attitude towards me it’s fine..I rlly do appreciate all ur kindness and support Ty!

  • I also dislike it when ppl play favorites-- i feel you girl !🥲 you think nobody favorites you, but you're honestly one of my favorite people on this platform! your rlly nice and likeable :D hey, i can be nicer to you if you want ! you ain't a disappointment, the people who bully you / are mean to you are 💀 Also, YOU'RE SO FRICKIN TALENTED AT ART LIKE I WISH I HAD YOUR ART STYLE OMG-- Fun fact : your chances of being born into this world are 1 in 400 trillion, really glad that you're real! :D it's okay to want attention. there's nothin wrong abt that! you only want attention because of your cool fangan and things you're goin thru, correct ? there's no need to hate yourself. always open for vents if you need! :D

soooo question

kk on my story- since y’all r fr down bad for bbg bat cookie- r y’all already simping for any of the characters in my story????

I’ll draw some of the most important characters mayb-

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  • > Hunter'sGrave Okiii might be chapter 9 or 10 hehehe

  • > 🍇𝑻𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚<3!! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *CRI* ok i will be prepared...

  • > Hunter'sGrave lol dw she’s the protag we won’t kill her hehehehee but some1 she may or may not love not /p might be killed off hehe

  • > 🍇𝑻𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚<3!! nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu *cri* don't kill her offfffff

Chapter 4

link to chapter 3 js in case u missed it

Riko: “Oh this is gonna be fun!!” She exclaimed, happily yet mischievously, just as mischievously as that stuffed cat. Riko: “I cannot wait to be the villain of this little story!!” She exclaimed once more, this made everyone turn their attention to her and her alone. Riko: “Hehe!” Riko giggled, then walked away cheerfully, like she didn’t just call herself a villain in a killing game. Mitsuki however decided to explore, wanting to get to know the place more and become more familiar and aware with her surroundings. Then she saw someone…unfamiliar, she didn’t see this person in the gym, this person had a beret with veil, a suit and long braids to go with it. She was holding a… violin case? Mitsuki guessed that she might be a violinist maybe? She was in the kitchen looking in the fridge. Mitsuki built up the courage to go approach her. Mitsuki: H-hi-… who a-are you?? I don’t think I saw you at the g-gym.” The violinist responded. ??: “Huh?” “Gym?” “We were supposed to go to the gym?” The violinist looked up at Mitsuki, confused. Mitsuki: “Y-yeah, I think you missed something…big-.” ??: “What do you mean by big??” Mitsuki explained their current situation to her. The violinist then looked terrified, which was common for this type of situation. ??: “I can’t believe it…” Mitsuki: “me either..” ??: “Im Keiko Chiha, Ultimate Violinist by the way, I wanna become friends just so you know we could build a closer relationship and I… won’t be killed by you!” Mitsuki was slight shocked by this but accepted to request anyway. Mitsuki: “S-sure, Mitsuki Sou, the Ultimate Living Doll…” Mitsuki introduced herself, still as nervous as ever. Keiko: “Living Doll? What does that mean?” Mitsuki: “It means An extremely nice person, amiable and generous, w-which is stupid and useless especially at a time like….*this*” Keiko seemed very shocked about this, she never thought someone so kind could doubt themselves like this. Keiko: “No it’s perfect, you can actually comfort and help the other girls emotionally with their feelings in this situation, you could possibly keep them sane maybe!” Mitsuki: “..really?”

Keiko: “Really..”

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  • > Ðex Lolololol I’m scared- some of y’all gonna start simping over my danganronpa ocs once I draw them-

  • > 🍇𝑻𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚<3!! Yessss

  • > Ðex lolll💀 lil spoiler alert kinda but she’s gonna play a BIIGGG part in this- hehehehehe

  • > bluecatanimations Thxs!!

