I'm taking T H R E E requests!
Due to my lacking of intelligence, the contest I held a couple months ago completely flew my mind, so I want to make it up by making three, FULL BODY
Just to let you know, they'll be traditional! If you want me to do it digitally, my deepest of apologies. I hoenstly don't have the time nowadays to do full digital art, it takes me about four hours straight just to do the lineart, base colors, and then some shadows.
ThAt'S iT
I'M tHAt BuSy
But I'll get to it by Christmas!!1
They'll all be done by X-mas I mean lol

Ink Central
Welcome to this dweebs profile, call me whatever ya like.
Let me keep this nice and short:
-16 years old
- Half Hispanic Half Korean
-Requests: Once every week
-Art Trades: Closed
-Collabs: Not often
Criticism is appreciated ✨ Though not really needed at the moment. I've just been messing around lol
Change my banner pretty often lol
I draw a lot of meeemes, especially a lot of bnha memes, and stuff that doesn't make senseeee :']
Electronic and Rock, listening to a lot of Marshmello now though
Boku no Hero Academia and Noragami (multiple more but ya know)
During the night mostly
Blue and Blacc are best colors 👌
Tom Holland because the Chaos Walking series is D O P E
Anything that's available at the moment
*points at Medibang* FoR OnE, music, writing, and surfing
My debut as a manga author 👌
I n e e d h e a l i n g

Alright so it's been two weeks since the last reminder so
For the contest to enddddd
Also, my best boi and I have been practicing a lot after school cuz, if you remember from one of my last posts, I have the obstacle course this Saturday and I heard it's going to be extra extra. So. I want to practice jumping hurdles and climbing things (I'm pretty good at that though, cuz, we climb houses a lot here) and the sort, yadda yadda.
I just don't feel like dying yet lol
Also, the drawing there is just a sketch for the Goretober's "Stabbed" day thing but I didn't get to finish
There ya go
Man, I'm busy
Also, his hair. Damn.
All poofy and woosh
And I feel like his hand looks messed up xD Well, I tried lol
> Chesni HOLY CRAP I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THIS AND ITS BEEN MORE THAN A MONTH AND A HAAAALF I'm just gonna take requests if it comes to this
Also whaddaya mean 3 weeks left, liek u hosted a contest?!
That hair is my hair when I wake up But messier And tangled
There was a sudden surprise announcement that all the grades below the seniors wanted to have a test of strength right *skipped math so that's freaking great*
We all met behind the school and they had a long, like, LONG rope right
So apparently we were going to do *tug of war*
The Seniors had to go against every grade, two out of three.
Freshman weren't hard at all *we legit brought more than half of the grade to the ground*
Sophomores weren't that hard either *same deal*
But oh boy
They were a tough opponent
Some of them are BiG anD bUfF for sixteen year olds
And the girls were freaking savage yelling "PULL" and "USE YOUR F*CKING LEGS" and "SLAM THEM TO THE GROUND"
We had to use so much strength that it took us at least fifteen minutes to finally bring them down
The first time
The second time it took us MoRe BECAUSE THEY WERE SO FIRED UP TO BEAT US
But we still beat em anyway because we weren't about to lose *Yeah right*
I got rope burns though and my legs and arms and neck and back AnD eVeRyThInG hUrT
My friend said "Dude that was nothing" but I could tell he was more exhausted than usual
Which made me laugh because he works out at least three times a week so that was ironic that he had to waste so much energy on a tug of war against Juniors
Just wanted to share that lol
> InkLord Wow I wish I could do that
> InkLord It's hoework now
This is gonna be a little long so brace yourself:
Teacher: Alright, pencils out and nothing on your desks, it's time for your favorite math testttt!
Friend: ThAt RHYMES
Teacher: I know that was on purpose.
Friend: TEACH ME
Teacher: I know what you're doing, trying to distract me
Teacher: hAH
Teacher: It won't work.
Friend: Fuck.
Me: *lol*
Teacher: Language young padawan.
Friend: Well I mean I'm gonna be alright with the test.
Friend: Everyone else is gonna die.
