I see everyone tomorrow ^^

🖥(friend:Hoñ, vinnie, ZoZo, Keb, gloom, Hunter, And more)🖥
🖥(No message sorry)🖥
🖥(Age: 17 some my art a bit trash don't worry I get better soon 😁)🖥
🖥(Birthday: April the 10th)🖥
🖥(Taken by this lovely lady: HunterGrave)🖥
🖥(Pls don't block me that lost all my fallower T^T)🖥
- Anime
- Cute
- Undertale
- Furrys
- Cat
- Dragon
- Dogs
- Robot
- And more
- Poppy playtime
- Tv heads
- Hollow knights
- Zim
- Stray
- Cookies Kingdom run
- My life as a teenge robot
- 性別:男性
Black,purple, blue, yellow, rad, white,
DJ sound, soft sound,
All kind of them,
Fnaf,hollow Knights, Murder drones, object show, and more
All kind of them,
I like to sleep, hang out, eat, play, draw,
Run down stairs and jump and eat my GOD DANG FOOD >:3
*water sound*
*Agh* *dead* *sob*
I'm what I post to do know well I'm going to play Minecraft if people know my name its StoneTvHead and then you can find me to play with me because I'm very lonely TvT.
I just find you other account I see your art :3
Ah yes hold my fluffy cat >:3
pet the cat*
gah i wanna pet :<
Just kidding I'm at home now yay I was very tired *yawn* BUT great news the bullys move HAHA take you loser >:D my eye heal thx god because I was hurt like h*ll *eating candy* bye now. ^^
YAY!!! I'm glad your safe :3
JK IM not going well Saturday the bullys come back again oh on my brother its ready >':)
pls stay safe... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ok I hope it goes well I think
Yea make a fanart ^^ I want to see it what you draw :D because your are cute ^^
Can you pls someone talk to that person what I do wrong because I really don't want to be block T^T because soon my birthday its coming I don't want to cry for my birthday (banned me: Zealie doodles)
I commented on one of their illustrations and im waiting rn
*Sight* yea people what people go to do T^T
Idk I do nothing to then now people are blocking me 😭 can you pls talk to that person his name its (name: Zealie doodles) he block me I do nothing I just hang out with my friends and this dude block me T^T
I got piano practice today DANG IT :[ so yea I be back ok bye on OH sh*t its time BYEeeeeeee 👋👋👋👋👋
awwww oki bye...
It all most past my bed time well talk more tomorrow ok good night ^^ 👋👋
goodnight rocky
I was thinking I was bored but everything its just fine UvU
Well I'm dead ;v; this going to be hurt a lot.
Are you ok? yk what to do grab them by there shirt and say "Yo, dont mess with me emo weirdos" then punch them idk
Who is bullying you? I'll dox them so they can be hunted too ^^
Uh kinda hard to believe.. But uh.. If ur telling the truth, I'm sorry this is happening to you..
I still have the black eye its hurts but its worth it ¡v¡ they take me in a eye doctor and I can't see with my left eye now oh Sh*T now what I post to do ¡_¡ bully are hurting me and my friend
Join me to ZoZo group For we can chat :3
Look at Google and you well know what its Five below and got a lot good stuff :3
I well be open a contest soon or I start tomorrow you know I want too see everyone have fun and my birthday its coming scare number I going to have ._. But I'm have a lot of fun XD beside I'm going to five below that have the cool stuff idk people don't know what a five below if you know good for you because I well getting cute litter stuff animal because there fluffy. 🎉🎉🎉
> FirePeanut Same 😂
I have no idea of what that is
:3 ye five below is nice
Thx you guys I'm a very happy Robot 🎉🎉🎉
Felicidades 👏 🥳🤭💕🌸💮🌷⚘🌹🌻🌼💐
Aaaaa my nose running I need something I better just my nose DANG IT idk what I just eat well I'm fine I'm not sick or nothing I better yay I got a day off yay I can talk to Hunter yeppy ^^ I'm so happy
good night everyone I be offline because I'm still working my comic so yea I try to fished best I can you know my hands are trash :'3 woo yea Good night see everyone tomorrow I well talk to you Hunter *not lieing telling the truth* I well talk to you :'3 if I have a break you know I'm always busy so yea good night😴. I hope everyone sleep good ^^
I try to fished my comic its call HUMAN vs Robots because idk I going to call it its be some new tv heads and monster you know I draw them me and Hunter were Rp and litter bit some new things on my Comic so yea I hope everyone wants to see it I try to fished ok bye ^°^
I cant wait
Sure as long as I'm happy Thx this well make me happy ;v; 👍
And idk what I'm doing for my birthday day be lonely that fine ;v; no ones care about me *sight*.....and I feel like sh*t I'm bored someone talk to me no one that fine I just want to die. ..........😔🎂
pls dont if you die i'll die too then... and I'll be on the computer alllllll day on ur b-day from 9 to 5 lmao
>:D IM GONNA MAKE YOU SOMETHING TOO! BECAUSE YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALONE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY! (Also please don't wish you were dead, we all care about you! :)
I can make a picture as a gift, so it's not only you being alone
Hello guys I'm back I take a long nap I feel a litter better its just my mouth hurt like h*ll man I'm so bored *sight*.......I don't feel my self today............😔
Worst worst TvT man I'm bored well its morning goodnight for me because I need some sleep for I feel better for I can talk to Hunter because she well be bored with out me TvT man I wish I can get better soon 🙏🙏🙏
im just kidding i'll be fine just dealing with sum really toxic ppl rn but i have my irl fren to help meh with these online bullies :3
nuuuuuuu go get better i'll just be xtra depressed today :3
I wish I can talk to you but my arms not feel like to text sorry bye I well be better soon...
I said that on the wwrong topic I am so sorry I ment to say that under mine wwhoops-