Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Huh, talking about Medibang-

I need to talk about this, urgently lol. Note: u don't have to agree with me it's just my opinion and you can put yours in the comments. But don't attack me please.... <3

It's been so long since Medi was a good place.... everyone enjoyed that nostalgic moment. This site is made for posting and sharing our talent without any problem... but it changed from a year ago from now... it goes a step back when it does an update.

Medi keeps putting unnecessary updates on Art Street... the site was good when I joined, but now it's just completely different.. :( I swear people had already lost their amusement with this place because of all the changes it keeps adding with no reason.
+ people leaving, people posting vents, rants, toxic stuff etc. that has to DISAPPEAR. Do NOT spread negativity here, if you can't, just post it less often at least. Less is more
Let's talk about it peeps, let's go talk about interesting stuff..;
-Ranking, lv ups, weird people + interesting stuff

I'll start with the ranking

I wont give ve my opinion here. So it's just a mechanic of this site that gets x or y people popular by how many reactions it has, y'all know about it lol. But it's just kinda unfair... into this there's a subtype. Lv ups;

Level ups are., unless and unfair. When u just joined this site, yo go so motivated, powerful and fearless. But you don't know what obstacles you will find in the way.. you choose the path you want to go to. Imagine: you have two paths: the path of progress, talent and success with making art. The other path: popularity, fame, wealth, more reacts followers etc

Which one do you would choose?

Other thing: level ups -2

Yay i love talking about this/j
These are just achievements you get when you get reacts.... it can be either: all full of lv 1's or lv 3's but you won't get get a lv 4. It's useless. It just makes you want to fight and it doesn't encourage you when you don't get a high ranking.... because it's disappointing itself.. this site is Japanese. Y'all know dominant art style is semi realistic anime.

Please do not change your art style for just getting greedy and throw another coin to the wishing fountain, you won't get nothing. U just are gonna be sad and upset. You don't choose the moment the moment chooses you.

Tbh it's very unfair. Non Japanese artists have also the right to get their prize for their efforts. Japanese artists seem greedy and unfriendly, yus.
And they usually get That levels making AI art. Ai art should be FORBIDDEN. because you don't put anything of your talent there. A bot does it for you for just clicking a button. Is that... irritating? It id don't worry. Everyone think it's unfair and they are more than right

Also if Medi goes by the wrong way, it will go downhill with its current updates, unnecessary stuff, more mistakes and regrets. You know
Also there's ppl who buy bots to get everything in a little while... this site isn't that known isn't it? But, why?? :(

Please if ur feeling bad, and you need to post a vent, solve it by yourself the most, you can request a bit of help by a friend ofc. But do not spread negativity and no not encourage people to leave.

This small community is more than we think, we are better than that Japanese people who just overwhelm us. forget them. They just distract us.
Remember to stay/try to stay always positive, share ur talent, be happy an smile. If u smile, the world will smile back to u. <33 never look back and always look forward.

Thank you for your time!

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rant part two lmao cause i forgor stuff


i'm genuinely afraid to wear my gear outside in our back/front yard because someone might see me. It's not because I'm embarrassed of my otherkinity at all, but because I'm worried that someone might become verbally or physically violent towards me because of it. I live in a place where people might think I was some sort of "satanic worshipper" (something I've actually been called whilst wearing gear) because my dragonkin gear resembles demonic features (horns, wings, tail, etc.).
I have such a problem with this! Like- I'm in my front yard. I'm doing quads on my own property, on my land. I am nowhere near your property, I am not harming anything, I am not disrupting anything, you decided to come over here where I am and start a fight. Whenever someone slows down to watch me or looks like they're going to say something, I always shy away now and hide until they're gone. It's awful having to do that. All because people can't accept someone for who they are.

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gotta say smth rq, ignore if you want :)

I keep seeing some furries talking about therian/otherkin and saying things like "they're actually r*tar*ed enough to think they're animals"
like pUH-LEASE
they act like we go around barking at people and sleeping in dog beds
we get the same kind of hate!! and for some of us, it's worse because being otherkin is NOT A CHOICE like the furry fandom is!! You can leave the furry fandom any time you like, we can't stop being otherkin/therian. We can't just stop having shifts. It DOESN'T WORK. I'm sure many, many of us would like to stop it because it HURTS.
And I see people on X/TikTok/Insta making anti-therian/otherkin accs that are GENUINELY DEDICATED to harming our community and our way of life, and that feels awful. Like- yes! we are aware that we will never physically be our therio/kintypes! please, it hurts enough, don't rub it in. we already have a hard time with ourselves, don't make it worse. We aren't harming anyone with our way of life! We are doing what makes us feel okay in ourselves, what makes us feel alive and right and okay within our bodies, and people are out there acting like we hunt humans or some shit! We are living our lives in our own way, just leave us alone if you don't like it. Just choose not to interact! Is that so hard?

I'm pissed off about this and somewhat bothered :(

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Itz_Liminal left a comment!

Im gonna take a small break

Please do not ignore

Because im really stressed :(

Im really sorry if i owe you something and i don't have time to draw it... i just wanna calm down but i have so many things on my head that don't let me draw normally... please understand. Don't ask me about art trades/requests they are all closed. To the ppl I already planned an art trade, i still want to do it but do not rush me

Im gonna do stuff that makes me happy like playing my childhood video games in my wii. And stop drawing for a while. :< im so sorry. I will still check medi n stuff but I'll only talk and post topics

Also im off because... my sister insulted me, she said me "f*ck you* and i can't stand that

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Itz_Liminal left a comment!

Im gonna take a small break

Please do not ignore

Because im really stressed :(

Im really sorry if i owe you something and i don't have time to draw it... i just wanna calm down but i have so many things on my head that don't let me draw normally... please understand. Don't ask me about art trades/requests they are all closed. To the ppl I already planned an art trade, i still want to do it but do not rush me

Im gonna do stuff that makes me happy like playing my childhood video games in my wii. And stop drawing for a while. :< im so sorry. I will still check medi n stuff but I'll only talk and post topics

Also im off because... my sister insulted me, she said me "f*ck you* and i can't stand that

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Itz_Liminal left a comment!



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  • OOOOMAAAGAHH Thank you tons and tons for this... i will cherish this forever. 😭😭😭 i just LOVE IT? IT LOOKS SO COOL? TYSM FLAME YOU ARE SO SO SO SO NICE FHHDJDHDJHDHD ILY/p this means a lot to me, thank you :>