Underrated art!!👇

YtterOdd (Stickerman)
I have an account on deviantart, https://www.deviantart.com/ytterodd - I'll be posting some of the same art there.
DeadNoMore illustrations, https://medibang.com/u/24332468/
Pi42, https://medibang.com/u/SigmaPi42/
To4dArt, https://medibang.com/author/15528129/
and yoongles(formerly known as Bucky Barnes)😸, https://medibang.com/u/Gaycrisis/
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- Work Place:Home
Underrated art!!! check it out!!!👇
I'm sharing this topic around because its important
Please read they're WHOLE topic BEFORE clicking on any links,👇
Check this out!! Its crazy good!!!👇
Check it out, it's AMAZING!!! 👇
> russellfrfr No problem!!♥♥♥:)
THANK YOU STICKERMAN 💔💔💔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Please help in any way you can🙏!!
This person needs more help https://www.deviantart.com/pauuu1307
Even if you can only share this, that helps, Thank you🙏
> 🍹🇹🇭Daisuke🌺☀️ Thank you!!🙏🙏🙏
I will share this 👍
metagryne bicolumnata, AKA Bunny Harvestman!!
(Harvestmen are arachnids, like spiders and scorpions, and are thought to have lived before the dinosaurs)
Bunny Harvestmen are from the rain forests in Equador, are about the size
of a fingernail, and are omnivores(the eat plants and animals),
Not that much is known about Harvestmen, like other arachnids, they are sadly under studied, but I will investigate to learn more about these little guys, cause they're freaking cool!! I just had to drop a quick topic, before I had a chance to research much, because, well, look at them!! Any way, finally got another bug topic!!👍
> YtterOdd (Stickerman) Yes, the spider world is diverse.
> Andrey Yeah, I don't know how they keep track of those legs, but I guess they're used to it, there are actually northern harvestmen as well, no bunny harvestmen, but more normal looking ones, they're sometimes known as daddy long legs!
Ooooh, southern relatives of northern spiders. Very cute horns. I am always amazed by those long legs. How do they manage to have so many and so long legs.
> 🍹🇹🇭Daisuke🌺☀️ Ikr, when I first saw it, I thought it would be called a dog spider or something like that, it looks way more like a dog or a pony, or a demon dog pony spider!!😆✨
This is FREAKING AWESOME and deserves to level up!!👇
Scientists generally recognize ten orders of trilobites, (an 11th is argued), There isn't a lot know about Trilobites, because even though they've found a huge number of Trilobite fossils, they mostly only found the fossilized exoskeletons(bones on the outside that work like a suit of armor protecting the soft inside, most bugs have exoskeletons) And the exoskeletons they found don't tell us a lot about them, but some of the things we do know is that they had compact eyes(like bees, flies and other bugs) and they had toothless mouths, they had antennae, and they molted they're exoskeletons(like most creatures with exoskeletons.) they could curled up like roly poly bugs(pill bugs), and some had horns, claws and spikes!!
fun fact: bones on the inside are called endoskeletons, or just regular skeletons😁✨
> YtterOdd yeah !! XD
> evil 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Yeah, now that I'm thinking of it, they kinda look like sci-fi horror monsters, don't they? Or anime monsters?
> Andrey :D ♥♥♥✨
> dragonklaw345🏳🌈 Yeah, totally cute and deadly at the same time!!😁✨
Trilobites are an extinct class of marine(sea dwelling) arthropod(bugs, horseshoe crabs and lobsters), they are some of the earliest known arthropods. some think they are closely related to modern horse shoe crabs and arachnids(spiders and scorpions) others think they are more closely related to modern insects(bees, ants, butterflies, aka bugs that aren't spiders and scorpions) The earliest trilobite fossils found are from the Early Cambrian Period(521 million years ago), they thrived, and evolved for almost 300 million years surviving a few mass extinction events before they went extinct at the end of the Permian period (about 251.9 million years ago)(the beginning of the Mesozoic era(aka the dinosaurs era). Trilobites ranged in length from less than 1 millimeter to Over 70 centimeters (28 Inches (that's a little over two feet long) they were a very diverse class, they lived in both very shallow and very deep water and some lived on coral reefs, they lived in every ancient ocean, some were predators others were bottom feeders or filter feeders and some swam through the ocean feeding on plankton, some even ventured on to land!! - see next topic, it won't all fit here
> Andrey Aww! Thank you!! You're awesome!!🤗
> MrFlagada☃️ 😲 Thank you!!🙏✨ I'm so excited!!😁✨
> YtterOdd Educational information is always good and commendable. You are great.
> YtterOdd If you want more info about any of them watch Extinc Zoo’s Videos’s
To see them in action!!👇
> MrFlagada🏗️ yeah!! They're scary awesome!!!
> dragonklaw345🏳🌈 😆✨🕷💕
i am scared and mesmerized at the ame time
hansome baby !!
