Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I am writing a light novel. In it, hunters called Sentoshi hunt monsters called Chibutsa. These are some of my recent drawings of the Chibutsa.

First up is the slime,
The slime is, like usual, a really weak monster. It has no way of arcing and is created when water mixes with enough magical force.

Next is the false mushroom,
The false mushroom is about the size of your hand. It lives in patches of mushroom which are found in heavily wooded areas. When cornered, it will release a poisonous gas.

A Cyclopes is a human that was born with too much magic power. The magic power causes mutations and that’s why they only have one eye. They are often chased out of town and are left to die in forests.

Lastly, we have the four-armed duck. It is a scavenger and will eat whatever it comes across. Whether it be corpses, slimes, plants, bugs, etc.

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