Chapter 3


The stuffed animal looked at all the students mischievously, looking like she was gonna cause some real mischief, she then spoke again, she sounded so bold and confident, it was almost frightening. ???: “Well then allow me to explain-..” Then a big screen came out behind her, she took out a teaching pointing stick and hit the screen with it aggressively, pointing at an image of the school. ???: “You see my lovelies, this is where you are at right now”
???: “My goal or benefit for this is-.. your **despair-!!**” She yelled those last two words, the shock on the girls faces was unexplainable, Mitsuki was so nervous.., everyone was. ???: “And how I will get that despair is by-.. a killing game-! So all of you lucky ladies will be participating in a killing game-! Where you are all will either kill each other or get killed-!!!” Most the students gasped, a very little few were less emotional about the situation as they should be, Mitsuki was-.. terrified, absolutely terrified, she had so so many questions. The stuffed cat kept explaining where they are, how they got here, and why they are here, when she finished she yelled goodbye and somehow disappeared. Everyone stood there, still processing their situation, no one made a sound until-… some girl who looked like she ignored the whole thing for a book spoke. ??: “So-.. are you idiots all just gonna stand there or are we gonna get serious? This is a life or death situation, I suggest you all be careful with your decisions” Then the girl with robotic arms and legs spoke, responding to the girl, in a harsh manner. ??: “1: I’m not an idiot and 2: Don’t tell me what to do, I’m capable of surviving this *without* anyone’s help.” An other girl responded she was the one that looked like a vet, she responded to the robot lady with a joking face and tone. ??: “Hehe-! Your funny looking-! But~ I do feel the feeling we should either stick together and then it’ll be harder for us to get killed or we do this by ourselves, putting more risks on our lives-! So~ what’s it gonna be Robo-Lady-??” The robot lady responded. ??: “Since did I take advice from a vet??” She then walked away, seemingly done with the situation. The vet turned to Mitsuki and said with a playful smile. ??: “Why hello there cutie! Name’s Riko Jiro! I’m the Ultimate Vet but~ I’m not as nice as I sound hehe-!” She giggled, it’s like she taking this as a joke, like that girl said earlier, this is a life or death situation, it isn’t some daycare where we get to play with toys and draw. It’s a killing game. Mitsuki responded to.. Riko. Mitsuki: “U-uh hi-? I’m Mitsuki Sou, Ultimate Living Doll..”.
Riko: “Oh this is gonna be fun!!”

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  • > 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘪🖌️トルテリーニ *le gasp* tyyy-!!!!!! I can if u wanna and tell me wht u think-!!

  • > KIngFlagada🐸👑 Ty-!

  • This sounds cOOL But wait I missed two chapters of this?? I wanna check em out ;-;

  • : its just that i was gonna have a killing game to anyways good luck witht the storie