Me: I sAdLy AgrEe
Class: *groans in agreement*
Teacher: Alright shut up *passes tests out* Good luck
Me: *looks at test*
Me: Ah.
Me: *Ah*
Me: *I'm GoInG tO FaiL*
*after test*
Friend: It wasn't so bad.
Me: My EvErYtHinG hUrtS
Me: FuCk yoU
m e g a o o f
> InkLord HaH
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ I can't argue with you I give up
> InkLord You don't have to
So I'm apparently joining GORETOBER not Inktober
Here's Oct. 1st's Plant Growth sketch
Just the sketch, didn't even manage to color it
I'm working on the Hanahaki Disease soon
My hands hurt though ;w;
Looks amazing!
> InkLord BeAUtiFuL xpp
> skybloom I'm SmIlInG lIkE a DuFuS iN ClAsS -- Thank you ;w; I actually used my computer for this and sent it to my email lol Lotta work and it's not even fInIshEd-- Also *cough* CoINcIdENCE?? I t Hi Nk NOT *Sorry I had to*
I've never done this but I've always wanted to try doing Inktober, mostly because it'll help me with a different style of drawing than what I'm used to
I'll probably do most of them traditionally because
Like I have time to do digital anymore
I already finished the first theme, which is Plant Growth, just need to color it in
I'll post it today after school if they don't call me in for work--
Anyways, good afternoon uwu
It would be cool to do both at the same time...
Inktober or Goretober?.. ovo"
I thought it was p o s i o n e s s .-.
> skybloom Thanks uwu Sorry I wasn't on during the weekend aHhHh;; Also, yeET it's ya boi/ghoul Kaneki
Sorry I've been posting so much recently but JeEz
I need to say this
GuYs, PlEaSe, if you ever go to a fast food place through the drive thru, don't yell into the intercom beCauSE it HuRtS the other person's ears like HeLl
Unless you're screaming and they still don't hear you, there's a problem if that's the case
But also don't just whisper into the intercom because then we can't hear JaCk and we'll keep asking "What?", "Say that again?", "You'll need to speak louder please" and by that time it'll get annoying for the both of us
That is all
Off to do homework at nine at night uwu
xd uwu
Kk UwU)b
OoF lmfaoo never thought about that.
Friend 1: My arm hurts
Me: Getting bit by a dog does that to you
Friend 2: How deep was it??
F1: *So very deep*
Me: He took it that way.
F1: I took it that way.
F2: What--
F2: I was just talking about the woUnd WhAT
F1: Rephrase it then
F2: Uhh... How far in did it go-
F2: wAIT-
F1: BRO THAT'S WoRsE *dYiNg*
Me: *dead*
We all need mental help.
LmAo He's funny as hell tho
> InkLord oof ok And yeahhhh But it fun I mean ig i'm not so much as them, so i keep things semi in place XD
> FluffyDee20 *I gtg like right now but* Five friend 1's??? Y e a H no thanks lmao I'm fine with just that one big bundle of lewd thanks
> InkLord XD yeah just take friend 1 and split it into 5 ppl. Thats me and my whole table, we make things awkwardddd but so funny at the same time XD
