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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
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YtterOdd (Stickerman) liked!

Vengeance in betrayal

Vengeance and betrayal
Zero was about to leave his house, he had spent 10 whole years trying to prepare his revenge for his parents, whilst balancing the chaos his twin brother caused, knowing that he had gotten his plan together brought him a slight sense of peace, but he wasn't done he had to follow through with it, he let out a sigh before opening his front door walking out and locking it, hoping his caregiver wouldn't visit him that day.

He pulled the hood of his cloak over his head, his dark brown wings poking out from behind as he started running in the direction of the air Kingdom, a place ruled by The bitter ruler king Ryan, his mother's ex-husband, hoping that when he got there Ryan hadn't died from old age considering the air species didn't last quite long, after a bit he arrived at the gates, being a mix between ice and Air he wasn't allowed past any Royal walls, he pulled out a invisibility potion, chugging it before flying over the wall and landing softly on the ground, sneaking his way behind a few of the royal guards that were entering the castle that belonged to King Ryan

He snuck past multiple guards, the invisibility potion wearing off, and it didn't help that he made the air cold wherever he went, he managed to sneak into the throne room where King Ryan was sitting with a board expression, he was sneaking up to the throne until the potion wore off making him visible to Ryan, Ryan let out a surprised Yelp “What the crap!” He helped standing up

Zero was startled as well not realizing his potion had worn off, he summoned his ax into existence holding it and ready to swing as he stared at Ryan “who the heck are you?!”
Ryan demanded to know “I didn't expect you to remember me, or perhaps the last name weatherway might refresh your memory” zero said for bitterly, his icy blue eyes glowing under the shadow of the hood of his cloak, Ryan paused his brain trying to figure out who this mysterious person in his castle was before he let out a chuckle “oh Mike and Sally's kid right…” he said trying to brush off the situation or at least de-escalate it

"Don't play dumb with me Ryan you know what's up, why did you kill my parents!"zero said trying to his best to contain his anger, his grip tightening against his ax "come on kid you're being dramatic I killed them because they seem to leave broke multiple rules you're one not supposed to, mate outside of species you're not and your mother did just that and so did your father... I simply got rid of two felons as I was told" Ryan said simply, zero stared at Ryan with a genuine dumbfounded expression "first of all I'm not quite sure if that's how you're supposed to use the word felon second of all you know jail is a thing right also if me and my brother aren't supposed to exist why haven't we've been killed yet make it make sense right and I'm pretty sure you just killed my mom out of spitet for divorcing you" zero said with a humorless chuckle "I advise you to watch your tongue I'm the one with power here not you" Ryan threatened through clinched teeth he took a step closer to zero but then backed up realizing how much taller zero was than him, and starting to rethink his choice of words "aw is the Big King scared now?" Zero said a smile spreading across his face, smiles coming from zero were quite rare, zero only smiled if he was about to make someone suffer to a certain extent or about to murder someone you know one of the two, zero took a step closer towering over Ryan, he spoke his voice eerily calm "I am going to make you suffer painfully I'm not going to kill you just yet I'm going to make you feel like you were dead I'm going to make you wish I'd put you to rest..." Zero said before swinging his ax, cutting King Ryan's arm Ryan let out a pained agonized scream , and zero chuckled darkly, he yanked his ax out of Ryan's arm before grabbing Ryan by the collar of his shirt and holding him to eye level "oh the way I torture you if I had a place to do so the way I'd hurt you dearly... But I can't my caregiver wouldn't be proud and I wouldn't want to upset cotton however you will be coming with me I have a great place to hide you where no one will ever-" zero said, but was cut off by the door to the throne room swinging open revealing his half-brother Liam, "what in God's name are you doing!" Liam yelled as he ran towards zero and Ryan "oh great you..." Zero mumbled

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Karl's song

I still want to be your baby boy, mommy I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you I'm so sorry I had to abandon you I came back just as a promised but it didn't save you like I wanted, so I know know know know know know no no no... I don't want to let you go I don't want you to think that I don't know that you love me I want you to know that I love you too mommy don't leave me I still need you a baby a grown ass man but I still need my mother, no matter the circumstance I really do like you know this but I've always noticed when you were hiding the pain from fathers abuse from the hurt of my sister ignoring you cuz I wouldn't even deem her as your daughter... So I promise you I'll be there for you I'll stay happy for you I will never change the way I behave towards men who act like my dad to women who act like my sister... Mommy the song is for you

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