MediBang ID:
Hello! My name is porneliany :D
Im a pacifist.
I'm 14 years old
Bday - 12 june
Pls don't make fun of my name calling me "porn" "you like porn" pls i couldn't find any other names but if you need to, call me Porn or Pornel ^^
I'm dyslexic and i have sleeping disorders.
Please be nice around here.
I love to draw animals and stuff! :)
Please feel free to friend rq me, all will be accepted!
I'm having a limit soon, so be quick!!
All my art has sketches before it!
Requests is open btw :D
Im a pacifist.
I'm 14 years old
Bday - 12 june
Pls don't make fun of my name calling me "porn" "you like porn" pls i couldn't find any other names but if you need to, call me Porn or Pornel ^^
I'm dyslexic and i have sleeping disorders.
Please be nice around here.
I love to draw animals and stuff! :)
Please feel free to friend rq me, all will be accepted!
I'm having a limit soon, so be quick!!
All my art has sketches before it!
Requests is open btw :D
As man that sucks. He should’t pick on you for using Medi.
Then why would you send all those comments and threaten to take down Medi? Is doing Medi the reason why the kid would pick on you?
Correct. Never said they did. They wouldn't they is kind people
Ooohhh. So it’s not Eminoa and Zen jumping you. Correct?