Can you help me real quick and give me a good name for a country
It's for class purposes and I honestly am drawing a b l a n k
T h a n k s
> Lacunatik Going with that Thank you uwu
Hecc, so unoriginal but it seems fun so why not--
1. Name
2. Height
3. Weight
4. Age
5. Birthday
6. Girl best friend
7. Guy best friend
8. Crush
9. Ever fell in love?
10. Favourite food
11. Last text sent
12. Battery percentage
13. Eye colour
14. Addiction
15. Favourite song
16. Favourite animal
17. Favourite colour
18. Shoe size
19. Sing in the shower?
20. One wish
21. Best time of my life
22. Country I live in
23. Pets
24. Plan on getting married?
25. Favourite subject
26. First kiss?
27. Insecurities
28. Ever self harmed?
29. Who I love
30. Miss anyone?
31. Hair color
32. Relationship status
33. Last song I heard
34. Biggest fear
35. Believe in ghosts?
36. Something I hate
37. Favourite TV show
38. Favourite movie
39. Favourite book
40. Favourite food
41. Jealous of
42. Zodiac sign
43. Middle name
44. Worst habit
45. Number of siblings
46. Name of siblings
47. Any sports?
48. Talents
49. Embarrassing moment
50. Future career choice
> InkLord BiCh
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ *I see I see* *hAH*
> InkLord *probably, I was taken out the middle of freshman year so*
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ *Does that mean you'll graduate at age nineteen orRr*
April Showers: https://open.spotify.com/track/04KsMCb9PZE2S0AtUU8Jhb
Happier by Bastille ftr. Marshmello: https://open.spotify.com/track/2dpaYNEQHiRxtZbfNsse99
strangers by biosphere and some other peeps: https://open.spotify.com/track/60bHRp4901AmCtPPPsytte
Embrace by NGHTMRE: https://open.spotify.com/track/1a8ohxTDh8O7XFUY6W1IMK
(OKay this is sort of less relaxing but anyways--)
Every Lofi Hip-Hop song in existence
King by Lauren Aquilina: https://open.spotify.com/track/0zhzkkSXFj60Y5fzb2j9hU
Magic by Mystery Skulls: https://open.spotify.com/track/50rdn3WBWEzRLavq6tQD4K
Trees by Twenty One Pilots: https://open.spotify.com/track/1yf97yL1ll8FYXC27c9VTw
Sparks by Coldplay: https://open.spotify.com/track/7D0RhFcb3CrfPuTJ0obrod
Can't Change Me by Chris Cornell: https://open.spotify.com/track/3yTECFLX8VezVVI3AxdVrV
Come Hang Out by AJR: https://open.spotify.com/track/2V1jR8mxrYCD9nXaem1tMz
All Alone by Pegboard Nerds and Grabbitz: https://open.spotify.com/track/1rbDgYU4In8OvJHAgE3lXu
Last one I promise
FReaking Pure Imagination YEET: https://open.spotify.com/track/2VFZ2W5NeKoiBCoA9U9CRL
That is all uwu
Ty ^^
> skybloom Thank you uwu
You’ve got great taste in music uwu👌🏻
> • Jelli Bear • Ouff
I'm going to continuously remind you when we're getting closer to the due date for the contest uwu
Just a gentle reminder though, not like I'm gonna scream "HURRY YOUR ASS UP YOU" because honestly it's not that big of a deal.
The entrys that I've gotten so far are sooooooo freaking good, it's going to be so hard to choose the winners aHhHhHhHHhh
Take your time guys, this is supposed to be just for fun alright, so no stressin
You have a month and 13 days left uwu
So really, takeyourtime
O k a y 👌
> InkLord How could I evER BE ANNOYED BY IT SMOL SCIENCE CHILD!! R E E u, Petal, and Lucian, are like my best frienssss!!!
> Inferno Lol And of course You make me wanna strive to do better too The way you drew the Masked Boi (still need a name for him pfftevbeiwbc) was so good and JeSuS I need to stop you're probably annoyed at how much I'm praising you *lol*
T H E R E ' S G O N N A B E A N E W T R A N S F O R M E R S R E L A T E D M O V I E
*D Y I N G*
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ xD
Bumblebee is best uwu
> InkLord I LoVe bumblebee
Iguanas are so scary
Like they're freaking terrifying
I was walking outside to my next class (the school seperates into different buildings) and there's a lot of bushes next to the school
The next thing I know this giant iguana comes FuCkInG rUnNinG from the bushes towards me and by instinct I of course run the other direction like a wuss--
But once I got out of the way the iguana just WoOshEd right by me and off into the street and then disappeared in a small woods next to the school
I was very shook
They're so terriYinG
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ Hoiii!!
> Nini Hiii
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ Reeee
Limited time y e e t
I don't want my ugly half face to be on the n e t (I'm joking, about the net part)
I don't take a lot of pictures but I actually look good in this one *5% egotistical side shows up slightly*
Hecc I'm joking
Also lmao i never realized my eyebrows are so t h i c c
> InkLord *just visiting an old post* I AM SATAN
> InkLord I knew that I totally knew that
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ *Inferno is Satan here lol*
*we're all Satan wym*
Probably gonna get two jobs now.
