Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Requests are open, feel free to ask in topics or dm me if you want a request! There are guidelines to these requests tho 😭

Protest at my school tomorrow, let’s see how that goes :3

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  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) oof-

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) That's messed up, honestly.

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen About a teacher that went full racist mode, and you see, I live in a Hispanic/Mexican/Mexican-American community right? The advisor at our school is a part of the agriculture department, and she posts political things ! Yesterday she posted a Instagram story about how she’ll burn a Mexican flag for you and blah blah blah and us students didn’t take it lightly 👍👍

  • What're y'all protesting?

This is so STUPID

okay, so when someone is playing a violin in a storage room, you would think that all percussion players would play either in the band room or outside right? WRONG TOTALLY WRONG I GUESS. I GUESS THEY THINK THEIR INSTUMENT IS QUIET OR WHQTEVER 💀💀💀
I’m so done, they have like ZERO situational awareness or something,

Idk, I’m probably just mad because I can’t play right, I hurt my hand pretty bad, it hurts to play but I would like to play my violin 🗿

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  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) ohhh yeowch

  • Friends*

  • > VIVLZ6670 ✶ My friend and I had a squid game themed event and for tug of war it was a 2v2, and we all did what we weren’t supposed to do (wrap the rope around our hand). The rope crushed my hand really bad so now it’s puffy n stuff 😭

  • oh nooooo i hope you feel better soon!! how did u hurt ur hand

Too real Jentry Chau

Bored and tired, I don’t have much motivation to draw🗿

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  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Fr ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) yeah, ig, but there is fanart of some of those shows where they give the characters different outfits :3 they always look so good!

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen But, new outfits=more art :333 Idk, I love it when main character outfits change 👍

  • But I love it when the main characters wear the same outfits all the time.. (obviously, my OCs don't do that cause it's gross, but the MAs do)

Esther doodle!!

Wanted to draw her yesterday, at least figure out her side profile :3333
Pretty but with crazy bad consequences

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  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Ah okie! :3

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Ooooooooh judging by the Belos part and Hunter, definitely king’s tide!

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Iirc, I think I got up to the point where the collector was reveled to exist, and Luz realized she helped past Belos, and Hunter is a dead man, but I remember watching recaps with my brother on youtube so since the last time I actually watched the series was years ago, I'm not sure where I stopped, and the last recap I watched was sometime last year.

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Pinterest has the best refs!! Their personalities and designs are sooo awesome bro :000 if you’ve met the collector then I’m sure you left off on the season 2 finale?? :0 (unless you saw snippets n stuff!)


I had a crazy dream where I saw a trailer of a comic named ‘Uriah’ become an actual tv show, I was GOING BONKERS ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️ it actually looked r e a l l y cool, the ‘actors’ looked identical to the comic and all, and it followed some scenes too- I MISS IT 😭

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  • > ♟️Bobnob 𓆣 That’s true!! I guess Uriah still has a chance of getting some sort of adaption, it is realistic enough to get a live adaption rather than an animation one 🗿 But I side with the fact that it shouldn’t become a show, it’s Crazypants 😭

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Berserk got an anime adaptation

  • > ♟️Bobnob 𓆣 it does exist but just not as anything else other than a comic 😭😭 it’s a Webtoon infact ‼️‼️🗣️I wouldn’t think it would become a show though, the themes are dark 😭

  • missing a comic that doesnt exist is crazy (i can relate)

Let’s see if it’s fixed
  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Too real ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️ I’m not autistic either, I just came upon this funny Amphibia meme and took it because I’d lowkey do the same if I had a group like that for years 😭

  • I guess*

  • > Grimzboo It’s fixed now nvm 😭😭 I was talking about the images in the topics, but if they fixed it

  • Nah that's wild Also you don't have to be autistic. My dumbass woulda been like "Heck ya! Let's escape the real world and go to a random world that could have millions of dangers with no idea when or if we'll ever make it back home!!"

Art frommmm


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  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Thanks! Also so you don't get the wrong idea, my groupmate wasn't a bad one she just didn't know what to do, and to make up for it she did most of the work for our next project

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Oooooo that’s neat!

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) Yeah, I had to make a 3D model. I had a partner but they didn’t know how to do anything so I did everything. I also had to paint. Luckily the model came our well

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Coastal erosion :000


First day back at school and I’m d r a i n e d, mentally and physically
Mentally because we’ve lost a student, one who was a very nice from what I heard- I won’t say what happened to him but it’s horrible in my opinion, most of my teachers knew him, he was in a few of my classes and now his seat is empty 🧍
I dunno, a lot of us are kind of going through it all, especially those who were close to him. I never knew him, I just knew he was a classmate of mine

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  • > Muna Sketches He did pass away, I can’t imagine how they felt when they got the news

  • Did he.. pass away? That is absolutely horrible.. If that's the case, imagine their family..

Amphibia trio ahh situation

I’ve got a trio in my geometry (don’t question why I’m 17 and in a geometry class), and one of them I’ve know for a good year or two, the other I’ve known for a year- aaannnddd they told me not too long ago that they were moving geometry periods, both of them! It was not too much of a big deal because they’re my friends and I think they would talk to me, but on the last day of the first semester, I wanted to spend some time with them! And so I brought my Switch on that day so I can play and show them some games, but every time I’d try to talk to them, they would shut me down or they would just talk to each other and go on their phone. RAAHH I HAVE NO ONE ELSE TO TALK TO IN THWT PERIOD, AND I MIGHT HAVE A SWITCHED PERIOD TOO SO IT DOESNT MAKE SENSE-
I haven’t talked to them since, I’ve always helped them with homework n stuff so that was dookie water ☹️
Anyway, drawing coming up so yeah!

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  • omggg they sound horrible (marcy situation ahh)

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) oh yeah.. But they're dumb and it's obvious that the earth isn't flat lol, most of them are literally trolls

  • > Totally_not_YveNRen Then that would prove a point to flat earthers 😭😭