I had a pdf of the codex seraphinianus before but sadly i deleted it becuase it was 21 mb..... now im looking for it again because i want to refer those pics vut sadly i cant find the pdf i downloaded (it was really high res and scanned clearlyy so it means that the colours are really vibrant)

- DEVIANTART: https://henrietta-823.deviantart.com/
- My theme song: Clocks by Coldplay
- digital art
- Toronto
- B. Spades
- Work Place:Earth
Life Event
- 04/1926 Queen_Elizabeth_II
- 11/1966 Gordon_Ramsay_is_the_best_chef
- 06/1967 ToronTower
Favorite music
"Clocks" by Coldplay

The rest of the people here: wants to make flipaclip animations.
Me: wants to draw tradionally..
Honestly i dont want to animate becuase it fells like i wasted my time doing it, unlike if i draw tradionally with just using my colours....
I actually love drawing trad more than animating, in trad i can add more details.
Seems like either me or this site is going downhill...... feels like leaving
Well , if you leave , then , thats your choice
> B.Spades Agreed . . And thank u!
> TinyCY Thank youuuu . . Honestly the NOO DONT LEAVE US thig is pretty annoying. . . Belated happy birthday
Well, if you do, I want to let u know that I’ll always love your art and personality, my fwiend! ÓwÒ/ I’m not going to be like those other guys who are like “NOOO!!! DONT LEAVE US!!!! YOURE AMAZING!!!” If u want to leave,then u can leave. No one is stopping u, it’s your choice anyways ;w;
This was last sunday and i didnt go back to ctv for some more polls
Im afraif the crew might find me
Actually , marijuanna really isnt much as a problem , it can't really kill a person , it will mess up your brain , but it cant really kill , alchol , on the other hand , will damage your brain and will eventaully kill you , but the impared part is worrysome
The 33% who voted no are the potheads that will be driving under influence XD
I vote yes
The sky was so depressed that it made all my 3 bags and 1 envelope wet
I hate you rain
I wish i will never hoard again......
Hoarding disorder was my life and its really annoying when i keep plastic bottles, empty paper rolls, and shoe boxes just for nothing. I also keep my sisters and parents stuffs together with my hoarded stuffs. Its feels like im "saving" mother earth and collecting stuffs even if its a really big problem. My mind triggers whenever i see reusable stuffs thrown out.
I started hoarding when i was like 6 but luckily my pile was never huge because my parents always throw my stuffs
This is very true and this is like ocd but in a much weirder way
Dang, and i thought my room was messy.
Hoarding is a type of ocd
Oh so you have ocd
I wish for a bigger pile but no
For my birthday, ill just buy prismacolor and a [toned] sketchbook.
And im excited for my bday next month
> ★BlueGalaxy★ Thankiesssss
Happy Early Birthday >:000
Gonna show a scam i saw later on about an artst quality pencil
OoF sCaM
Im gonna touch a heart (the organ that pumps blood) for ous scuence experiment
Its not human, its pigs
Im on the state of the perplexity
Its all about poly
Im saving the link that automatically leads to the myspace
Good plan
I was watching a cell video and it makes me question about my life and existence
The daily ranking these days..... ITS BURNING MY EYESSSS
Luckily the tutorials still there i hope it wont be replaced by another hentai
Lol i want bleach, i cant take this anymore :"). Jk, but kids shouldnt be on medibang if this is whats going around here tbh unless they know what this is and why, only if they've been taught what is it through educational purposes, not finding it themself on the internet. This place is messed up
> TinyCY They didnt read the terms and conditions
> Cattacomb HA. It's called sarcasm, my friend. But yeah, kids who are 11 and under are kind of dumb if they choose Medibang instead of some other art website :/
Just the flower thats all
I will amke 4 flowers
There is this campaign at school and im gonna volunteer
Hope this is shown on the magazine
> TinyCY Theres no winning or losing. We just have to submit an artwork to an editor so our works would be on the school magazine
Is this blue diamond
Hope you win, my fwiend! OwO/
23rd will be the date i will get my precious prismas
For westerners do not wish for this month your pool will be a perfect spot to cook noodles
I want to cook some noodles... :’0
Ot just wish this month is december your road will be a grilling area
Theres something wrong with me and my mind
Its not depression its something that is controlling my whole life
Is it an untreated mental health problem?
Oh jeez, that sounds awful...I hope you’re alright :’/
> Majestic_Narwal Voynich manuscript Its beautiful yet mysterious
What is it?
... it is .... quite unque , isn't it ?
The one who rated this is a lefty
Lefty scissors are not suitable for righties so if righties use this, they might die
I have asthma right now and i have to relax for a bit. Im absent at school for the day because i have flu. So ill just b e drawing to relax myself
Athsma sucks, I've got it to and i used to get athsma attacs when i was a baby :/
Okie take your time no rush hope you feel well soon~~
Im sick now
awww...well hope you feel better soon~!
I did one digitally a while a go, but it was far off because i was lazy. So im gonna do it in the traditional way, maybe i could make it similar to my perspective.
One of my pencils broke twice.
Hope u like the bbq
XD just joking happy Independence Day
> Richard_1776 MEh
4th of July is a very important day Thirteen Colonies disappeared
Unfortuntely for me i will not enjoy the bbq simply becuase i hate bbq suase , it taste so wierd
When will i go to the mall so i could buy a kneaded eraser
> Cattacomb I have money
if you have the money
Im gonna clean my table and make a drawer to store my stuffs there if i have some time.
Messy area- freaks out
Very organised and clean area- freaks out
Where do i belong
Organized chaos
Like it’s kinda messy, and kinda organized
What about being in a messy and organized clean area?
Today is q3 of the year and next month is my birth month
> ✘ Δcid Trips ✘ Yassss DOCTOR WHO
> B.Spades Then get in the wibbly wobbly timey wimey police box
I want to go to the past
2 chameleon markers
That gradient marker which keeps on blocking the search result
i dont think there are copic markers available in my country
If i have some extra money
Chameleon markers are so goddamn expemsive
Sadly, everytime I color with crayon I break the poor thing anyways
> B.Spades Exactly
> TinyCY Crayons are kinda terrible and the texture is bothering, thats why i switched to colouring pencils when i was 8.
> B.Spades Oh. That’s cool OwO)b
> TinyCY Its an encyclopedia full of weird pictures and test. Its really beautiful for me thats why i want to copy the styles.
> B.Spades Just a quick question, what is the codex seraphinianus?
> TinyCY Well i found it :> . . Someday when i grow older i might be buying the hard copy of the codex seraphinianus