MediBang ID:
Hello! My name is Breeze. Here is a bit about me:
-I like to name my iPad "Titanic" so that when I get a notification that says "Syncing Titanic" I click cancel and I feel like a hero.
- 9/10 voices in my head tell me I'm insane.
- In my free time I like to constantly ask my big brother if he has a girlfriend until he shouts at me or starts crying.
-My hobby is sitting in my backyard trying to see how many knots I can tie into a single strand of grass.
-I like to name my iPad "Titanic" so that when I get a notification that says "Syncing Titanic" I click cancel and I feel like a hero.
- 9/10 voices in my head tell me I'm insane.
- In my free time I like to constantly ask my big brother if he has a girlfriend until he shouts at me or starts crying.
-My hobby is sitting in my backyard trying to see how many knots I can tie into a single strand of grass.