插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

(😭Very important message😭)

Hey guys I well miss you all because I'm still be one medi but I well take a break on medi now because my life its getting hard because my dad its really old I need to take care of him so I have to do what best so wish me luck last call for chat with me before I'm gone I well not be talking or cheating I'm still be on medi I'm taking a break because I need to help my dad soooo this going to be hard but its the best......I well miss you guys❤(To everyone)


  • bye i hope the best for you and your dad and i hope he stays healthy

  • Bye, hope everything will be okay with you’re dad and you!

  • Hope everything will be ok with you and you're dad, old age is scary because you can die from disease easier, just make sure you're both fed correctly prepared food, clean more often, quarantine when sick, and it'll be fine for the most part.