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Fav girl groups: MINI MONI Morning masume C-ute and 7nin Matsuri
Favorite music
J-pop Eurobeat Vocaloid J-techno techno anime osts
Favorite color
Pink yellow and white
Favorite TV show
Shujo Chara
Thing you interested in
00s 10s 80s 90s nostalgia heisei retro
Thing you interested in
heisei era anime manga niconicodouga
Future goals
Getting a super cute bf ^^
Introducing Project! CosmicFunk!! logo
Me when I find another handsome anime guy on here
The REAL Arke and tymp trace & draw
Arke and tymp trace&draw
Arke is a femboy Deal with it
his response to all the guys who wan him
6 different ppl want my son..
eye repost
Old art repost
the secret of vi...
he wants a man-
Sad :c
i know ur deepest secrets
Skool doodle
Me doing skool on valentine's day being alone
Bunny arke for valentines day!!
i usually know what to post-
Vi's Intro!!!
ok gimme anime recommendations (crunchyroll)
Collab with my sis part 2
Im falling in love just drink all my blood
Collab with my sis part.1
Pika pikw (>/////<)
arke and tymp
arke hates school
sad feelings
arke with vi because tymp is on tour