Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I need a cup of coffee and ideas

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  • > ranggahanif En entiendo perfectamente,exploro otros estilos para mejorar en el dibujo.

  • > AIDRAUZINGS yeah..i can see it in your creations 😆 It's very coooooll to play with the dark theme.. i'm loving it too... But, sometimes i need to explore myself more and more, i will try it 😁💪

  • > ranggahanif Oh wow a mi me encanta hacer dibujos con la átmosfera esa oscura como filosofia la verdad.

  • > AIDRAUZINGS aahh ...i seeeeee...i thought you give an opinion to my picture 😆. I'm sorry, my bad 😁... thank you for your idea and feedback... i need some touches to draw a cheerful atmosphere... the picture above is a "little dark" theme as a philosophy