Fishing spiders, raft spiders, dock spiders,
like water striders, are covered in billions of tiny water proof hairs, and can run/walk on top of water, they can also climb underwater and are covered in a thin film of bubbled air trapped in the hairs, they can breath this bubble and stay underwater for a really long time. They mostly eat insects but will eat any thing they can catch, including small fish!!! They can also use really sensitive hairs to pick up tiny vibrations on the water that they use like echo location!!!:)
> MrFlagada☃️ 😆✨ also, I'm sorry I didn't see this comment before, I don't know how I missed it
they look like they ahve along beard lol
> dragonklaw345🏳🌈 Eeeee!!🕷💕!! Sorry the pictures didn't upload right, I don't know what went wrong😭
SPIDERS!!!!!!!! YEAH!!
Its a thing now
> MrFlagada🏗️ Mandatory usually means you have to do it, you're compelled to, it's required, it's unavoidable, or it's the law, that sort of thing, here I was meaning that it's sort of traditional now, even though I only posted one other bug face picture😅 Idk what i'm doing
what does mandatory mean?
> shuri 😁✨
> Andrey Yeah!! They're adorable!!:)
Water strider!!
They are covered in billions of tiny hairs that trap air around them, so they are quite water proof, can walk/run on water, will float back to the surface if submerged, and while under water, they can breath the air trapped in air bubbles around the hairs! They also have preapical Claws like mantises and they can adapt to have wings or no wings every generation, depending on whether the environment they are born into is better suited for wings or not!
They can also use ripples on the surface of the water like a radar system!
> shuri Yeah!! They're awesome!!😄✨
> MrFlagada🏗️ Ikr :)
> Andrey Thanks for the suggestion!!🙏😁✨
I couldn't fit it in my last topic
> Muna Sketches Yeah!! This little guy is proof!!😆
> dragonklaw345🏳🌈 Ikr, imagine being a tiny bug, that just fell in the water 💀
> Andrey It's beautiful, right?!!😄💕
They say beauty is all about the symmetry of the face..
I'm just going to post more bugs cuz I love them,
Whirligig beetles
They can fly and Swim and use ripples on the surface of the water like a radar system, and they have double eyes, a pair on the top of their head for a surface view, and eyes on the bottom of their head for under the surface :)
> Andrey That's true, so many amazing bugs to choose from!! I'll let it be a surprise ;)
> YtterOdd It's up to you. The world of insects is very diverse and in this world there are cute insects, beautiful insects, super strong insects, cool hunters, terrifying insects, creative camouflagers, etc.
> YtterOdd Yippee
> shuri Ahh!! That's awesome!! I love bugs too!!💕✨
Just trying to use my bug obsession to cope with the election results😁👍
I'm way to social today, I'm gonna be burned out tomorrow😅
> Andrey ♥♥♥🕷😄✨
> MrFlagada🏗️ 😁👍👍✨
> YtterOdd A bug topics
> dragonklaw345🏳🌈 Yeah, adorable little guys!!
Something cool if you're interested! 👇
Wow! Thank you for 150 followers!!!🙏 I really can't believe it, I feel like it can't be real, maybe it will sink in someday, thank you for all the support, I really appreciate it!! And happy birthday to Bilbo and Frodo!!🎉🎉
> shuri Thank you so much!!!🙏✨
> Maheem Nawal Thank you!!!🙏✨😁
> Andrey Thank you for so much support!!! I really appreciate it!!🤗
Please support this artist in any way you can, they are an amazing artist who is in need of help, they are selling their art on Deviantart, here is their account, https://www.deviantart.com/pauuu1307
And you can donate to them and see their story here👇
> NizeOdDaske Thank you🙏 I'm sure they'll really appreciate it
I will support them as much as I can
Even if you can only share this with more people, that would help🙏
Mary Wip,
This is going way faster than expected,
Got the under sketch done, how's it looking so far?
> [✨Ālêxandrite/ElementalGod✨] Yay!! Thank you!!🙏✨ I'm glad you like it so far!! :)
> Andrey Thank you!!🙏✨ I'll do my best!!😁
> MrFlagada🏗️ Thanks!!🙏✨ I had actually forgotten😅 I'll definitely remember to pay attention to the folds now, thank you!!
> Maheem Nawal Thank you!!🙏✨
Underrated art!👇
> YtterOdd Np
> MrFlagada Aww!! That's so nice, thank you!!🙏 :)
OMG FOR ME A PROME TYSM TYSM 🙏🙏 this means so much ur art is so underrated too yk what i will give ya a promo too just remind me
Just in case any ones interested, this is one of the reasons I've been so busy,
Me and my family have been making things :) ^^👇
> Pong🌸 Thanks!!♥♥♥👍 :)
Woah that’s awesome! Keep up the great work!!🖤
Please help out if you can🙏
These deserve more attention!!👇
these deserve more recognition!👇
Please help level these up!!🙏👇
And check these out!!👇
Hey! Go check this out!👇
Please help level up this beautiful work of art!🙏👇
Please support this masterful work of art!🙏👇
> eupwhoria Your art deserves more attention!!!