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106809nes was not the Impostor.
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뷰가100건을 넘었습니다!
106809nes was not the Impostor.
뷰가200건을 넘었습니다!
It's Me, Mario!
뷰가100건을 넘었습니다!
뷰가50건을 넘었습니다!
106809nes was not the Impostor.
뷰가100건을 넘었습니다!
It's Me, Mario!
뷰가50건을 넘었습니다!
뷰가10건을 넘었습니다!
106809nes was not the Impostor.
뷰가50건을 넘었습니다!
It's Me, Mario!
뷰가10건을 넘었습니다!
A little thing I'm working on.
뷰가10건을 넘었습니다!
It's Me, Mario!
처음으로 like가 추가되었습니다!
A little thing I'm working on.
뷰가10건을 넘었습니다!
처음으로 like가 추가되었습니다!
처음으로 코멘트가 추가되었습니다!
It's Me, Mario!
106809nes on Scratch 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Rainbow 🌈
106809nes on Scratch 님이 like 하셨습니다!
It's Me, Mario!
처음으로 코멘트가 추가되었습니다!
A little thing I'm working on.
106809nes on Scratch 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!
A little thing I'm working on.
A little thing I'm working on.
106809nes on Scratch 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Blaze but...VOCALOID!? (Side profile)
처음으로 like가 추가되었습니다!
106809nes was not the Impostor.
처음으로 like가 추가되었습니다!
처음으로 코멘트가 추가되었습니다!
106809nes on Scratch 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!
106809nes on Scratch 님이 like 하셨습니다!
I need help!
my home is getting sold by my mean relatives, by the end of this year my home will be gone
I am doing a fundraising in Ko-Fe I need $20000
I don't want to see my family go in a died end
please share this I really need help
I cant lose my home
spread the news!
I will tell you why
in my mothers side almost all the relatives are not so nice I find them very selfish
my grand-aunts and grand-uncles didn't even take care of my great grand father
now they want the house that was told by their father and mother to never let go of the house
so please help!
I am not ready to let go!
and no one will stop me I will do my best to save my home
I will not give up hope
please help save my home
it is part of history
here is my Ko-fi account
106809nes was not the Impostor.
106809nes on Scratch 님이 like 하셨습니다!
106809nes on Scratch 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!