插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

gotta say smth rq, ignore if you want :)

I keep seeing some furries talking about therian/otherkin and saying things like "they're actually r*tar*ed enough to think they're animals"
like pUH-LEASE
they act like we go around barking at people and sleeping in dog beds
we get the same kind of hate!! and for some of us, it's worse because being otherkin is NOT A CHOICE like the furry fandom is!! You can leave the furry fandom any time you like, we can't stop being otherkin/therian. We can't just stop having shifts. It DOESN'T WORK. I'm sure many, many of us would like to stop it because it HURTS.
And I see people on X/TikTok/Insta making anti-therian/otherkin accs that are GENUINELY DEDICATED to harming our community and our way of life, and that feels awful. Like- yes! we are aware that we will never physically be our therio/kintypes! please, it hurts enough, don't rub it in. we already have a hard time with ourselves, don't make it worse. We aren't harming anyone with our way of life! We are doing what makes us feel okay in ourselves, what makes us feel alive and right and okay within our bodies, and people are out there acting like we hunt humans or some shit! We are living our lives in our own way, just leave us alone if you don't like it. Just choose not to interact! Is that so hard?

I'm pissed off about this and somewhat bothered :(



I realized why things like this are so nostalgic to me!!
My aunt had a tv in her old house at the end of her bed that we used to watch stuff on when we went to visit her!
I remember touching that screen and feeling the slight electricity shock n how fizzy it felt and the crackle and i LOVED it
She also had an oldass computer in her office that I used to play PBS Kids games on lmao
one time I remember I was still figuring out how to use a computer (i was like. 5 or 6) and I pressed the "print" button and her PRINTER started making copies of the page lmaoo
and i PANICKED and my aunt was so patient lmaooooo <33
those were the days! She lived in seattle and we lived (and still live) in Oregon so i remember that longass drive
I remember having a whole little basket of DVDs that we had in the car :D i had the Time Of My Life
I remember one time I wanted to watch..... harry potter i think it was
and I put the dvd in wrong
and I turned it on and it made a GODAWFUL noise that spooked me so hard that I chucked it across the car and cried bAHHAHA
I was such a scaredy cat! i wasn't afraid of spiders or snakes or normal shizz
but. my devices not working properly spooked me so bad

nostalgia fr fr!!


  • > 𝑬𝑽@ ohh yeah!!! :DD it's so cool :33 YOOOO THAT'S COOL! I currently have a smart tv that doesn't work (not allowed to use it yet) in my workshop that has just been. sitting there it's cool to have but! let me use it please!!!?

  • Aw my gad my grandma has got that kind of tv too. Nostalgia! I HAD A SMALL TV AND A WII. My wii is 18 years old and it still works perfectly

  • > FlameteethDoesStuff Oooo :0

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) yeah!! :DDDD :00 oohh!! my Big Nostalgia game is World Of Goo because our library used to have games on the computers and that was one of them :3

Weirdcore vibes for you guys

because i love yall :)
Here, have some good music to explore liminal spaces to as well! :3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wraopJF216E&list=PL45ZaA1IbsOCcrboaW-GaZnk5H22YS61J&index=19
we're having a good day I think, the world seems very surreal at the moment. (Probably because I went to bed at like 2 and woke up at 5. ha)


  • > Jam_20 :3

  • fascinating

  • https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45ZaA1IbsOCcrboaW-GaZnk5H22YS61J&si=QvvG5dH5e7UbNdP_ here take this whole playlist actually


we're not going to cali i don't think lmao
we might be going for a vacay but we aren't gonna see my godfather
that means!!!!
i get to keep the dragon puppet!!!!!!! waaaaaaaooioaoaoo (luigi.mp3)
we might get to go to a convent/high school from my grandma's catholic order tho!!! like to stay for a few days bc they have rooms on the tip top floor :]
we used to stay there a lot and now I get to have my OWN ROOM THERE and it's so fun :D
tbh, i love oakland n hayward. they have Such a vibe :] AND HAYWARD HAS A GREAT DOUGHNUT SHOP :33


  • fun :))


i made this yesterday for my godfather bc we're gonna go up to cali to visit him and I wanted to make him a gift for christmas/krumpas/mari lwyd/new years so!!
he loves spiders and owns a few pet tarantulas so i tried to make it vaguely spider themed :]
this is the biggest dragon I've ever made, he's two times bigger than my main puppet (Anariel the angel dragon) and his upper horns shoot forward when his mouth opens :]


  • > FlameteethDoesStuff Awesomeness 😎✨

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) ohh yeah! i mostly have been in northern cali bc that's where my mom's grown up :] Oakland is nice :))

  • > FlameteethDoesStuff Cali is insane dude, especially SoCal- we’re a different breed 💀 I’m afraid and I’ve lived here my whole life 😭

  • > Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) CALIFORNIAAAAAAA RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SBAHSBDHASBDGHAVSHDAV cali's funking insane tbh, as an oregonian i am Afraid LMAO (eheeee thank you :])


it's so funny when i hyperfixate on smth and then i wanna change my WHOLE profile and post abt it all the time (autism)
but then I get all embarrased because I'm like "what if they think i'm weird lol q//q" and then I just internalize it BAHAHA
i'm like 99% sure most of yall don't wanna see ghostface 3 million times on your timeline so imma just fade away HBSVADVSVD


  • > ★ 𐌕Ꮤ𐌉Ᏽ ★ Q//Q aww ty <3

  • I don't mind lol, if you want to post abt something that makes you happy then go for it, it's nice seeing people get excited about things