Due to the fact that my island is low on money, they're making it so that the employee's earn less than the usual 7.25 minimum wage
All the way down to 5.25 fOr FuCkS sAkE--
I mean okay yeah they need the money more than I do but I also have to make a living here
My checks are gonna go way down and I feel like a stray dog that was refused a fairly good meal.
But anyways, away from that, who's up right now and how's it going? uwu
> Liyah123 Thank you uwu
Hope you get a job! Wishing you luck!
Okie dokie
English Friend: Llamas.
Me: It's pronounced ya-mas not llamas *lol*
EF: Why is it spelled like the animal llamas then
EF: Llamas forever
Me: *Trying not to die* It'S Ya-MaS
EF: I'm not Spanish--
Me: How do you say cat in spanish?
EF: Gato right??
Me: Okay good. How do you say butterfly??
EF: ..... Butterfly-o?
Me: No---
*le cri*
> InkLord XD I can't be on cuz I have a game so see y'all later this is funny th
> InkLord Oops
When you do a face reveal and nobody notices
L m a o that's perfect
It was a half one, I used a Snapchat filter thing to cover part of my UgLy-
Anyway yeah
Next time I should try posting it on MySpace instead of putting it on my Profile Deatils thing
T h i Ng------------
I'm in lunch by the way, wassuppppppppppppppp guys-
I resurrected him XD
> Nini No i'm not xD
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ I think Marie's d e a d
> InkLord PS Love your Noragami background pic
> InkLord Hoi
> Nini oH hEY
> InkLord Oof-
So it's simple. All I want you to do is to draw the masked boi in the picture below and that's it! In any way you want, any background, whatever! Just keep the same design and the same colors, or a little bit of the color pallet lol
The prizes for the winners and runner-ups are:
First place: A human or creature adopt of their choice and two special requests of whole body shots of their OC's, fully colored and shaded
Second place: A creature adopt of their choice and one special full body shot of their OC, fully colored and shaded
Third place: A creature adopt of their choice and a bust shot of their OC, colored and shaded
Runner-Ups: Creature Adopts of their choice
You guys get a month and a half to do this!! Good luck guys!! And most of all, have fun 👌
I want to try!
Oof I’m all nervous now- S C R E E
> skybloom> skybloom I wish you a lot of luck ;w;
> skybloom> skybloom Y a y +w+
Alright so, hi first of all.👋
Second of all, if I posted a contest would any of you join?? It would be quite simple, and would last a month and a half for the people that can't do it right away or are quite busy.
I'll announce the prizes for the first, second, and runner-up winners when I actually manage to post the contest.
How about it???
> Nini Posted uwu
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ I'VE POSTED IT---
> InkLord Now I'ma wait for your post
So have some doodles
> Cavavos4 I honestly hope it gets better in time.
> InkLord yep it sucks
> Cavavos4 JeSuS. I didn't know you had insomnia ;;<;;
> InkLord That is every day for me :,)
Might finish it. Should I or nah?
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ *Thank you uwu*
*gay boi sensor deactivate bc they're friends*
> ᴬᵐᵇᵉʳᶜᵃʳᶜʳᵃᶠᵗ *Amber no--*
I'm a little bored so
How about a truth or dare??
It's limitless (though I won't do anything where I have to take a pic, unless it's just like a half-face reveal or someThIng. Don't mind that as much)
Don't have to do it I just don't have a lot to do now :V
> InkLord No one's gonna ask me a question plus I'm not that interesting
> Nini Go ahead xD
> InkLord I want to do this this sounds interesting
> Tux Cattø Ask me anything that requires a true response and I'll say it uwu Unless you wanna dare me
Finally. I like how it turned out but I don't like it at the same time.
I'm off to work though, till laters
owo Teach me your ways
The act of throwing someone out of a window.
There is a word for this and now I shall use it for the rest of my life.
You're welcome.
> InkLord Jesus Christ man, Ease this right hand Through the seas of rice and Pizza slice sand
> skybloom 👌👌👌
Can't be helped.
