Ink Central
Welcome to this dweebs profile, call me whatever ya like.
Let me keep this nice and short:
-16 years old
- Half Hispanic Half Korean
-Requests: Once every week
-Art Trades: Closed
-Collabs: Not often
Criticism is appreciated ✨ Though not really needed at the moment. I've just been messing around lol
Change my banner pretty often lol
I draw a lot of meeemes, especially a lot of bnha memes, and stuff that doesn't make senseeee :']
Electronic and Rock, listening to a lot of Marshmello now though
Boku no Hero Academia and Noragami (multiple more but ya know)
During the night mostly
Blue and Blacc are best colors 👌
Tom Holland because the Chaos Walking series is D O P E
Anything that's available at the moment
*points at Medibang* FoR OnE, music, writing, and surfing
My debut as a manga author 👌
I n e e d h e a l i n g

Ink Central留言了!
Denki Kaminari [My Hero Academia]

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I'm taking T H R E E requests!
Due to my lacking of intelligence, the contest I held a couple months ago completely flew my mind, so I want to make it up by making three, FULL BODY
Just to let you know, they'll be traditional! If you want me to do it digitally, my deepest of apologies. I hoenstly don't have the time nowadays to do full digital art, it takes me about four hours straight just to do the lineart, base colors, and then some shadows.
ThAt'S iT
I'M tHAt BuSy
But I'll get to it by Christmas!!1
They'll all be done by X-mas I mean lol
Ink Central留言了!
I'm taking T H R E E requests!
Due to my lacking of intelligence, the contest I held a couple months ago completely flew my mind, so I want to make it up by making three, FULL BODY
Just to let you know, they'll be traditional! If you want me to do it digitally, my deepest of apologies. I hoenstly don't have the time nowadays to do full digital art, it takes me about four hours straight just to do the lineart, base colors, and then some shadows.
ThAt'S iT
I'M tHAt BuSy
But I'll get to it by Christmas!!1
They'll all be done by X-mas I mean lol
Ink Central留言了!
Mayumi | An Oc like You

Ink Central留言了!
Alright so it's been two weeks since the last reminder so
For the contest to enddddd
Also, my best boi and I have been practicing a lot after school cuz, if you remember from one of my last posts, I have the obstacle course this Saturday and I heard it's going to be extra extra. So. I want to practice jumping hurdles and climbing things (I'm pretty good at that though, cuz, we climb houses a lot here) and the sort, yadda yadda.
I just don't feel like dying yet lol
Also, the drawing there is just a sketch for the Goretober's "Stabbed" day thing but I didn't get to finish
There ya go
Man, I'm busy
Also, his hair. Damn.
All poofy and woosh
And I feel like his hand looks messed up xD Well, I tried lol
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Wonder what kind of stick she's into

Ink Central留言了!
wHaT qUaLiTy

Ink Central留言了!
Wonder what kind of stick she's into

Ink Central留言了!
Wonder what kind of stick she's into

Ink Central留言了!
Another one of those sketches I made before sleeping yesterday! This is my OC Kuro btw x)
The weather today is rainy af, makes me want to sleep but I can't (;´д`)
Ink Central留言了!
Another one of those sketches I made before sleeping yesterday! This is my OC Kuro btw x)
The weather today is rainy af, makes me want to sleep but I can't (;´д`)
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Wonder what kind of stick she's into

Ink Central留言了!
My anxiety is BADDDDDDDD right now.....reasons:
Night (idk why? I'm not scared)
My life.
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Wonder what kind of stick she's into

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N o.

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When Optimism tries crashing your Depression

Ink Central留言了!
When Optimism tries crashing your Depression

Ink Central留言了!
When Optimism tries crashing your Depression

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Boooom 2.0

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Pixel Art - Ethan

Ink Central留言了!
Pixel Art - Ethan

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Redraw - French vanilla

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An OC like you Challenge - Weiss

Ink Central留言了!
There was a sudden surprise announcement that all the grades below the seniors wanted to have a test of strength right *skipped math so that's freaking great*
We all met behind the school and they had a long, like, LONG rope right
So apparently we were going to do *tug of war*
The Seniors had to go against every grade, two out of three.
Freshman weren't hard at all *we legit brought more than half of the grade to the ground*
Sophomores weren't that hard either *same deal*
But oh boy
They were a tough opponent
Some of them are BiG anD bUfF for sixteen year olds
And the girls were freaking savage yelling "PULL" and "USE YOUR F*CKING LEGS" and "SLAM THEM TO THE GROUND"
We had to use so much strength that it took us at least fifteen minutes to finally bring them down
The first time
The second time it took us MoRe BECAUSE THEY WERE SO FIRED UP TO BEAT US
But we still beat em anyway because we weren't about to lose *Yeah right*
I got rope burns though and my legs and arms and neck and back AnD eVeRyThInG hUrT
My friend said "Dude that was nothing" but I could tell he was more exhausted than usual
Which made me laugh because he works out at least three times a week so that was ironic that he had to waste so much energy on a tug of war against Juniors
Just wanted to share that lol
Ink Central留言了!
There was a sudden surprise announcement that all the grades below the seniors wanted to have a test of strength right *skipped math so that's freaking great*
We all met behind the school and they had a long, like, LONG rope right
So apparently we were going to do *tug of war*
The Seniors had to go against every grade, two out of three.
Freshman weren't hard at all *we legit brought more than half of the grade to the ground*
Sophomores weren't that hard either *same deal*
But oh boy
They were a tough opponent
Some of them are BiG anD bUfF for sixteen year olds
And the girls were freaking savage yelling "PULL" and "USE YOUR F*CKING LEGS" and "SLAM THEM TO THE GROUND"
We had to use so much strength that it took us at least fifteen minutes to finally bring them down
The first time
The second time it took us MoRe BECAUSE THEY WERE SO FIRED UP TO BEAT US
But we still beat em anyway because we weren't about to lose *Yeah right*
I got rope burns though and my legs and arms and neck and back AnD eVeRyThInG hUrT
My friend said "Dude that was nothing" but I could tell he was more exhausted than usual
Which made me laugh because he works out at least three times a week so that was ironic that he had to waste so much energy on a tug of war against Juniors
Just wanted to share that lol