Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Celestine left a comment!

im scared man..

why is this happening.

Dude ICE just stormed through my state NJ and arrested over 500 of illegal immigrants, now im not one of them because I was born here, but my parents aren't, so im a afraid that they would arrest my parents, and send them back.

im still at school and people are saying that ICE has also raided the schools near Newark and round there, now im like an hour away from there but its still hella close, plus people were saying that there were ICE police near where I live, but I dont think it is true, I hope that its not true,

im just hoping that nothing happens to my parents :(

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Celestine left a comment!

im scared man..

why is this happening.

Dude ICE just stormed through my state NJ and arrested over 500 of illegal immigrants, now im not one of them because I was born here, but my parents aren't, so im a afraid that they would arrest my parents, and send them back.

im still at school and people are saying that ICE has also raided the schools near Newark and round there, now im like an hour away from there but its still hella close, plus people were saying that there were ICE police near where I live, but I dont think it is true, I hope that its not true,

im just hoping that nothing happens to my parents :(

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