探してた内の1つ (I was able to get something)
個人的に良い情報が集まったのでイラストを描いているのですが、4枚投稿が間に合うかなぁ。 [Personally, I've gathered some good information so I'm drawing some illustrations, but I wonder if I'll be able to post 4 of them in time.]
残り一つ.. [Only one left..]
帰ってからずっと描いてるけど描くスピード遅くて寝ちゃいそう.. [I've been drawing ever since I got home, but my drawing speed is so slow that I feel like I'm falling asleep..]
残り一つ.. [Only one left..]
帰ってからずっと描いてるけど描くスピード遅くて寝ちゃいそう.. [I've been drawing ever since I got home, but my drawing speed is so slow that I feel like I'm falling asleep..]
AndreyThe main thing is to draw well, even if it is slow. Speed comes with experience.Display translation