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鳥居からの道 | The path from (to) Torii
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鳥居からの道 | The path from (to) Torii
ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
私の甘い空虚 | My sweet emptiness
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鳥居からの道 | The path from (to) Torii
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私の甘い空虚 | My sweet emptiness
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私の甘い空虚 | My sweet emptiness
鳥居からの道 | The path from (to) Torii
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愁 | sadness
On Sunday I went to my first market to sell merch! It was super cool! I talked to people, traded, gained experience!
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I'm obsessed with different mediums of artworks in analog or traditional arts!! I try to experience the mediums that I can. Painting over brown paper has given me so much joy so I'm wondering if there's anyone who paints like that!
I once tried the colour wheel challenge and exclusively used only the brown paper and it turned out like that!! I don't watch much animes now but I crave to create anime related artworks!!
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The look of longing
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🐯🐱 The Cats now have real cats to accompany them
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💜When he carries his love on his knuckles
私の甘い空虚 | My sweet emptiness
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屋上で | On the roof
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屋上で | On the roof
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Who are you really?
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屋上で | On the roof
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鳥居 | Torii
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自分の中の光を殺す | Kill the light inside yourself
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Caduceus |カドゥケウス
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92夏の日 | 92 summer day
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てるてる坊主 | Teru Teru Bouzu
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蝶 | Butterflies
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屋上で | On the roof
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空 浴槽 | sky in the bath
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重い負担 | Heavy burden
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屋上で | On the roof
屋上で | On the roof
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空 浴槽 | sky in the bath
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空 浴槽 | sky in the bath
😍😍😍Wowww your stall looks amazing!!! Having all your artworks on display like that must make you feel so proud!!
good luck