There are times when I can hold it in and there are times where I just need to talk about it.
I don't like venting, it makes me feel like I'm just asking for attention, or as if I want pity from people.
But sometimes, it can't be helped.
So that's why, ignore this. If you choose not to, well, alright.
But mind you, and this is a warning, there's a lot of heavy stuff.
I hate it when I'm a hypocrite.
I always tell people "It's okay, it'll get better, don't think of yourself like that, don't hurt yourself because it won't help at all, it'll only make things worse"
But look at me, hating myself for everything I do, because i'm so stupid and irritating and a fucking hypocrite.
I try to pass day by day with a bright smile and an attitude that won't give away those ugly feelings I have inside because then not only would I hate myself, but everyone else would too. And that's what I'm afraid of.
I don't want everyone to hate me.
I don't want a n y o n e to hate me because I know I would offically break then.
And yes. I know what it feels like to hurt yourself. I've been there, and sometimes I still think about it.
But I never hurt myself by cutting. I always hurt myself by punching things until my hands bled, and I didn't care when my mom saw my bleeding knucles and palms because I usually was just so done with everything, I didn't care at all while she yelled at me and sometimes slapped me for self-harm.
It helped because I let my stress go with those punches.
And yeah. I used to get into fights myself when I was younger. I had a lot of issues and people just pissed me off just as easily. Those were terrible times because everyone was always so disappointed in me. It hurt.
It always hurts.
I hate it when people are disappointed in me.
I hate it when people hate me.
I hate it when people are upset because of me.
I always hated it.
But I never had an outlet other than punching things.
I knew people would see and question it if I cut myself. So I punched things so it would seem as if I got into another fight. It was normal back then.
You may be asking now, "Then how are you so optimistic all the time? You seem alright to me."
Well. Thanks. I try to seem that way, and sometimes it works.
But I can't try now.
Not right now.
"Then stop writing it here you attention-whore"
"Get some actual help"
"Go away, you're so depressing"
I know.
I know that.
I tried to get help but you can't get much from an island that's already broken.
There aren't even many doctors anymore here.
Police are quitting because they don't get paid as much anymore.
My island is at its worst and its the peoples fault for that, so my problem is so, so insignificant compared to that.
So I hide my pain and pretend everything's okay.
So that everyone else would think it was okay.
Even if it's not.
Even if they all know it's not.
Pretending that everything's okay is the only solution so far, it's the only thing keeping us all going.
But today, I got too stressed.
I got too upset.
I'm still deeply upset.
But I don't want to hurt myself yet. Not after a whole two years of staying away from punching things to relieve myself.
So that's why I'm venting.
To not do that.
To make me a little bit less of a hypocrite.
Sometimes I just want to hear that it'll all be okay, the encouragement helps.
I never got that from my mom, though.
My sister is so smart she knows that everything will not be okay but she pretends it is, even though at times I hear her crying in her room.
My dad always knew it was never okay, so he left.
My dog probably knows things aren't okay either.
So why do we pretend?
To feel like it will be okay.
But today
It's not working.
I want to get out.
I want to go and just surf into the ocean and never come back.
I want to lose myself in the deep water and just, never surface.
But I know it won't help.
I know that.
But sometimes, it can't be helped.
So just leave it at that. That's it. That's enough. Have a fantastic day.
Just stop, please. You're not going to make us kill ourselves just because you say so. We're not that weak. You think that just because I'm upset means I'm going to go as far as killing myself because of it? Hell no. That's not how it works. It'd have to be something REALLY BAD for me to just end myself. And don't, I swear to God, DON'T talk like that to Sky. Or to the other anons or to Cav or to fucking anyone. I don't know what I ever did to you to just make you hate like that but that's not their problem so don't involve them in this. If you have a problem with me you take it out on me, not them. But we all honestly want you to just shut the hell up and mind your own fucking business. Keep things to yourself, or if you don't want to, then at least have the guts to show your face instead of hiding behind an anonymous. You just don't want people to hate you on your profile and to lose followers.