Chapter 2


??: “Hey-..are you okay-??” The stranger asked with such concern in her voice, she extended her hand, offering to help her up. Mitsuki grabbed the strangers hand and the stranger helped her up. Mitsuki: “y-y-yeah….”. She answered, nervously, her anxiety was kicking in, this would only happen when she talked to a stranger.
??: “I’m glad to hear that, I’m terribly sorry by the way-..” She apologized with a caring smile on her face, trying to show Mitsuki that she was a friend and not some foe.
Mitsuki: “N-no it’s fine-.. it was m-me-..”
??: “I’m Yua Yuri, Ultimate Second-in-Command just so you know! Who are you-?” The gir-.. no-.. Yua asked her, with her finger tapping her chin, with the same caring, gentle and kind smile on her face, she was so-.. so.. pretty, well at least that’s what Mitsuki thought. Mitsuki: “M-Mitsuki Sou, Ultimate L-Living Doll-…”. Mitsuki introduced herself to Yua-.. blushing slightly. Yua: “Well nice to meet you Mitsuki-! If you’re comfortable with me sharing that you’re gorgeous!” Yua complimented her, giggling softly, seeming so gentle. Mitsuki: “u-uh thanks-..” Yua: “Well if you don’t mind following me, I believe you are the last one we need in the gym room-!” She said, she started walking, Mitsuki followed, completely in awe by this-.. this-.. beautiful work of art-.., Mitsuki felt so safe and comfortable around Yua, she wondered why. Once Yua and Mitsuki entered the gym, everyone looked at them, well and they were all females, Mitsuki noticed all the attention she and Yua were receiving and their genders, then she remembered, the acceptance letter to Hope’s Peak: The All Girls School, how she even got here in the first place, she realized-.. this was *Hope’s Peak: The All Girls School”*, she had so many questions, so many emotions. Then a girl spoke, the one in a greenish crop top with tan shorts and headphones, the ones your typical DJ would wear. ??: “Finallyyy-! You’re here-! Now we can figure *something* out!” The other girl next to her spoke, she was in some brownish blackish colored jacket with black jeans. ??: “Who said we were gonna figure *anything* out-? We won’t get all the answers we need just because everyone is here, I don’t think it will be that easy..”. She said, not even a second after she finished speaking, there was a loud female’s laughing noise on the stage, everyone turned their heads to the stage, some even had turn around completely. ???: “HAHAHAHAHA” “O-oh-!! “Now that’s real humor-! Look at all of your faces-!” “So confused.. so-.. so HAHAHAH” The laughing continued then some-.. stuffed animal came out of nowhere-.. it was a cat, it looked like a stuffed cat, it was black and purple, black on one side and purple on the other, purple and black stripes on the ears, tail and arms. The laughing finally quieted down. Then the stuffed animal spoke again, sounding like some grown woman. ???: “I bet you all really are confused-!”

“…aren’t you-??”

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  • > Hunter'sGrave Here!!

  • > Hunter'sGrave Oh yea sure!

  • > 🍇𝑻𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚<3!! damn it gahhhhhh i wasn't online... can you send me a link

  • > Hunter'sGrave Lol I already posted chapter 3

Chapter 1

lol I’m srry

One day, when the clock struck noon, there was a large school and some-… teenage girl. A short teenage girl standing in front of that large school, she looked a doll, a real living doll, in fact this girl was-.. Mitsuki Sou, The Ultimate Living Doll, she was accepted into Hope’s Peak: The All Girls School. A bit upset that she didn’t go to the REAL Hope’s Peak academy, she was kinda ok with the fact she’d be going to a Hope’s Peak Academy. She took a big breath and said under her breath, Mitsuki: Today’s the day Mitsuki, don’t mess this up..”. She whispered to herself before taking some steps to the entrance doors of the school, she then extended her hand to open the door and when she touched the doorknob then-….

Mitsuki: “Nghhh…”. She groaned, holding her head like it hurt. She opened her eyes to see herself in a-.. bathroom stall-??? “Why am I in a bathroom stall??” She thought to herself. She got up from the toilet seat she was sitting on and went to open the bathroom stall’s door, she opened the door, to see herself in the mirror. Mitsuki: “W-where am I-??” She questioned herself. She looked around and saw nothing but a normal school bathroom, she saw nobody else there with her. She went to leave the bathroom and started walking in the hallway,… so confused and curious about this place she was in, she looked at the floor tiles they were pink and white a pastel pink and white, she looked around still very curious about the setting, she wasn’t looking in front of her which caused her to-..

Mitsuki: “Oof-!” Mitsuki grunted, as she bumped into this new person. She fell on the floor, her eyes shut, then she heard a voice.
??: “Hey-.. are you okay-??”

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  • > KIngFlagada🐸👑 And Ty-!

  • > KIngFlagada🐸👑 It’s a game

  • > 🍇𝑻𝒆𝒅𝒅𝒚<3!! I LOve this but what does dangaroppapa mean?

  • > ع ˖⁺ スイカ ༺☾🌿✧ Hehe ty-!