And just a pointer, our relationship is not your business, honestly. So, I’m going to be the ‘bigger one’ and just ignore you. Because I’m not sure if you seen what I wrote, but in case you didn’t: What you say means nothing to me. You’re just an anonymous that has to hide themselves to say what they think. You can’t even show yourself. So, excuse me, I’ll be going. Good day :)
>Anon Oh dear. I’m “I’m like sooo mad right now like ughhh” You aren’t pissing me off. I know that’s what you intend to do. Call me stupid, I honestly don’t give a flying fuck because what you say means nothing to me. Actually... You’re the childish one... Why do you like hurting others? Is that your intention in life? Do you intend to ‘try’ and piss off others? Cause it seems to be so, and that’s silly. And did you call Cav a pussy? Excuse me, but you’re the pussy. “I’m not the pussy, you’re the pussy!” You’re probably going to say. You can’t even be an adult and actually have the courage to give your opinion as your account and not as an Anonymous.
So i'm in lunch right now.
I just had to post this lolol
I'm sitting on the table from my last post looking straight at this shirtless senior guy playing "We are #1" on full volume with one of those mini speakers and dancing like some maniac and shouting
Everyone's clapping right now and I caNnoT stop laughing
My school needs professional help
> skybloom I t CoNcErNs Me ToO xD
You’re school concerns me w e a r e n u m b e r o n e Hey! — *trumpet intensifies*
> • Jelli Bear • P f f t there are some of those here too don't worry
Dude my school is nothing but coward-flat-ass-retards and I wish I was there.
Me: *In kitchen putting pizza rolls on pan to cook*
Sis: *StRoLlS iN* I smell food
Me: Yeppers.
Sis: Are those for me
Me: I can give you like.. Two.
Sis: Wtf no I want half
Me: Too bad *doesn't use a fork to flip the rolls over and just uses my fingers, almost touching the hot ass pan*
Me: Maybe *lol*
Sis: You're an idiot
Me: I know *lol*
Sis: I still get half
Me: No you won't *lol*
She ended up making her own batch of pizza rolls.
O o f
> InkLord Its 12:27 RN
How late it is: 1:25 in the morning And I'm still up just eating these pizza rolls I'm surprised my mom is being so lenient like this--
It was lunch like five minutes ago and the craziest crap just happened
So I was eating at a table near a couple big glass windows (inside the building) and just hanging out with my small group of friends
When suddenly we hear "C-CRASHHH" and then people got silent for a moment before going all crazy and I was like "wtf"
So I looked around and saw that there was this kids head right through a window on the bottom and another kid standing back all freaking angry but scared at the same time
Apparently there was a fight and one of them pushed the other into the glass and managed to break it with his head
But the fight kept going, cuz the kid that got slammed in got up FuCkInG BlEeDiNg and ran at the other one and punched the hell out of him and the fight got really intense because they both got really beaten up and slamming each other on the walls and floors and everyone in the lunch room is just going CrAzY because it was apparently really entertaining
But it started getting really out of hand and the teachers like, ran in and tried to stop them but the guys were so angry that they like fought the teachers off them and went back to it
It got to the point where other students had to go in right away to stop the fight (including me because I was like, right next to the window that got slammed in) and jesus christ
It was so haRd
It took like four students and like six teachers to stop them and the principal was fuming and the teachers were exhausted and everyone else was like "WOOOOOHHH" and clapping
It was a very long lunch.
And what they fought over was because apparently the one that got slammed in was bothering the other guy who was like, a really quiet kid and the quiet kid got so upset he just started fighting him.
So moral of this story is
Don't mess with the quiet kid.
WOAH That's insane I'm a very quiet kid with infinite temper so if ou got me angry itd probs end up like this too
h o l y c r a p Well,, Isn’t that a story :oo
I am a really quiet kid but if you fought me you would most likely win because I have 0 arm strength XD however I do kick really hard
Oof .-. Why is this something that would happen at my school .-.
> shoelace Thank you for the info uwu I'll get right on it once I'm done with Chesni's request
> Chesni Thanks for the link uwu I'll get right on it
Actually, it’s under my MySpace with the title gang gang gang gang GANG GANG or something like that 😂
I’ll send a ref link real quick